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Human Learning: From Learning Curves to Learning Organizations (International Federation for Information Processing) Ezey M. Dar-El
Learning plays a fundamental role in the production planning and growth of all organizations. With the need for more rapid changes in the global economy, the management of organizational change is a key factor in sustaining competitiveness in today's economy. This book has been developed with these `learning needs' in mind. Human Learning:From Learning Curves to Learning Organizations covers a broad range of learning models and related topics beginning with learning curves to recent research on learning organizations. The book's focus is to enable researchers and practitioners to forecast any organization's `learning needs' using the prediction aspects of an array of learning models. The book includes research and application discussions on topics such as accounting for previous experience; the `learning-forgetting-relearning' phenomenon; parameter estimation with no previous experience; DeJong's incompressibility model; predictive learning models requiring only two learning......
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Quick Skills: Customer Service: Learner Guide Career Solutions Training Group
This book enhances the reader's opportunity for career success by targeting fundamental skills.Customer Service will provide foundations for effectively working with others. Covering areas such as forming good relationships, soothing unhappy customers and using the telephone as a customer service tool, this is the perfect reference for the experienced professional, those re-entering the workforce and those beginning their careers....
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Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics Volume 2 Edwin S. Mills
Hardbound. This second volume of the Handbook presents professional surveys of all the important topics in urban economics. The first section contains 6 surveys on locational analysis, the second, 5 surveys of specific urban markets, and the third part presents 5 surveys of government policy issues. The book brings together exhaustive research by distinguished scholars from many countries. It is the only complete survey volume of urban economics and should serve as a reference volume to scholars and graduate students for many years....
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Artificial Life VII: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Life (Complex Adaptive Systems) Mark Bedau, John S. McCaskill, Norman H. Packard, Steen Rasmussen, John McCaskill, Norman Packard
The term "artificial life" describes research into synthetic systems that possess some of the essential properties of life. This truly interdisciplinary field includes biologists, computer scientists, physicists, chemists, geneticists, and others. Artificial life may be viewed as an attempt to understand high-level behavior from low-level rules--for example, how the simple interactions between ants and their environment lead to complex trail-following behavior. An understanding of such relationships in particular systems can suggest novel solutions to complex real-world problems such as disease prevention, stock-market prediction, and data mining on the Internet. Since their inception in 1987, the Artificial Life meetings have grown from small workshops to truly international conferences, reflecting the field's increasing appeal to researchers in all areas of science....
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Diseno Web / Dreamweaver Luis Masanti
Libro digital en CD Rom, 340 paginas, 400 ilustraciones, 60 minutos de video. Actualizaciones gratuitas por dos anos (Dreamweaver MX incluido en las actualizaciones gratuitas) . Mac/ Windows. El libro digital mas completo que le ensenara todos los secretos para el diseno y la creacion de sitios WEB, utilizando los softwares profesionales de Macromedia. El curso esta compuesto por 16 clases, acompanadas de mas de 400 imagenes a todo color y 1 hora de video. El video le permitira observar en la pantalla de su computadora los comandos y procedimientos para la construccion de un sitio WEB. El explosivo crecimiento de Internet abre para los profesionales del diseno una problematica distinta y apasionante que exige leyes propias y distintivas a todas las vigentes actualmente. Existe en la actualidad una gran carencia de informacion sobre herramientas profesionales que comiencen a dar respuestas serias y......
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На главную
Human Learning: From Learning Curves to Learning Organizations (International Federation for Information Processing). Ezey M. Dar-El . Книги.
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