Испанская поэзия

  Испанская поэзия  Художественная литература.   Библиотека литературы Возрождения.   Издание 1990 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. В сборник включены произведения испанских поэтов XVI в. и первой половины XVII века (Мигель де Сервантес, Луис де Гонгора и др.).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Художественная литература. Библиотека литературы Возрождения. Издание 1990 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. В сборник включены произведения испанских поэтов XVI в. и первой половины XVII века (Мигель де Сервантес, Луис де Гонгора и др.)....

Шиншиллы. Содержание и уход

А. Козлов

  Шиншиллы. Содержание и уход  А. Козлов  Аквариум Бук.   Домашние животные.   Шиншилл разводят в неволе уже около 80 лет, а спрос на самих животных и на их мех во всем мире по-прежнему очень высок. Совсем недавно и в России отдельные энтузиасты начали осваивать эту отрасль звероводства - появляются первые любительские питомники и небольшие фермы. Завести ли шиншилл просто для души или серьезно заняться их разведением - каждый решает сам. Но в любом случае удовольствие от общения с этими симпатичными зверьками вам будет гарантированно.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аквариум Бук. Домашние животные. Шиншилл разводят в неволе уже около 80 лет, а спрос на самих животных и на их мех во всем мире по-прежнему очень высок. Совсем недавно и в России отдельные энтузиасты начали осваивать эту отрасль звероводства - появляются первые любительские питомники и небольшие фермы. Завести ли шиншилл просто для души или серьезно заняться их разведением - каждый решает сам. Но в любом случае удовольствие от общения с этими симпатичными зверьками вам будет гарантированно....

The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy (World Bank Policy Research Reports)

Oxford University Press, World Bank Group

  The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy (World Bank Policy Research Reports)  Oxford University Press, World Bank Group  The extraordinary growth enjoyed over the last several decades by many East Asian countries has amounted to nothing less than an economic miracle. Employing unorthodox policies, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand have all produced dramatic results with far-reaching improvements in human welfare and income distribution, leading many to ask whether a similar achievement can be duplicated elsewhere. Written for the nonspecialist, this World BankPolicy Research Report--the first in an important new series--discusses in detail the means by which these high-performing Asian economies (HPAEs) realized their staggering success between 1965 and 1990. Examining how these countries stabilized their economies with sound development programs that led to fast growth, the book also shows how they shared the new prosperity by making income distribution more equitable. The book makes clear how the HPAEs promoted rapid capital...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The extraordinary growth enjoyed over the last several decades by many East Asian countries has amounted to nothing less than an economic miracle. Employing unorthodox policies, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand have all produced dramatic results with far-reaching improvements in human welfare and income distribution, leading many to ask whether a similar achievement can be duplicated elsewhere. Written for the nonspecialist, this World BankPolicy Research Report--the first in an important new series--discusses in detail the means by which these high-performing Asian economies (HPAEs) realized their staggering success between 1965 and 1990. Examining how these countries stabilized their economies with sound development programs that led to fast growth, the book also shows how they shared the new prosperity by making income distribution more equitable. The book makes clear how the HPAEs promoted rapid capital......

The Matching Law: Papers in Psychology and Economics

Richard J. Herrnstein, Howard Rachlin, David I. Laibson

  The Matching Law: Papers in Psychology and Economics  Richard J. Herrnstein, Howard Rachlin, David I. Laibson  This collection of Richard Herrnstein's most important and original contributions to the social and behavioral sciences -- his papers on choice behavior in animals and humans and on his discovery and elucidation of a general principle of choice called the matching law.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This collection of Richard Herrnstein's most important and original contributions to the social and behavioral sciences -- his papers on choice behavior in animals and humans and on his discovery and elucidation of a general principle of choice called the matching law....

The Structure of Applied General Equilibrium Models

Victor Ginsburgh, Michiel Keyzer

  The Structure of Applied General Equilibrium Models  Victor Ginsburgh, Michiel Keyzer  The MIT Press.   General equilibrium and AGE modeling are both active fields of research. Yet the applied model builder often finds the style of theoretical papers inaccessible, while the theoretician hardly recognizes the concepts used in the equations of applied models. The Structure of Applied General Equilibrium Models bridges that gap through a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical underpinnings of the applied models. The book opens with an overview of the competitive model, and a review of the standard theory of producer and consumer behavior. It then defines the basic formats used in the following chapters to represent and analyze models. It discusses the main steps used to construct a numerical application and gives a full GAMS application for the simplest model. A disk with GAMS programs is available for use with the book. The remaining nine chapters present specific models. Topics include international trade, tariffs and quotas, price rigidities, finite-horizon...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The MIT Press. General equilibrium and AGE modeling are both active fields of research. Yet the applied model builder often finds the style of theoretical papers inaccessible, while the theoretician hardly recognizes the concepts used in the equations of applied models. The Structure of Applied General Equilibrium Models bridges that gap through a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical underpinnings of the applied models. The book opens with an overview of the competitive model, and a review of the standard theory of producer and consumer behavior. It then defines the basic formats used in the following chapters to represent and analyze models. It discusses the main steps used to construct a numerical application and gives a full GAMS application for the simplest model. A disk with GAMS programs is available for use with the book. The remaining nine chapters present specific models. Topics include international trade, tariffs and quotas, price rigidities, finite-horizon......

<<<  Иудейские древности. Том 2. Иосиф Флавий             Design for Six Sigma for Service (Six SIGMA Operational ... >>>

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Испанская поэзия. . Книги.

Железнодорожный, Архангельск, Новочеркасск, Шахты, Владимир, Стерлитамак, Рыбинск, Новосибирск, Новый Уренгой, Тобольск, Новосибирск, Рязань, Нефтекамск, Глазов, Кисловодск, Химки,
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