Into the Networked Age: How IBM and Other Firms Are Getting There Now

James W. Cortada, Thomas S. Hargraves, Edward Wakin, IBM Team of Consultants

  Into the Networked Age: How IBM and Other Firms Are Getting There Now  James W. Cortada, Thomas S. Hargraves, Edward Wakin, IBM Team of Consultants  In this dynamic book, based on the most effective strategies of IBM and other market leaders, managers will learn to successfully transform their organizations into a business prepared to compete in a networked age. Mainframes, client servers, PCs, networks, e-business, the Internet, databases, technical management--indeed, in the brave new business world facing today's firms only one thing is certain: change. And when looking for a model for corporate change, one should look no further than IBM. In this decade, IBM has gone from a company with less than $60 billion in unprofitable revenue to a highly profitable $85 billion-plus enterprise. In a company whose major source of revenue was once hardware, services now account for more than a third of its revenue. IBM Global Services, only seven years old and $25 billion strong, draws most of its revenue from helping businesses to do successfully what IBM has done: transform themselves. In five down-to-earth sections, the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this dynamic book, based on the most effective strategies of IBM and other market leaders, managers will learn to successfully transform their organizations into a business prepared to compete in a networked age. Mainframes, client servers, PCs, networks, e-business, the Internet, databases, technical management--indeed, in the brave new business world facing today's firms only one thing is certain: change. And when looking for a model for corporate change, one should look no further than IBM. In this decade, IBM has gone from a company with less than $60 billion in unprofitable revenue to a highly profitable $85 billion-plus enterprise. In a company whose major source of revenue was once hardware, services now account for more than a third of its revenue. IBM Global Services, only seven years old and $25 billion strong, draws most of its revenue from helping businesses to do successfully what IBM has done: transform themselves. In five down-to-earth sections, the......

The Ethical Dimensions of School Leadership

Paul T. Begley

  The Ethical Dimensions of School Leadership  Paul T. Begley  This book about valuation processes in educational administration has a particular focus on the notions community and professionalism. The topic is addressed comprehensively bringing together in one volume the work of some of the best-known and most respected philosophers, theorists and researchers working in this field. The work of several promising young academics is also featured. Values have traditionally been considered an important influence on administrative practices. Chester Barnard's seminal work, This book about valuation processes in educational administration has a particular focus on the notions community and professionalism. The topic is addressed comprehensively bringing together in one volume the work of some of the best-known and most respected philosophers, theorists and researchers working in this field. The work of several promising young academics is also featured. Values have traditionally been considered an important influence on administrative practices. Chester Barnard's seminal work, "The Functions of the Executive", proposes a definition of leadership, dating back to 1938, that highlights the moral dimension of leadership as essential to administration. More recent works by Herbert Simon, Christopher Hodgkinson, Thomas Greenfield, Don Willower, Jerry Starratt and Paul Begley have reinforced the relevance of values as influences on administration and promoted active international debate on the subject. This book will be of special interest to university......

College Cash: How to Earn and Learn as a Student Entrepreneur

Van Hutchinson

  College Cash: How to Earn and Learn as a Student Entrepreneur  Van Hutchinson  Entrepreneurship on campus, virtually unheard of five years ago, is fast becoming a megatrend. There are nearly a million people collegeage or younger who now run their own businesses. Van R. Hutchinson, the author of this highly entertaining, readable guide to starting and managing a profitable business during college, is an authority on the subject. His enterprises have run the gamut from lemonade sales at age six to founding schools in Third World countries to writing his first book, Excelling: High School Superstars and How to Become One, originally a high school project. College Cash offers detailed discussions of a wide variety of student-operated businesses, explaining how they are organized and run effectively. It introduces each chapter with success stories such as that of Dan Bienenfeld of the University of California, whose calendar business topped one million dollars in sales last year. Hutchinson's infectious enthusiasm for the rewards of individual initiative will...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Entrepreneurship on campus, virtually unheard of five years ago, is fast becoming a megatrend. There are nearly a million people collegeage or younger who now run their own businesses. Van R. Hutchinson, the author of this highly entertaining, readable guide to starting and managing a profitable business during college, is an authority on the subject. His enterprises have run the gamut from lemonade sales at age six to founding schools in Third World countries to writing his first book, Excelling: High School Superstars and How to Become One, originally a high school project. College Cash offers detailed discussions of a wide variety of student-operated businesses, explaining how they are organized and run effectively. It introduces each chapter with success stories such as that of Dan Bienenfeld of the University of California, whose calendar business topped one million dollars in sales last year. Hutchinson's infectious enthusiasm for the rewards of individual initiative will......

The War for Talent

Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, Beth Axelrod

  The War for Talent  Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, Beth Axelrod  Harvard Business School Press.   In 1997, a groundbreaking McKinsey study exposed the Harvard Business School Press. In 1997, a groundbreaking McKinsey study exposed the "war for talent" as a strategic business challenge and a critical driver of corporate performance. Then, when the dot-com bubble burst and the economy cooled, many assumed the war for talent was over. It's not. Now the authors of the original study reveal that, because of enduring economic and social forces, the war for talent will persist for the next two decades. McKinsey & Company consultants Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, and Beth Axelrod argue that winning the war for leadership talent is about much more than frenzied recruiting tactics. It's about the timeless principles of attracting, developing, and retaining highly talented managers-applied in bold new ways. And it's aboutrecognizing the strategic importance of human capital because of the enormous value that better talent creates. Fortified by five years of in-depth research on how companies manage leadership talent-including surveys of 13,000......

The Myth of the Paperless Office

Abigail J. Sellen, Richard H. R. Harper

  The Myth of the Paperless Office  Abigail J. Sellen, Richard H. R. Harper  Over the past thirty years, many people have proclaimed the imminent arrival of the paperless office. Yet even the World Wide Web, which allows almost any computer to read and display another computers documents, has increased the amount of printing done. The use of e-mail in an organization causes an average 40 percent increase in paper consumption. In The Myth of the Paperless Office , Abigail Sellen and Richard Harper use the study of paper as a way to understand the work that people do and the reasons they do it the way they do. Using the tools of ethnography and cognitive psychology, they look at paper use from the level of the individual up to that of organizational culture. Central to Sellen and Harpers investigation is the concept of Over the past thirty years, many people have proclaimed the imminent arrival of the paperless office. Yet even the World Wide Web, which allows almost any computer to read and display another computers documents, has increased the amount of printing done. The use of e-mail in an organization causes an average 40 percent increase in paper consumption. In The Myth of the Paperless Office , Abigail Sellen and Richard Harper use the study of paper as a way to understand the work that people do and the reasons they do it the way they do. Using the tools of ethnography and cognitive psychology, they look at paper use from the level of the individual up to that of organizational culture. Central to Sellen and Harpers investigation is the concept of "affordances"--the activities that an object allows, or affords. The physical properties of paper (its being thin, light, porous, opaque, and flexible) afford the human actions of grasping, carrying, folding, writing, and so on.......

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Into the Networked Age: How IBM and Other Firms Are Getting There Now. James W. Cortada, Thomas S. Hargraves, Edward Wakin, IBM Team of Consultants . Книги.

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