Речи о религии. Монологи

Фридрих Шлейермахер

  Речи о религии. Монологи  Фридрих Шлейермахер  ИСА, REFL - book.   Речи о религии. Монологи.   >Первый и пока единственный перевод ИСА, REFL - book. Речи о религии. Монологи. >Первый и пока единственный перевод "Речей о религии" и "Монологов" явился результатом "встречи" двух мастеров мысли: русского философа Семена Франка и Фридриха Шлейермахера, славного переводчика Платона, знаменитейшего теолога. Тщательно и смело воссозданный стиль Шлейермахеровых книг, их страстная и головокружительно-изощренная риторика, вовлекают сознание и язык читателя в напряженный диалог с мышлением и личностью их создателя европейского универсально-исторического сознания - и через Дильтея, Гуссерля и Хайдеггера - в конечном счете философской герменевтики и современного субъективизма....

The History and Magic of Honeycomb

Jeannette Lasansky, Virginia Gunn, Oral Traditions Project

  The History and Magic of Honeycomb  Jeannette Lasansky, Virginia Gunn, Oral Traditions Project  HONEYCOMB The History and Magic of Honeycomb explores the application and use of honeycomb structure and design in such disparate fields as aerospace, clothing, glassware, housing construction, packaging, paper party goods, and textiles. Authors Jeannette Lasansky and Virginia Gunn trace the evolution of paper honeycomb from folk traditions in China and Japan to pop culture commercial goods marketed by American, Austrian, Danish, German, and Japanese firms; from a hand craft to a mechanized and patentedprocess; from paper traditions that span centuries to current cutting-edge technologies in thermoplastics and metals. Hallmark Cards of Kansas City, Missouri, and the Beistle Company of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, were among the leaders in the development and production of paper honeycomb. In paper goods in particular, honeycomb has transformed the ordinary into the magical. Meshed-tissue honeycomb garlands, centerpieces, and cards have been embraced by the American public since the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин HONEYCOMB The History and Magic of Honeycomb explores the application and use of honeycomb structure and design in such disparate fields as aerospace, clothing, glassware, housing construction, packaging, paper party goods, and textiles. Authors Jeannette Lasansky and Virginia Gunn trace the evolution of paper honeycomb from folk traditions in China and Japan to pop culture commercial goods marketed by American, Austrian, Danish, German, and Japanese firms; from a hand craft to a mechanized and patentedprocess; from paper traditions that span centuries to current cutting-edge technologies in thermoplastics and metals. Hallmark Cards of Kansas City, Missouri, and the Beistle Company of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, were among the leaders in the development and production of paper honeycomb. In paper goods in particular, honeycomb has transformed the ordinary into the magical. Meshed-tissue honeycomb garlands, centerpieces, and cards have been embraced by the American public since the......

Chinese Coal Industry - An Economic History

Elspeth Thomson

  Chinese Coal Industry - An Economic History  Elspeth Thomson  The coal industry has been and continues to be of critical importance for China's economic modernization. With its huge labour force, country-wide infrastructure, and vital strategic importance for the economy, the industry presents special problems for reformers, and epitomises the problems of reform in the state industrial sector as a whole. This book examines the changes in the structure and operation of the Chinese coal industry from the mid-19th century to the present, concentrating on the years of reform. Although the focus is on the economics of the industry, the book also provides many insights into China's socio-political development.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The coal industry has been and continues to be of critical importance for China's economic modernization. With its huge labour force, country-wide infrastructure, and vital strategic importance for the economy, the industry presents special problems for reformers, and epitomises the problems of reform in the state industrial sector as a whole. This book examines the changes in the structure and operation of the Chinese coal industry from the mid-19th century to the present, concentrating on the years of reform. Although the focus is on the economics of the industry, the book also provides many insights into China's socio-political development....

Building America: The Democratic Promise of Public Work

Harry C. Boyte, Nancy N. Kari

  Building America: The Democratic Promise of Public Work  Harry C. Boyte, Nancy N. Kari  From low income communities to colleges, high-tech newspapers to government agencies and schools, Harry C. Boyte and Nancy N. Kari look to the revival of public-spirited work as a key to the rebirth of democracy in our time.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From low income communities to colleges, high-tech newspapers to government agencies and schools, Harry C. Boyte and Nancy N. Kari look to the revival of public-spirited work as a key to the rebirth of democracy in our time....

Belarus (World Country Study Guide Library)

International Business Publications USA

  Belarus (World Country Study Guide Library)  International Business Publications USA  Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers......

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Речи о религии. Монологи. Фридрих Шлейермахер . Книги.

Салават, Прокопьевск, Пенза, Элиста, Волгодонск, Армавир, Муром, Вологда, Саранск, Мурманск, Тула, Люберцы, Тверь, Калуга, Ногинск,
Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Музыка к фильмам, спектаклям| Путешествия. Туризм| Спектакли и театральные постановки| Древний мир (до XV века)| Испанский, португальский| Музыкальные инструменты| История| Черный юмор| Стратегии (Strategy)| Сказки| Познавательная литература| Наборы фокусов| Музыка и зрелищные искусства| Теория и методика воспитани| Средние века| Зарубежная фэнтези| Криминальные фильмы| Черный юмор| Предпринимательство| Страшилки и ужастики| Экология| Криминальные комедии| Управленческие решения| Музыка на DVD| Квесты (Quest)| Экранизации современной прозы| Коммерческое и акционерное право| Альманахи, журналы, сборники| Кинематография зарубежных стран| Вторая мировая война| Электросвязь, электроакустика, радиосвязь| Криминальные комедии| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Спортивные| Химические науки| Итальянский| Красота и здоровье. Видеоуроки| Зарубежная фэнтези| Музыка и зрелищные искусства| Международное право|
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