Окно в природу. Книга 3

Василий Песков

  Окно в природу. Книга 3  Василий Песков  Терра-Книжный клуб.   Василий Песков рассказывает.   Терра-Книжный клуб. Василий Песков рассказывает. "Окно в природу" - это книги о большом путешествии в мир животных, рассказ об их поведении и образе жизни. Обо всем написано интересно и убедительно, в полном соответствии с научными знаниями. Третья книга включает разделы, посвященные диким и домашним животным, живущим в различных регионах нашей планеты. Особое внимание уделено природе средней полосы России. Есть также раздел, в котором собрано все самое интересное из писем, адресованных автору....

Абель в глухом лесу

Арон Тамаши

  Абель в глухом лесу  Арон Тамаши  Радуга.   Мастера современной прозы.   Арон Тамаши - один из ярких и самобытных прозаиков, лауреат государственных и литературных премий ВНР. Роман Радуга. Мастера современной прозы. Арон Тамаши - один из ярких и самобытных прозаиков, лауреат государственных и литературных премий ВНР. Роман "Абель в глухом лесу", действие которого происходит в буржуазной Венгрии, - подлинная поэма в прозе, воспевающая мужество и жизнелюбие народа. Его герой-бедный крестьянский мальчик, отданный отцом на работу в глухое лесничество, умом и сметкой преодолевает невзгоды, в самих трудностях жизни обретает душевную стойкость и жизнеутверждающий юмор; он добр и отзывчив к чужим бедам. Рассказы, весьма разнообразные по стилистической манере и тематике, отражают 40-летний период творчества писателя....

Sean Connery

Rome International Festival of Cinema

  Sean Connery  Rome International Festival of Cinema  Having begun his life in the dirty industrial tenements of Fountainbridge, Sean Connery fought his way onto the big screen, capturing the imaginations of millions as James Bond, Agent 007. He then proceeded to forge a career that made him both an Oscar-winner and a knight of the realm. From his first television appearances in the 1950s to his most recent projects, the scottish-born Connery has made more than 80 films, including the unforgettable Bond films, Having begun his life in the dirty industrial tenements of Fountainbridge, Sean Connery fought his way onto the big screen, capturing the imaginations of millions as James Bond, Agent 007. He then proceeded to forge a career that made him both an Oscar-winner and a knight of the realm. From his first television appearances in the 1950s to his most recent projects, the scottish-born Connery has made more than 80 films, including the unforgettable Bond films, "Indiana Jones" and the "Last Crusade" (1989), "The Name of the Rose" (1986), "The Rock" (1996), "Marnie" (1964), as well as films which he directed himself such as "Medicine Man" (1992) and "Finding Forrester" (2000)....

Market Leader: Advanced Test File

Christine Johnson

  Market Leader: Advanced Test File  Christine Johnson  Longman.   From the world's most informed business sources... a new language course for tomorrow's business leaders. Following on from Longman. From the world's most informed business sources... a new language course for tomorrow's business leaders. Following on from "Market Leader Upper Intermediate, Market Leader Advanced" is part of a distinctive, five-level business English course. Drawing on the extensive media assets of the "Financial Times" and other sources, the course offers a highly authoritative and flexible range of materials for business English learners worldwide. Essential business content and skills: Critical business issues of our time: topics include training, public/private partnerships, consultants, strategy and project management. Case studies in each Course Book unit for real practice of key business skills Choice and Flexibility. The wide range of components support teachers and offer choice and flexibility. The "Test File" provides 5 photocopiable tests - an entry test, 3 progress tests, and an exit test. It includes sections which follow the format......

The Talismans of Shannara

Terry Brooks

  The Talismans of Shannara  Terry Brooks  Orbit.   The descendants of the Elven house of Shannara have all completed their quests: Paranor, the Druid's Keep, has been restored; the Elves have been returned to the Four Lands; and Par Ohmsford has found what he believes to be the legendary Sword of Shannara. But their work is not yet done. The Shadowen still swarm over the Four Lands, poisoning all with their dark magic, and their leader is determined to prevent the scions of Shannara from sharing the knowledge that will end the sickness. To this end he sets his traps. For Walker, he will dispatch the Four Horsemen; for Wren, he sends an untrue friend; and for Par, he devises the most terrible fate of all... The charges given by the shade of the Druid Allanon seem doomed to failure - unless the Shannara children can escape the traps being laid for them, and Par can unlock the secret of the Sword of Shannara. Формат издания: 12,5 см х 20 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Orbit. The descendants of the Elven house of Shannara have all completed their quests: Paranor, the Druid's Keep, has been restored; the Elves have been returned to the Four Lands; and Par Ohmsford has found what he believes to be the legendary Sword of Shannara. But their work is not yet done. The Shadowen still swarm over the Four Lands, poisoning all with their dark magic, and their leader is determined to prevent the scions of Shannara from sharing the knowledge that will end the sickness. To this end he sets his traps. For Walker, he will dispatch the Four Horsemen; for Wren, he sends an untrue friend; and for Par, he devises the most terrible fate of all... The charges given by the shade of the Druid Allanon seem doomed to failure - unless the Shannara children can escape the traps being laid for them, and Par can unlock the secret of the Sword of Shannara. Формат издания: 12,5 см х 20 см....

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Окно в природу. Книга 3. Василий Песков . Книги.

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