Wider Than the Sky: Essays and Meditations on the Healing Power of Emily Dickinson

  Wider Than the Sky: Essays and Meditations on the Healing Power of Emily Dickinson  Kent State University Press.   Emily Dickinson is known as a poet who presses at the limits of perception and expresses in brilliantly compact, memorable language extremes of both anguish and ecstasy. Her frequent attention to pain and death, like her reclusive tendencies, has led many to dismiss her as Kent State University Press. Emily Dickinson is known as a poet who presses at the limits of perception and expresses in brilliantly compact, memorable language extremes of both anguish and ecstasy. Her frequent attention to pain and death, like her reclusive tendencies, has led many to dismiss her as "morbid." Biographers and critics, however, have shown how she used her writing and her own acquaintance with pain to reach out consolingly to sufferers. In a widely varied collection of personal reminiscences, tributes, and scholarly essays, editors Cindy MacKenzie and Barbara Dana offer richly revealing perspectives on how the exquisite language in the poems and letters of Emily Dickinson helps readers cope with suffering. The essays featured in "Wider than the Sky" range from fresh scholarly analyses to highly personal essays and meditations, each offering thoughts on the emotional, spiritual, and physical healing power gained from reading Dickinson. MacKenzie and Dana invite readers to reflect on how we respond......

The Hospitallers, the Mediterranean and Europe

Nikolas Jaspert, Helen Nicholson

  The Hospitallers, the Mediterranean and Europe  Nikolas Jaspert, Helen Nicholson  Ashgate.   Modern study of the Hospitallers, of other military-religious orders, and of their activities both in the Mediterranean and in Europe has been deeply influenced by the work of Anthony Luttrell. To mark his 75th birthday in October 2007, twenty-three colleagues from ten different countries have contributed to this volume. The first section focuses on the crusading period in the Holy Land, considering the Hospital in Jerusalem, relations with the Assassins, finances, indulgences, transportation and the careers of the brothers and knights. The second and third sections move to the later Middle Ages, when the Hospitallers had their centre on Rhodes, and military and charitable activities in the East had to be supported with men and money from the West. The papers in the second section consider the Hospitallers on Rhodes, relations between Rhodes and the West and plans for crusades, while the third section includes papers on the Hospitallers in the Iberian Peninsula and in Hungary, the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ashgate. Modern study of the Hospitallers, of other military-religious orders, and of their activities both in the Mediterranean and in Europe has been deeply influenced by the work of Anthony Luttrell. To mark his 75th birthday in October 2007, twenty-three colleagues from ten different countries have contributed to this volume. The first section focuses on the crusading period in the Holy Land, considering the Hospital in Jerusalem, relations with the Assassins, finances, indulgences, transportation and the careers of the brothers and knights. The second and third sections move to the later Middle Ages, when the Hospitallers had their centre on Rhodes, and military and charitable activities in the East had to be supported with men and money from the West. The papers in the second section consider the Hospitallers on Rhodes, relations between Rhodes and the West and plans for crusades, while the third section includes papers on the Hospitallers in the Iberian Peninsula and in Hungary, the......

Fantasy Soccer and Mathematics: Student Workbook

Dan Flockhart

  Fantasy Soccer and Mathematics: Student Workbook  Dan Flockhart  Jossey-Bass.   Jossey-Bass. "Flockhart's books make math fun again. Teachers, students, and parents will love this program." --Jeffrey R. Thomas, founder and CEO, SportsBuff.com;president, Fantasy Sports Trade Association This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with Fantasy Soccer and Mathematics: A Resource Guide for Teachers and Parents. The games and activities in Fantasy Soccer and Mathematics were created to get you excited about learning and practicing math, even if you are not a big sports fan. Here's how it works. You will create a Fantasy Soccer team by picking real-life players, following your players' statistics, and calculating your teams' total points using one of the equations your teacher provides. In addition to the basic Fantasy Soccer game, your workbook contains worksheets for extra practice on 46 different math concepts. So join the winning math team with Fantasy Soccer and Mathematics! Also available in the Fantasy Sports and Mathematics series: Fantasy Basketball......

Щелкунчик и мышиный король

Эрнст Теодор Амадей Гофман

  Щелкунчик и мышиный король  Эрнст Теодор Амадей Гофман  Азбука-классика.   Азбука-классика (pocket-book).   Щелкунчик и мышиный король, Принцесса Брамбилла, Комментарии.   В авторский сборник великого немецкого писателя Эрнста Теодора Амадея Гофмана включены сказочные повести Азбука-классика. Азбука-классика (pocket-book). Щелкунчик и мышиный король, Принцесса Брамбилла, Комментарии. В авторский сборник великого немецкого писателя Эрнста Теодора Амадея Гофмана включены сказочные повести "Щелкунчик и мышиный король" и "Принцесса Брамбилла", которые объединены темой рождественских праздников и единодушно признаны критикой и читателями шедеврами творчества автора. На страницах гофмановских сказок встречаются детский домашний театр и игровая стихия римского карнавала, переворачивающая с ног на голову привычные отношения между людьми. За прихотливой чередой чудесных событий и фантастических персонажей обеих повестей незримо - а порой и явно - присутствует Автор, артистично и самозабвенно "играющий в литературу" и создающий виртуозные "отражения" Жизни и Искусства....

Золушка до и после (аудиокнига MP3)

Леонид Филатов

  Золушка до и после (аудиокнига MP3)  Леонид Филатов  Аудиокнига.   Театр Леонида Филатова.   Театр Леонида Филатова представляет! Эта пьеса Леонида Филатова похожа и не похожа на те, что уже знакомы читателю. Такая же веселая и смешная, она создана по мотивам знаменитой детской сказки Шарля Перро, но при этом удивительно злободневна. Неслучайно Леонид Филатов так и называет эту жестокую сказку - Аудиокнига. Театр Леонида Филатова. Театр Леонида Филатова представляет! Эта пьеса Леонида Филатова похожа и не похожа на те, что уже знакомы читателю. Такая же веселая и смешная, она создана по мотивам знаменитой детской сказки Шарля Перро, но при этом удивительно злободневна. Неслучайно Леонид Филатов так и называет эту жестокую сказку - "вечный сюжет на злобу дня". И еще она парадоксальна. Ведь Золушка уже не кроткий ангел, а злобная фурия, всеми силами рвущаяся к власти......

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Wider Than the Sky: Essays and Meditations on the Healing Power of Emily Dickinson. . Книги.

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