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Performance Evaluation: Origins and Directions (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) Gunter Haring, C. Lindemann, M. Reiser, G. Goos, J. Hartmanis, J. Van Leeuwen
This monograph-like state-of-the-art survey presents the history, the key ideas, the success stories, and future challenges of performance evaluation and demonstrates the impact of performance evaluation on a variety of different areas through case studies in a coherent and comprehensive way. Leading researchers in the field have contributed 19 cross-reviewed topical chapters competently covering the whole range of performance evaluation, from theoretical and methodological issues to applications in numerous other fields. Additionally, the book contains one contribution on the role of performance evaluation in industry and personal accounts of four pioneering researchers describing the genesis of breakthrough results. The book will become a valuable source of reference and indispensable reading for anybody active or interested in performance evaluation....
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Discrete Event Systems: Analysis and Control (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 569) R. Boel, G. Stremersch, Belgium) Workshop on Discrete Event Systems 2000 Ghent
Discrete Event Systems: Analysis and Control is the proceedings of WODES2000 (the 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, held in Ghent, Belgium, on August 21-23, 2000). This book provides a survey of the current state of the art in the field of modeling, analysis and control synthesis of discrete event systems, lecture notes for a mini course on sensitivity analysis for performance evaluation of timed discrete event systems, and 48 carefully selected papers covering all areas of discrete event theory and the most important applications domains. Topics include automata theory and supervisory control (12); Petri net based models for discrete event systems, and their control synthesis (11); (max,+) and timed automata models (9); applications papers relatedto scheduling, failure detection, and implementation of supervisory controllers (7); formal description of PLCs (6); and finally, stochastic models of discrete event systems (3)....
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AppleWorks 5.0 Quick Source Reference Guide for Macintosh Quick Source
This 6 page, tri-fold full color guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who uses AppleWorks 5.0. It provides step- by- step instructions on how to utilize the various software programs. The word processor section explains how to type, select, cut, copy, paste, delete, format, and align text. The spreadsheet section shows how to: select cells; navigate between cells; enter, cut, copy, and paste data; insert rows and columns; sort; format text, and create charts. The database section teaches how to: define fields; use, delete, find, and sort records; create reports; and produce mailing labels. There are also sections on how to draw objects, use the paint feature, create slide shows, and much more! An excellent instructional tool for a user new to ApplwWorks5.0, it also serves as a handy reference tool for the more experienced user....
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Курс энциклопедии оккультизма читанный Г.О.М. в 1911-1912 академическом году в городе Санкт-Петербурге Г. О. М.
Энигма. Уникальное по полноте охвата пособие по практическим вопросам оккультизма. Изложение материала ориентировано на понимание и дается в западной традиции в связи с Арканами Таро. Энциклопедия представляет систематическое изложение Каббалы, без знания чего трудно понимать оккультную литературу нового времени и средневековья. Выгодно отличается от всех доступных читателю книг на эту тему полнотой и логической стройностью. Книга написана великолепным русским языком с легким налетом иронии, богата цветными иллюстрациями, поясняющими каббалистическую символику. Приведены Старшие Арканы специально разработанных для данного издания карт Таро....
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Андрей Миронов
Искусство. В книгу вошли воспоминания об Андрее Миронове педагогов, друзей и родных, а также аналитические статьи о ролях, сыгранных им в Театре сатиры: Присыпкин, Велосипедкин, Баян ("Клоп" и "Баян" Вл.Маяковского), Дон-Жуан ("Дон Жуан, или любовь к геометрии" М Фриша), Жадов ("Доходное место" А.Н.Островского) и другие, а также о ролях, сыгранных в кино; интервью, выступления на телевидении. Издание снабжено хроникой жизни артиста и библиографией работ, посвященных его деятельности....
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Performance Evaluation: Origins and Directions (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE). Gunter Haring, C. Lindemann, M. Reiser, G. Goos, J. Hartmanis, J. Van Leeuwen . Книги.
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