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New Dialectics and Political Economy (Political Science & International Relations) Robert Albritton, John Simoulidis
Many of the leading thinkers on dialectics in the Marxian tradition have collaborated here to put forward and debate challenging new perspectives on the nature and importance of dialectics. The issues dealt with range from the philosophical considerationof the precise nature of dialectical reasoning, to dialectics and economic theory, and to more concrete concerns such as how dialectics can help us think about globalization, freedom, inflation, and subjectivity....
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Way of Death: Merchant Capitalism and the Angolan Slave Trade 1730-1830 Joseph C. Miller
This acclaimed history of Portuguese and Brazilian slaving in the southern Atlantic is now available in paperback. With extraordinary skill, Joseph C. Miller explores the complex relationships among the separate economies of Africa, Europe, and the South Atlantic that collectively supported the slave trade. He places the grim history of the trade itself within the context of the rise of merchant capitalism in the eighteenth century. Throughout, Miller illuminates the experiences of the slaves themselves, reconstructing what can be known of their sufferings at the hands of their buyers and sellers. A landmark study in the history of the Atlantic slave trade. It will be an essential reference for anyone who writes on the trade, from whatever perspective, for years to come. . . . This book is full of rich data, especially concerning the passage from the interior to the coast, the role of Luso-Africans and Europeans in Angolan port cities, and conditions on the floating......
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Persuading on Paper Marcia Yudkin
Stumped when it comes to using words to pull in business? Marcia Yudkin's Persuading on Paper shows how any business owner or self-promoter can craft brochures, newsletters, sales letters and press releases that make the phone ring and the mailbox fill up with orders. From how to explain what you do in one compelling phrase to working effectively with designers and printers, this book takes you step by step through the process of creating marketing materials that sell like crazy. Make the most of any promotional budget by keeping this book around!...
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Emerging Telecommunications Networks: The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics (The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, V. 2) Gary Madden
This new three volume reference work provides a thorough and up-to-date survey and analysis of recent developments in the economics of telecommunications. The handbooks serve both as a source of reference and technical supplement for the field of telecommunications economics. Volume II is concerned with future developments that will arise in the digital era. The coverage includes: internet, electronic commerce, mobile voice and data transmission, point-to-point and multi-point communication, regulation, satellite services and universal service in the information age. The books are written at a level intended for professional use by economists, advanced undergraduate and graduate students. They will also prove useful to policy analysts, engineers and managers within the industry....
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The Performance Improvement Toolkit: The Guide to Knowledge Based Improvement Robert Gerst
The Performance Improvement Toolkit is a no nonesense guide to the tools, techniques and methods used to improve organizational and process performance. Packed with examples and step by step instructions, the Toolkit is an excellent resource for those engaged in quality management, six sigma and other improvement related initiatives....
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New Dialectics and Political Economy (Political Science & International Relations). Robert Albritton, John Simoulidis . Книги.
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