Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research (The Foundation Series in Business Marketing)

David A. Reid, Richard E., Ph.D. Plank, David A., Ph.D. Reid

  Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research (The Foundation Series in Business Marketing)  David A. Reid, Richard E., Ph.D. Plank, David A., Ph.D. Reid  Get a thorough review of vital research issues! Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research examines industrial/business research of the recent past, evaluates its current effectiveness, and offers suggestions for future use. This unique book includes and is based on Get a thorough review of vital research issues! Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research examines industrial/business research of the recent past, evaluates its current effectiveness, and offers suggestions for future use. This unique book includes and is based on "Business Marketing: A Twenty Year Review," a thorough study of industrial/business research conducted from 1978-1997 with critical commentary from a distinguished panel of business academics at leading universities and the response of the study?s authors. The combination of critiques, insights, and viewpoints will challenge you to think beyond the traditional role of B2B marketing into a future that?s anything but business as usual. Through an unusual format that gives you access to critical academic analysis, Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research presents a comprehensive review of vital research areas, including marketing to businesses/institutions/governments; buyer-seller relationships;......

Restaurant Planning, Design, and Construction : A Survival Manual for Owners, Operators, and Developers

Jeff B. Katz

  Restaurant Planning, Design, and Construction : A Survival Manual for Owners, Operators, and Developers  Jeff B. Katz  For people looking to plan, design and build a restaurant, this useful reference will provide step-by-step explanations throughout the entire process. For restaurant projects of any size or scale, learn the basics of preparing the business plan, choosingand managing the development team, design, and construction.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For people looking to plan, design and build a restaurant, this useful reference will provide step-by-step explanations throughout the entire process. For restaurant projects of any size or scale, learn the basics of preparing the business plan, choosingand managing the development team, design, and construction....

Technical Issues (Managing Multimedia: Project Management for Web and Convergent Media, Third Edition, Book 2)

Elaine England, Andy Finney

  Technical Issues (Managing Multimedia: Project Management for Web and Convergent Media, Third Edition, Book 2)  Elaine England, Andy Finney  Addison Wesley.   Are you an interactive media designer, producer or programmer struggling with the pressures of project management? If so, this new edition of Managing Multimedia will relieve the pressure, providing more practical advice and insider tips to help you deliver a high quality project on time and within budget. This updated and expanded third edition retains the strength of previous editions while adding new material relevant for the changing work environment. The book has been divided into two complementary volumes. This one focuses on the technical context and background of the various media involved in multimedia production and distribution, covering the Internet to Interactive TV. Aimed at the non-specialist, it provides an overview of all the techniques and technical processes in convergent media demonstrating the principle that managers of interactive media projects communicate and function more effectively when they understand the background technical issues involved.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Addison Wesley. Are you an interactive media designer, producer or programmer struggling with the pressures of project management? If so, this new edition of Managing Multimedia will relieve the pressure, providing more practical advice and insider tips to help you deliver a high quality project on time and within budget. This updated and expanded third edition retains the strength of previous editions while adding new material relevant for the changing work environment. The book has been divided into two complementary volumes. This one focuses on the technical context and background of the various media involved in multimedia production and distribution, covering the Internet to Interactive TV. Aimed at the non-specialist, it provides an overview of all the techniques and technical processes in convergent media demonstrating the principle that managers of interactive media projects communicate and function more effectively when they understand the background technical issues involved....

Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: Second International Conference, Dawak 2000, London, Uk, September 4-6, 2000 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1874)

Dawak 200, Mukesh Mohania, a Min Tjoa

  Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: Second International Conference, Dawak 2000, London, Uk, September 4-6, 2000 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1874)  Dawak 200, Mukesh Mohania, a Min Tjoa  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK'99, held in Florence, Italy in August/September 1999. The 31 revised full papers and nine short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 88 submissions. The book is divided in topical sections on data warehouse design; online analytical processing; view synthesis, selection, and optimization; multidimensional databases; knowledge discovery; association rules; inexing and object similarities; generalized association rules and data and web mining; time series data bases; data mining applications and data analysis.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK'99, held in Florence, Italy in August/September 1999. The 31 revised full papers and nine short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 88 submissions. The book is divided in topical sections on data warehouse design; online analytical processing; view synthesis, selection, and optimization; multidimensional databases; knowledge discovery; association rules; inexing and object similarities; generalized association rules and data and web mining; time series data bases; data mining applications and data analysis....

Scaling Oracle8i: Building Highly Scalable OLTP System Architectures

James Morle

  Scaling Oracle8i: Building Highly Scalable OLTP System Architectures  James Morle  As open systems continue to replace traditional mainframe systems, system scalability is becoming an increasingly important topic. Although far more flexible than mainframe systems, open systems applications tend to be less reliable and more difficult toscale. There is no cookbook approach to solving this challenge: A thorough understanding of the technologies involved is essential for designing scalable solutions that meet long-term business needs. Scaling Oracle8i(tm) offers valuable insights and techniques for designing reliable and scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) applications using Oracle. This book focuses on providing the in-depth information about Oracle and the underlying hardware required to build systems that scale effectively. You will find coverage of relevant hardware and I/O operation; benchmark and database monitoring systems; Oracle internals, operation, and implementation; and UNIX operating system issues that impact Oracle performance and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As open systems continue to replace traditional mainframe systems, system scalability is becoming an increasingly important topic. Although far more flexible than mainframe systems, open systems applications tend to be less reliable and more difficult toscale. There is no cookbook approach to solving this challenge: A thorough understanding of the technologies involved is essential for designing scalable solutions that meet long-term business needs. Scaling Oracle8i(tm) offers valuable insights and techniques for designing reliable and scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) applications using Oracle. This book focuses on providing the in-depth information about Oracle and the underlying hardware required to build systems that scale effectively. You will find coverage of relevant hardware and I/O operation; benchmark and database monitoring systems; Oracle internals, operation, and implementation; and UNIX operating system issues that impact Oracle performance and......

<<<  John Stuart Mill on Economic Theory and Method : Collected Essays III. Samuel ...             Французская классика со времен Рабле до ... >>>

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Fundamentals of Business Marketing Research (The Foundation Series in Business Marketing). David A. Reid, Richard E., Ph.D. Plank, David A., Ph.D. Reid . Книги.

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