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High Cholesterol: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References Icon Health Publications
In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....
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Inside Stuff: Mass Media Pros Reveal The Secrets Of Using Radio, TV & Newspapers For Public Relations, Free Advertising, Internet Marketing, Website Promotion, and Small Business Publicity George McKenzie
Four Hour Audio Cassette Program. Five journalists with more than 130 years of combined experience describe how to generate free publicity that will result in huge traffic increases, give you celebrity status with customers & prospects, dramatically shorten your sales cycle and leave envious competitors wondering how you do it as you get all the new customers -- and probably some of their old ones...
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The Finite Element Method Using MATLAB, Second Edition Young W. Kwon, Hyochoong Bang
Expanded to include a broader range of problems than the bestselling first edition, Finite Element Method Using MATLAB: Second Edition presents finite element approximation concepts, formulation, and programming in a format that effectively streamlines the learning process. It is written from a general engineering and mathematical perspective rather than that of a solid/structural mechanics basis.What's new in the Second Edition?Each chapter in the Second Edition now includes an overview that outlines the contents and purpose of each chapter. The author has also added a new chapter of special topics in applications, including cracks, semi-infinite and infinite domains, buckling, and thermal stress. He discusses three different linearization techniques to solve nonlinear differential equations. Also included are new sections on shell formulations and MATLAB programs. These enhancements increase the book's already significant value both as a self-study text and a reference for......
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Spss For Social Scientists Robert L. Miller, Ciaran Acton, Deirdre A. Fullerton, John Maltby
This student-friendly text offers a step-by-step introduction to the use of SPSS--easily the most widely used data analysis computer package in the social sciences. Supported by four datasets taken from the well-known British Social Attitudes Surveyon the topics crime, health, politics and poverty, it offers an eminently practical approach to its subject, while still setting its explanation of statistical procedures within the wider social research context....
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Честерфилд. Письма к сыну Честерфилд
Наука. Литературные памятники. Честерфилд. Письма к сыну. В истории английской литературы XVIII века особое место занимает Честерфилд - писатель, публицист, философ-моралист, историк. "Письма к сыну" для нас это не только исторический литературный памятник, но и своеобразный трактат о воспитании. "Письма" содержат советы о том, как вести себя в обществе, дают представление о хороших манерах, вкусе и умении нравиться окружающим....
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На главную
High Cholesterol: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References. Icon Health Publications . Книги.
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