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Fossil Fuel (Energy Essentials/Freestyle Express)
Nigel Saunders, Steven Chapman...
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Наш маленький грязный секрет Люся Лютикова
АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель, Харвест. Иронический детектив. Кто из женщин не мечтает о страстной любви? Не исключение и аппетитная блондинка Люся Лютикова. На первый взгляд, ее работа не располагает к нежным чувствам: Люся ведет в газете рубрику "Спасайся, кто может!", выводит на чистую воду жуликов всех мастей. Но иногда она сталкивается с более опасными противниками. Однажды Люся решает "поймать на живца" ловкого мошенника, обманувшего милую девушку, а в итоге ее клиентка оказывается подозреваемой в убийстве. Люся - ее единственный шанс вырваться на свободу. И почему этого не хочет понять строгий капитан милиции, красавец с внешностью молодого Шона Коннери, с первого взгляда покоривший сердце толстушки?.....
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The Big Book of Illustration Ideas (Big Book) Roger Walton
How do your find an illustrator to create a piece of work? At present, there are a number of methods: looking through myriad agents' promotional books; browsing annual competition collections; trying to find that pile of unsolicited illustrators' cards you just had on your desk the other day; searching the web -- for a few hours!; asking a colleague. All of these methods can work, but they're all time-consuming and haphazard. What if you need someone to draw some salad on a plate with a glass on wine next to it? You could go through the above processes, and -- after a while -- you'd probably find someone to draw or paint it in the style you wanted. Or you could pick up The Big Book of Illustration Ideas . Flip to the section marked "Food and Still Life" and find pages and pages of illustrators who can draw all manner of food in all manner of styles: pencil, crayon, watercolor, collage, and so on, and so on. A smorgasbord of illustration ideas! In fact, within these......
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Hungry Planet: What the World Eats Peter Menzel, Faith D'Aluisio
On the banks of Mali 's Niger River, Soumana Natomo and his family gather for a communal dinner of millet porridge with tamarind juice. In the USA, the Ronayne-Caven family enjoys corndogs-on-a-stick with a tossed green salad. This age-old practice of sitting down to a family meal is undergoing unprecedented change as rising world affluence and trade, along with the spread of global food conglomerates, transform diets worldwide. In HUNGRY PLANET, the creative team behind the best-selling Material World, Women in the Material World, and MAN EATING BUGS presents a photographic study of families from around the world, revealing what people eat during the course of one week. Each family 's profile includes a detailed description of their weekly food purchases; photographs of the family at home, at market, and in their communities; and a portrait of the entire family surrounded by a week 's worth of groceries. To assemble this remarkable comparison, photojournalist ! Peter Menzel and......
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Advances in Doctoral Research in Management
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Fossil Fuel (Energy Essentials/Freestyle Express). Nigel Saunders, Steven Chapman . Книги.
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