WWW.Stands for "World Wide Whiners": How the Internet Is Being Manipulated by the M-I-F-F-E-D

  WWW.Stands for Steve W., Dr. Price...

Loveless Love (Modern Voices Series)

Luigi Pirandello

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Managing Information Technology (5th Edition)

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Made in India

Subir Roy

  Made in India  Subir Roy  An expert analysis of the Indian market and its companies In Made in India , a leading Indian financial journalist offers his astute analysis of India’s globally competitive industries--how they evolved, where they now stand, and their probable impact on world markets in the years ahead. Author Subir Roy takes a close look at India’s increasingly competitive software, pharmaceuticals, information technology, auto parts, and research and development sectors, and he goes inside some of the major players in those sectors. He also explores how GE’s “discovery” of India saved that company nearly $140 million in 2003.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An expert analysis of the Indian market and its companies In Made in India , a leading Indian financial journalist offers his astute analysis of India’s globally competitive industries--how they evolved, where they now stand, and their probable impact on world markets in the years ahead. Author Subir Roy takes a close look at India’s increasingly competitive software, pharmaceuticals, information technology, auto parts, and research and development sectors, and he goes inside some of the major players in those sectors. He also explores how GE’s “discovery” of India saved that company nearly $140 million in 2003....

Technical Editing (4th Edition)

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<<<  Преступление и наказание. Ф. М. Достоевский             Civic Voluteers in Japan. Lynne Y. Nakano >>>

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WWW.Stands for "World Wide Whiners": How the Internet Is Being Manipulated by the M-I-F-F-E-D. Steve W., Dr. Price . Книги.

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