Wireless Data Demystified (McGraw-Hill Demystified Series)

John Vacca

  Wireless Data Demystified (McGraw-Hill Demystified Series)  John Vacca  Wireless data, the high-speed transfer of email, stock information, messages, and even video and audio across wireless networks, is expected to become a7.5 billion business within the next three years. This resource unpacks the networks, technologies, and protocols that make it all possible and explains how to cash in on this massive new telecom market. * Includes basic network deployment and design concepts * Covers implementing fixed wireless and WLL (wireless local loop) * Details managing and maintaining high-speed wireless data networks  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wireless data, the high-speed transfer of email, stock information, messages, and even video and audio across wireless networks, is expected to become a7.5 billion business within the next three years. This resource unpacks the networks, technologies, and protocols that make it all possible and explains how to cash in on this massive new telecom market. * Includes basic network deployment and design concepts * Covers implementing fixed wireless and WLL (wireless local loop) * Details managing and maintaining high-speed wireless data networks...

Metal and Flesh: The Evolution of Man: Technology Takes Over (Leonardo Books)

Ollivier Dyens, Evan J. Bibbee

  Metal and Flesh: The Evolution of Man: Technology Takes Over (Leonardo Books)  Ollivier Dyens, Evan J. Bibbee  For more than 3,000 years, humans have explored uncharted geographic and spiritual realms. Present-day explorers face new territories born from the coupling of living tissue and metal, strange lifeforms that are intelligent but unconscious, neither completely alive nor dead. Our bodies are now made of machines, images, and information. We are becoming cultural bodies in a world inhabited by cyborgs, clones, genetically modified animals, and innumerable species of human/information symbionts. Ollivier Dyenss Metal and Flesh is about two closely related phenomena: the technologically induced transformation of our perceptions of the world and the emergence of a cultural biology. Culture, according to Dyens, is taking control of the biosphere. Focusing on the twentieth century--which will be remembered as the century in which the living body was blurred, molded, and transformed by technology and culture--Dyens ruminates on the undeniable and irreversible human/machine...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For more than 3,000 years, humans have explored uncharted geographic and spiritual realms. Present-day explorers face new territories born from the coupling of living tissue and metal, strange lifeforms that are intelligent but unconscious, neither completely alive nor dead. Our bodies are now made of machines, images, and information. We are becoming cultural bodies in a world inhabited by cyborgs, clones, genetically modified animals, and innumerable species of human/information symbionts. Ollivier Dyenss Metal and Flesh is about two closely related phenomena: the technologically induced transformation of our perceptions of the world and the emergence of a cultural biology. Culture, according to Dyens, is taking control of the biosphere. Focusing on the twentieth century--which will be remembered as the century in which the living body was blurred, molded, and transformed by technology and culture--Dyens ruminates on the undeniable and irreversible human/machine......

Basil: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Icon Health Publications

  Basil: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References  Icon Health Publications  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

Word 2002 for Dummies Quick Reference

Peter Weverka

  Word 2002 for Dummies Quick Reference  Peter Weverka  Word 2002 For Dummies Quick Reference covers everything you need to create professional looking Word documents for the home, office or the Web. It also covers the enhanced features of the new version/release: Digital signatures that can prevent changes to content after the signature is attached Multi-selecting Easier formatting options Improvements to Find and Replace, tables, footnotes, proofing tools, Mail Merge and more Subscription Mode as an installation option Flatter,more streamlined interface Voice and text to speech recognition New windows graphics effects, like fading toolbars Revamped AutoCorrect options Less prevalent Office Assistant Enhanced Web and collaboration features This is THE quick and easy reference to Word you'll want to have at your fingertips!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Word 2002 For Dummies Quick Reference covers everything you need to create professional looking Word documents for the home, office or the Web. It also covers the enhanced features of the new version/release: Digital signatures that can prevent changes to content after the signature is attached Multi-selecting Easier formatting options Improvements to Find and Replace, tables, footnotes, proofing tools, Mail Merge and more Subscription Mode as an installation option Flatter,more streamlined interface Voice and text to speech recognition New windows graphics effects, like fading toolbars Revamped AutoCorrect options Less prevalent Office Assistant Enhanced Web and collaboration features This is THE quick and easy reference to Word you'll want to have at your fingertips!...

Саша Черный. Сочинения в пяти томах. Том 3. Сумбур - трава

Саша Черный

  Саша Черный. Сочинения в пяти томах. Том 3. Сумбур - трава  Саша Черный  Эллис Лак.   Саша Черный. Сочинения в пяти томах. Том 3. Сумбур - трава.   В третий том собрания сочинений Саши Черного вошли: сатирические произведения, Эллис Лак. Саша Черный. Сочинения в пяти томах. Том 3. Сумбур - трава. В третий том собрания сочинений Саши Черного вошли: сатирические произведения, "Солдатские сказки", публицистические статьи и заметки 1904 - 1932 годов; многие из них публиковались ранее только в периодических издания....

<<<  The Economic Factor in International Relations (Library of International ...             Diane de France. Bern Stephane >>>

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Wireless Data Demystified (McGraw-Hill Demystified Series). John Vacca . Книги.

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