The Economic Factor in International Relations (Library of International Relations)

Spyros Economides, Peter Wilson

  The Economic Factor in International Relations (Library of International Relations)  Spyros Economides, Peter Wilson  Economics no longer forms the backdrop to world events but rather appears to drive foreign policy and represents a more powerful resource than military strength. If globalization is irreversible, then conquering markets is much more important than conquering territory. These are the claims made about economics in world affairs, both by policy analysts and by armchair philosophers. This book examines these claims critically shows how political agendas and speculation have formed many of our current assumptions about the workings of economics in the world today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Economics no longer forms the backdrop to world events but rather appears to drive foreign policy and represents a more powerful resource than military strength. If globalization is irreversible, then conquering markets is much more important than conquering territory. These are the claims made about economics in world affairs, both by policy analysts and by armchair philosophers. This book examines these claims critically shows how political agendas and speculation have formed many of our current assumptions about the workings of economics in the world today....

Korean Enterprise: The Quest for Globalization

Gerardo R. Ungson, Richard M. Steers, Seung-Ho Park

  Korean Enterprise: The Quest for Globalization  Gerardo R. Ungson, Richard M. Steers, Seung-Ho Park  Korean Enterprise presents a comprehensive look at Korea's business culture, the country's efforts to become a global player, and the challenges that lie ahead. Korea's economy has become the eighth largest in the world, yet Korean enterprises face numerous threats. The authors outline seven key imperatives in the areas of industrial policy, technological innovation, management practice, organizational design, entrepreneurship, and human resource investment that Korea must achieve if it is to be capable of competing. The book is an original exploration of the relationships among national culture, management practice, and government policy and an insightful evaluation of Korean management and development practices.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Korean Enterprise presents a comprehensive look at Korea's business culture, the country's efforts to become a global player, and the challenges that lie ahead. Korea's economy has become the eighth largest in the world, yet Korean enterprises face numerous threats. The authors outline seven key imperatives in the areas of industrial policy, technological innovation, management practice, organizational design, entrepreneurship, and human resource investment that Korea must achieve if it is to be capable of competing. The book is an original exploration of the relationships among national culture, management practice, and government policy and an insightful evaluation of Korean management and development practices....

Resources Accounting in China (Feem Series on Economics, Energy and Environment, 12)

Alessandro Lanza

  Resources Accounting in China (Feem Series on Economics, Energy and Environment, 12)  Alessandro Lanza  This volume, which brings together papers from a seminar held in Beijing in 1996, contains contributions written by Chinese participants as well as by visiting experts from the West. The different experience of the several authors is represented in the unique balance of the book: all the Chinese contributions point out the importance of the environment in economic development, expressing a determination to measure effects as a means to the successful management of natural resources. They concentrate on rather specific issues within the constraints of the prevailing economic situation, where identification and asset pricing tend to be specified by administrative norms. Several of these papers contain interesting and useful statistical information. The papers by the visiting experts also stress the importance of taking account of environmental aspects in deriving indicators relating to economic development. All the papers, however, reveal that work in this area is still evolving very...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume, which brings together papers from a seminar held in Beijing in 1996, contains contributions written by Chinese participants as well as by visiting experts from the West. The different experience of the several authors is represented in the unique balance of the book: all the Chinese contributions point out the importance of the environment in economic development, expressing a determination to measure effects as a means to the successful management of natural resources. They concentrate on rather specific issues within the constraints of the prevailing economic situation, where identification and asset pricing tend to be specified by administrative norms. Several of these papers contain interesting and useful statistical information. The papers by the visiting experts also stress the importance of taking account of environmental aspects in deriving indicators relating to economic development. All the papers, however, reveal that work in this area is still evolving very......

Does Ownership Matter?: Japanese Multinationals in Europe

Mark Mason, Dennis Encarnation

  Does Ownership Matter?: Japanese Multinationals in Europe  Mark Mason, Dennis Encarnation  In this book, prominent academics from Europe, Japan, and the United States analyze the broad causes and consequences of the dramatic rise of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe during the 1980s, then examine Japanese FDI in the European automobile, electronics, and financial services sector.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this book, prominent academics from Europe, Japan, and the United States analyze the broad causes and consequences of the dramatic rise of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe during the 1980s, then examine Japanese FDI in the European automobile, electronics, and financial services sector....

Strategic Management Of Organizations And Stakeholders: Concepts And Cases

Jeffrey Harrison, Caron St. John

  Strategic Management Of Organizations And Stakeholders: Concepts And Cases  Jeffrey Harrison, Caron St. John  Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases, 2e provides a unique stakeholder perspective. Global issues and examples are woven into each chapter instead of one separate chapter. The text also integrates quality, small business and non-profit strategic issues. Cases (30) are up-to-date and cover a broad range of issues. Cases on Case-Net will also be available (50) ( Adopters can select a combined text/casebook, separate text on concepts, cases, or customized cases.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases, 2e provides a unique stakeholder perspective. Global issues and examples are woven into each chapter instead of one separate chapter. The text also integrates quality, small business and non-profit strategic issues. Cases (30) are up-to-date and cover a broad range of issues. Cases on Case-Net will also be available (50) ( Adopters can select a combined text/casebook, separate text on concepts, cases, or customized cases....

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The Economic Factor in International Relations (Library of International Relations). Spyros Economides, Peter Wilson . Книги.

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