Buenos Aires (Lonely Planet City Guides)

Sandra Bao

  Buenos Aires (Lonely Planet City Guides)  Sandra Bao  the best-selling guide to Argentina's vibrant capital local author reveals the hottest bars and clubs, trendy restaurants, new shops and unique hotels features more maps than any other guide to the city, plus extra coverage on popular side trips into Uruguay the 'Paris of South America', Buenos Aires annually attracts 6.5 million visitors Buenos Aires gets its name from the breezes that sweep in over the Rio de la Plata the city's residents, portenos (literally 'residents of the port') are known for being proud or downright arrogant the tango started in the city's brothels in the late 19th century but didn't become widespread until it became popular in France the neighbourhood La Boca has the city's most colourful houses and is the birthplace of the legendary Boca Juniors soccer (football) team. Buenos Aires has one of the highest rates of plastic surgery and psychotherapy in the world.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин the best-selling guide to Argentina's vibrant capital local author reveals the hottest bars and clubs, trendy restaurants, new shops and unique hotels features more maps than any other guide to the city, plus extra coverage on popular side trips into Uruguay the 'Paris of South America', Buenos Aires annually attracts 6.5 million visitors Buenos Aires gets its name from the breezes that sweep in over the Rio de la Plata the city's residents, portenos (literally 'residents of the port') are known for being proud or downright arrogant the tango started in the city's brothels in the late 19th century but didn't become widespread until it became popular in France the neighbourhood La Boca has the city's most colourful houses and is the birthplace of the legendary Boca Juniors soccer (football) team. Buenos Aires has one of the highest rates of plastic surgery and psychotherapy in the world....

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn. Book 2. Stone of Farewell

Tad Williams

  Memory, Sorrow and Thorn. Book 2. Stone of Farewell  Tad Williams  Orbit Book.   In Osten Ard, the evil of the Storm King covers the land. The country is riven by war, and nature, unbalanced by the tide of evil, slips into a permanent winter. Simon, once a kitchen boy, now a hero hiding in the troll stronghold of Yiqanuc, dreams of his destiny. Only he and his companions can save the land, but to do this he must embark on the second part of his quest - to the Orbit Book. In Osten Ard, the evil of the Storm King covers the land. The country is riven by war, and nature, unbalanced by the tide of evil, slips into a permanent winter. Simon, once a kitchen boy, now a hero hiding in the troll stronghold of Yiqanuc, dreams of his destiny. Only he and his companions can save the land, but to do this he must embark on the second part of his quest - to the "Stone of Farewell"....

Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change

Bruce E. Wexler

  Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change  Bruce E. Wexler  Research shows that between birth and early adulthood the brain requires sensory stimulation to develop physically. The nature of the stimulation shapes the connections among neurons that create the neuronal networks necessary for thought and behavior. By changing the cultural environment, each generation shapes the brains of the next. By early adulthood, the neuroplasticity of the brain is greatly reduced, and this leads to a fundamental shift in the relationship between the individual and the environment: during the first part of life, the brain and mind shape themselves to the major recurring features of their environment; by early adulthood, the individual attempts to make the environment conform to the established internal structures of the brain and mind. In Brain and Culture, Bruce Wexler explores the social implications of the close and changing neurobiological relationship between the individual and the environment, with particular attention to the difficulties individuals...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Research shows that between birth and early adulthood the brain requires sensory stimulation to develop physically. The nature of the stimulation shapes the connections among neurons that create the neuronal networks necessary for thought and behavior. By changing the cultural environment, each generation shapes the brains of the next. By early adulthood, the neuroplasticity of the brain is greatly reduced, and this leads to a fundamental shift in the relationship between the individual and the environment: during the first part of life, the brain and mind shape themselves to the major recurring features of their environment; by early adulthood, the individual attempts to make the environment conform to the established internal structures of the brain and mind. In Brain and Culture, Bruce Wexler explores the social implications of the close and changing neurobiological relationship between the individual and the environment, with particular attention to the difficulties individuals......

Веселый Новый Год. Большая суперраскраска

  Веселый Новый Год. Большая суперраскраска  Владис, Рипол Классик.   Рисование и раскрашивание картинок доставляет детям огромное удовольствие и способствует развитию цветовосприятия, воображения, внимания и усидчивости. Большая суперраскраска надолго увлечет малышей своими забавными новогодними персонажами.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Владис, Рипол Классик. Рисование и раскрашивание картинок доставляет детям огромное удовольствие и способствует развитию цветовосприятия, воображения, внимания и усидчивости. Большая суперраскраска надолго увлечет малышей своими забавными новогодними персонажами....

Doing Business and Investing in Cuba Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Doing Business and Investing in Cuba Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Doing Business and Investing in Cuba Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Doing Business and Investing in Cuba Guide...

<<<  Культурология. Конспект лекций.              European Gastronomy into the 21st Century. Kenneth Maxwell, ... >>>

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Buenos Aires (Lonely Planet City Guides). Sandra Bao . Книги.

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