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ExamWise For CompTIA A+ Core Hardware Exam 220-231 (With Online Exam) Tcat Houser
This Q&A study guide is designed specifically for the interim CompTIA A+ Core Hardware certification exam (220-231), which will be given from September 12, 2003 through November 2003 only. Then it will be retired and replaced by a totally new exam devoted to 2003 objectives. The interim exam continues to score 2001 objectives and also provides you a chance to practice against upcoming 2003 objectives without having them count in your final score. The practice questions in this guide cover all of the2001 core exam topics and also include a number of 2003 items to help you test your knowledge of the latest real-world technology. Part of the TotalRecall IT Certification System Series, this ExamWise text is a handy Q&A guide that uses a unique format of two questions per page, with answers and explanations on the reverse page. It also includes free access to a BeachFront Quizzer online exam. If you are looking for lots of exam practice, then this is the book for you. However,......
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Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Second Edition Eric Lengyel
This completely updated second edition illustrates the mathematical concepts that a game programmer would need to develop a professional-quality 3D engine. Although the book is geared toward applications in game development, many of the topics appeal to general interests in 3D graphics. It starts at a fairly basic level in areas such as vector geometry and linear algebra, and then progresses to more advanced topics in 3D game programming such as illumination and visibility determination. Particular attention is given to derivations of key results, ensuring that the reader is not forced to endure gaps in the theory. The book assumes a working knowledge of trigonometry and calculus, but also includes sections that review the important tools used from thesedisciplines, such as trigonometric identities, differential equations, and Taylor series. Key Features * Includes four new chapters: the graphics pipeline, the stencil shadow rendering technique, curves & surfaces, and......
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ASP.NET Website Programming. Problem - Design - Solution, C# Edition Marco Bellinaso, Kevin Hoffman
Wrox. What is this book about? ASP.NET Website Programming shows you how to build an interactive website from design to deployment. Packed with solutions to website programming problems, this book will have you building well-engineered, extendable ASP.NET websites quickly and easily. What does this book cover? In this book, you will learn how to Establish a solid, scalable website foundation Provide flexible user accounts integrating with ASP.NET's built-in security Create message forums that enable formatted messages but defend against cross-site scripting Generate revenue from advertising Build a web interface for uploading, downloading, editing, and managing the files on your site Add opinion polls, email newsletters, and news management Deploy the finished site on a live server Build websites using good, n-tier coding techniques The site we build is modular. You......
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Мастер и Маргарита Михаил Булгаков
Эксмо. Эксмо-Классика. Роман "Мастер и Маргарита" - визитная карточка Михаила Афанасьевича Булгакова. Более десяти лет Булгаков работал над книгой, которая стала его романом-судьбой, романом-завещанием. В "Мастере и Маргарите" есть все: веселое озорство и щемящая печаль, романтическая любовь и колдовское наваждение, магическая тайна и безрассудная игра с нечистой силой....
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Мировоззрение: Эссе Изд. 2-е, перераб., доп. Ладов И.П. (Липатов)
Это сочинение, сообщает издатель, Автор, в частности, считает, что Бог появляется в процессе эволюции Вселенной. Во многих отношениях сочинение является развитием идей Фридриха Ницше, в том числе идеи ....
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ExamWise For CompTIA A+ Core Hardware Exam 220-231 (With Online Exam). Tcat Houser . Книги.
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