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Global Survival: The Challenge And Its Implications for Thinking And Acting
Global Survival: The Challenge and its Implications for Thinking and Acting is a book that is not necessarily ahead of its time. But, if we're lucky, it has come just in time. The threats we face as a species and a civilization are staggering, daunting, and all too real. The threat of war, or worse; environmental degradation; social, political, and economic woes; all of these are issues with worldwide implications both for us and future generations. Yet the solutions offered, when offered, are dangerously short-sighted and narrowly focused, often intensifying other equally serious problems -- or even creating new ones. To address this condition, a group of distinguished thought leaders came together and, in a 2003 edition of the journal World Futures, demonstrated how a broad array of human thought and activities interact to create and intensify the problems we face. This approach, here called Survival Research, could be the methodology that enables us to......
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London: An Architectural History Anthony Sutcliffe
London is one of the world’s greatest cities, and its architecture is a unique heritage. The Tower of London is an urban castle unique in Europe, St Paul’s is one of the world’s greatest domed cathedrals, and the squares and crescents of the West End inspired Haussmann’s Paris. In London, it is the variety of the streets, buildings, and parks that strikes the visitor. No king or government has ever set its mark here. Private ownership has shaped the city, and architects have served a wide variety of clients. London’s Classical era produced an elegant townscape between 1600 and 1830, but medieval, Tudor, and Victorian London were a potpourri of buildings large and small, each making its own design statement. In London: An Architectural History Anthony Sutcliffe takes the reader through two thousand years of architecture from the sublime to the mundane. With over 300 color illustrations the book is intended for the general reader and......
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Making Marks: Discovering the Ceramic Surface Robin Hopper
Professional studio potter Robin Hopper, drawing from nearly 50 years of experience, offers a wealth of ceramic surface decoration possibilities - some rarely ever exposed - in this brand new all-inclusive guide! The expansive range of techniques provided in Making Marks, together with the straightforward tips for successful use, is a formula guaranteeing remarkable results for potters, teachers, students, collectors, or anyone with an interest in ceramics. From the fundamentals (basic approaches to drawing, color theory, glaze development, and spatial development) to the clay processes (decoration with tools, adding and removing marks, and use of liquid and color clays), and from the pigment processes (variables of colorants, brush, stamp, spray, and pencil marks, and resistance techniques) to the glazing and firing processes (glaze application methods, heat and flame, vapor and fume, and multiple fired surfaces), this guide contains everything readers want and need to know.......
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C++. Священные знания Стивен Дьюхерст
Символ-Плюс. Профессионально. Стивен Дьюхерст, эксперт по С++ с более чем 20-летним опытом применения С++ в различных областях, рассматривает важнейшие, но зачастую неправильно понимаемые темы программирования и проектирования на С++, отсеивая при этом ненужные технические тонкости. В один тонкий том Стив уместил то, что он и его рецензенты, опытные консультанты и авторы, считают самым необходимым для эффективного программирования на С++. Книга адресована тем, кто имеет опыт программирования на С++ и испытывает необходимость быстро повысить свое знание С++ до профессионального уровня. Издание полезно и квалифицированным программистам на С или Java, имеющим небольшой опыт проектирования и разработки сложного кода на С++ и склонных программировать на С++ в стиле Java....
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Ухищрения и вожделения Филлис Дороти Джеймс
АСТ, АСТ Москва, ВКТ. Классика. Серийный убийца на свободе... Идеальные для него "охотничьи угодья" - пустынное побережье Норфолка, где снова и снова находят растерзанные женские тела. Местная полиция лишь строит догадки, и тогда на поиски маньяка отправляется лондонский детектив, случайно оказавшийся на месте преступления. Он задает вопросы и получает на них очень странные ответы. Он разрешает загадку за загадкой, но каждая влечет за собой новые тайны... Охота продолжается?...
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Global Survival: The Challenge And Its Implications for Thinking And Acting. . Книги.
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