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Исцеляющая сила предметов, икон, святых мест Д. А. Гаврилов
. Практическая магия. Данная книга может помочь читателям понять силу обычных вещей, ведь необходимо просто знать, как их применять. Обычный с виду предмет может стать вашим спасением в кризисных ситуациях, уберечь от болезней и дурного глаза, от несчастного случая и других напастей. Сила молитвы, иконы, чудотворного места, сила камней, оберегов, деревьев и т. д. поможет вам преодолеть жизненные трудности, сделать правильный выбор, защитить и сберечь себя и близких. Вы узнаете, как правильно молиться перед святыми образами, иконами, чтобы получить просимое, чтобы облегчить страдания болящих, чтобы легче стало бремя скорбей и утрат....
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Tech Tactics: Instructional Models for Educational Computing (2nd Edition)
Carolyn Thorsen...
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Competition and Profitability in European Financial Services: Strategic, Systemic and Policy Issues (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking) Morten Balling, Frank Lierman, Dr Andy Mullineux
Financial services firms play a key role in the European economy. The efficiency and profitability of these firms and the competition among them have an impact on allocation of savings, financing of investment, economic growth, the stability of the financial system and the transmission of monetary policy. This collection of research contributions includes evaluations of trends in the European financial service industry and examinations of the driving forces of efficiency, competition and profitability of financial firms and institutions in Europe. The papers have been written by leading academics and researchers in the field, who specialize in strategic, systematic and policy issues related to the European financial services industry. This edited collection will be will be essential reading for students and academics but will also be of interest to financial practitioners and government officials interested in acquiring a deeper understanding of this complex issue....
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Towards a Labour Market in China (Studies on Contemporary China) John Knight, Lina Song
From an administered labor system under central planning, the Chinese economy has moved towards a labor market. This book reviews the progress that has been made over two decades of urban economic reform. It analyzes the underlying political economy thathas both induced and impeded reform, and examines the economic changes that have unleashed market forces. Based on frontier research using specially designed and collected survey data, the book documents the rising wage inequality, the greater rewards or skills, the growing wage segmentation based on labor immobility and profit-sharing, the emergence of serious urban unemployment, and the competition from the rising tide of rural migrants. China does not yet have a functioning labor market: the bookconcludes by examining the prospects for its creation....
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The Future of Europe: Reform or Decline Alberto Alesina, Francesco Giavazzi
Unless Europe takes action soon, its further economic and political decline is almost inevitable, economists Alberto Alesina and Francesco Giavazzi write in this provocative book. Without comprehensive reform, continental Western Europe's overprotected, overregulated economies will continue to slow--and its political influence will become negligible. This doesn't mean that Italy, Germany, France, and other now-prosperous countries will become poor; their standard of living will remain comfortable. But they will become largely irrelevant on the world scene. In The Future of Europe , Alesina and Giavazzi (themselves Europeans) outline the steps that Europe must take to prevent its economic and political eclipse. Europe, the authors say, has much to learn from the market liberalism of America. Europeans work less and vacation more than Americans; they value job stability and security above all. Americans, Alesina and Giavazzi argue, work harder and longer and are more......
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Исцеляющая сила предметов, икон, святых мест. Д. А. Гаврилов . Книги.
Арзамас, Пенза, Елец, Казань, Воронеж, Пятигорск, Орск, Орёл, Стерлитамак, Новомосковск, Подольск, Армавир, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Архангельск, Березники, Нижний Тагил, Чебоксары, Ижевск, Москва, Москва , Железнодорожный, Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург, Калининград, Барнаул, Курск,
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