Profit Through Association Marketing

Gary C. Teagno

  Profit Through Association Marketing  Gary C. Teagno  This book gives readers an inside look at associations and the techniques they can use to reach their members. This premier guide thoroughly examines the association market--including motivation, decision making, and ``hot buttons.'' Readers will also find: case studies and examples from actual companies and associations in addition to key association personnel; resource appendixes that include associations able to assist in marketing; information on how to develop a marketing proposal specifically for associations--including a sample proposal; all the aspects of an association that makes it the ideal partner.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book gives readers an inside look at associations and the techniques they can use to reach their members. This premier guide thoroughly examines the association market--including motivation, decision making, and ``hot buttons.'' Readers will also find: case studies and examples from actual companies and associations in addition to key association personnel; resource appendixes that include associations able to assist in marketing; information on how to develop a marketing proposal specifically for associations--including a sample proposal; all the aspects of an association that makes it the ideal partner....

Online Law: The Spa's Legal Guide to Doing Business on the Internet

Thomas J. Smedinghoff

  Online Law: The Spa's Legal Guide to Doing Business on the Internet  Thomas J. Smedinghoff  Addison-Wesley Professional.   Written for the layperson but extensively annotated for the experienced lawyer, this book provides clear guidance through the rapidly developing law of electronic commerce. Issues covered in detail include (but are by no means limited to): What rules govern online advertising? What are the legal issues involved in setting up a Web site? How do you create and enforce online contracts? How can you use digital signatures to facilitate electronic commerce? Who owns the rights to online information? When can you Addison-Wesley Professional. Written for the layperson but extensively annotated for the experienced lawyer, this book provides clear guidance through the rapidly developing law of electronic commerce. Issues covered in detail include (but are by no means limited to): What rules govern online advertising? What are the legal issues involved in setting up a Web site? How do you create and enforce online contracts? How can you use digital signatures to facilitate electronic commerce? Who owns the rights to online information? When can you "borrow" online materials from others? What are the rules for using sexually explicit materials on the Net? What constitutes illegal conduct online? Can employers legally read their employees' e-mail? Written by attorneys from the Information Technology Law Department at McBride Baker & Coles, sponsored by the Software Publishers Association, and Highly Recommended by Books....

Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal

Jon Orwant

  Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal  Jon Orwant  Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk is the second volume of The Best of the Perl Journal , compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal , Jon Orwant. In this series, we've taken the very best (and still relevant)articles published in TPJ over its five years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes. The forty articles included in this volume are simply some of the best Perl articles ever written on the subjects of graphics, the Web, and Perl/Tk, by some of the best Perl authors and coders. Much of Perl's success is due to its capabilities for developing web sites; the Web section covers popular topics such as CGI programs, mod_perl, spidering, HTML parsing, security, and content management. The Graphics section is a grab bag of techniques, ranging from simple graph generation to ray tracing and real-time video digitizing. The Perl/Tk section shows you how to use the popular Perl/Tk toolkit for developing graphical applications...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk is the second volume of The Best of the Perl Journal , compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal , Jon Orwant. In this series, we've taken the very best (and still relevant)articles published in TPJ over its five years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes. The forty articles included in this volume are simply some of the best Perl articles ever written on the subjects of graphics, the Web, and Perl/Tk, by some of the best Perl authors and coders. Much of Perl's success is due to its capabilities for developing web sites; the Web section covers popular topics such as CGI programs, mod_perl, spidering, HTML parsing, security, and content management. The Graphics section is a grab bag of techniques, ranging from simple graph generation to ray tracing and real-time video digitizing. The Perl/Tk section shows you how to use the popular Perl/Tk toolkit for developing graphical applications......

Teaching and Learning Using ICT in the Primary School

Marilyn Leask, John Meadows

  Teaching and Learning Using ICT in the Primary School  Marilyn Leask, John Meadows  Teaching and Learning Using ICT in the Primary School aims to introduce teachers to the range of ways that information and communication technologies can be used to support and extend teaching and learning opportunities in their classrooms.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Teaching and Learning Using ICT in the Primary School aims to introduce teachers to the range of ways that information and communication technologies can be used to support and extend teaching and learning opportunities in their classrooms....

Human Factors in Air Traffic Control

Mark W. Smolensky, Earl S. Stein

  Human Factors in Air Traffic Control  Mark W. Smolensky, Earl S. Stein  The study of human factors has progressed greatly in the past 10 years, particularly with regard to the literature available in applied areas. The authors of this text focus on the most important aspects of this literature--the increasing concern over the deregulation of airlines and the increase in aviation accidents. The book covers general system safety, human perception, information processing, and cognitive load capacity during air traffic control performance, as well as team coordination, selectionand training of personnel, work station and software design, and communication issues.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The study of human factors has progressed greatly in the past 10 years, particularly with regard to the literature available in applied areas. The authors of this text focus on the most important aspects of this literature--the increasing concern over the deregulation of airlines and the increase in aviation accidents. The book covers general system safety, human perception, information processing, and cognitive load capacity during air traffic control performance, as well as team coordination, selectionand training of personnel, work station and software design, and communication issues....

<<<  The Rules of Ruthlessness: Getting Ahead in Business When Being Good Isn't Good ...             One Too Many (David and Randi French Mystery). ... >>>

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Profit Through Association Marketing. Gary C. Teagno . Книги.

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