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The Rules of Ruthlessness: Getting Ahead in Business When Being Good Isn't Good Enough James DeRossitt
The Rules of Ruthlessness is book that confronts the problem of white-collar alienation head-on. Success is a choice, writes author James DeRossitt: we can either be ruthless and unapologetic in our pursuit of wealth and prestige or we can be lazyand complacent, the sort of uninspired drones who take orders, watch the clock and seek consolation from the TV set. The choice is clear. For those who reject the path of safe mediocrity, and instead choose the life of the ruthless A?power player," DeRossitt offers one hundred rules of ruthless success in the high-stakes, hardball world of business. The rules are straightforward and can benefit anyone who desires more respect, wealth and autonomy in life. The message of this book is a humane one. To succeed in life is to admit what you want and seek it unapologeticallyA?and in doing so, you find your best chance at happiness....
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American Economic Development Since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation Samuel Rosenberg
This clearly-written book provides an historical analysis of postwar economic development in the US, helping the reader to understand the nation's current economic position. Samuel Rosenberg investigates three postwar phases: the creation of an institutional framework setting the stage for prosperity in the US after World War II, the forces undermining this institutional framework and the resulting stagflation of the 1970s, and the recreation of a new institutional structure in the 1980s. Basic economic concepts are introduced and explained throughout and specific attention is paid to macroeconomic policy, industrial relations, the role of the US in the world economy, social and labor policy, the structure of the labor force, and the distribution ofincome by race and gender....
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Managerial Capitalism in Retrospect Robin Lapthorn Marris, Robin Lapthorn Economic Theory of Managerial Capitalism Marris
This is an updated and edited version of Robin Marris' classic The Economic Theory of Managerial Capitalism (1964). This was widely recognized as pathbreaking as it was the first attempt by a professional economist to make a formal theory of the behavior and growth of a large-scale "managerial" corporation based on a realistic assessment of the sociological and institutional environment. The model determined the long run growth rates of individual firms on the basis of the financial and market environment on the one hand, and the needs, interest and aspirations of both managers and shareholders on the other. Managers in particular were shown to trade desire for growth against fear of takeover. These then novel important features of modern capitalism--mergers, takeovers and executive bonuses and the relationship between the growth of firms and the growth of the economy--have become increasingly topical. The new book contains the original introduction along with reworked and......
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Opportunities in Arts and Crafts Careers Elizabeth Gardner
*Insiders' tips for obtaining the best education in the field of arts and crafts * Valuable advice and unique ideas for jump-starting your career * Personal profiles of artists and craftspeople, as well as a historical overview of each of the featured arts and crafts * Descriptions of the materials and methods used by various artisans in the execution of their work....
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Nobody Does Anything until Somebody Sells Something Carroll T. Gartrell
Nobody Does Anything Until Somebody Sells Something is written for both those seeking a career in sales and those who have been in the business of selling. The book is a vital tool for everyone in the sales profession. It features a self-analysis program designed to help readers determine if a career in sales is right for them. If they are already in the profession, the book will help readers improve their current client base. In his book, Gartrell also addresses many key issues facing those responsible for sales recruiting, sales training and marketing....
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The Rules of Ruthlessness: Getting Ahead in Business When Being Good Isn't Good Enough. James DeRossitt . Книги.
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