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The European Community and the Developing Countries (Trade and Development (Cambridge, England),) Enzo R. Grilli
This book analyzes and evaluates European Community (EC) trade, aid and industrial policies toward developing countries--their origin, main features, logic, evolution and efficacy. The author describes Europe's development policies as regional in scope, colonial in geographical emphasis and discriminatory in their effects. This incisive reevaluation is particularly timely as it illustrates the different strategies the EC countries might pursue in their relations with the outside world as they progress toward fuller economic integration....
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Automatic Re-engineering of Software Using Genetic Programming (GENETIC PROGRAMMING Volume 2) Conor Ryan
Automatic Re-engineering of Software Using Genetic Programming describes the application of Genetic Programming to a real world application area -- software re-engineering in general and automatic parallelization specifically. Unlike most uses of GeneticProgramming, this book evolves sequences of provable transformations rather than actual programs. It demonstrates that the benefits of this approach are twofold: first, the time required for evaluating a population is drastically reduced, and second, thetransformations can subsequently be used to prove that the new program is functionally equivalent to the original. Automatic Re-engineering of Software Using Genetic Programming shows that there are applications where it is more practical to use GP to assist with software engineering rather than to entirely replace it. It also demonstrates how the author isolated aspects of a problem that were particularly suited to GP, and used traditional software engineering techniques in those......
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Fuzzy Preference Modelling and Multicriteria Decision Support (Theory and Decision Library D:) Janos Fodor, Marc Roubens
Springer. This book provides in-depth coverage of the most important results about fuzzy logic including negations, conjunctions, disjunctions, implications and gives the interrelations between those different connectives. The work brings together multiple resultsabout valued binary relations satisfying diverse transitivity-type conditions. The authors propose the first sound introduction to valued preference modelling through the systematic use of fuzzy set theory and functional equations and derive the possible foundations for multicriteria decision aid using aggregation, ranking and choice procedures on the basis of axiomatic results. The text presents a unified view of various multicriteria decision making tools that have been independently derived in the past, dealing with pairwise comparisons. The monograph is mathematically oriented but the results will be of the greatest interest for engineers and economists who design and implement decision support systems in practice. It is also......
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Thoughtful Interaction Design : A Design Perspective on Information Technology Jonas Lwgren, Erik Stolterman
The authors of Thoughtful Interaction Design go beyond the usual technical concerns of usability and usefulness to consider interaction design from a design perspective. The shaping of digital artifacts is a design process that influences the formand functions of workplaces, schools, communication, and culture; the successful interaction designer must use both ethical and aesthetic judgment to create designs that are appropriate to a given environment. This book is not a how-to manual, but a collection of tools for thought about interaction design. Working with information technology -- called by the authors "the material without qualities" -- interaction designers create not a static object but a dynamic pattern of interactivity. The design vision is closely linked to context and not simply focused on the technology. The authors' action-oriented and context-dependent design theory, drawing on design theorist Donald Schn's concept of the reflective practitioner,......
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Office 2001 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual Nan Barber, David Reynolds
To the surprise of most Mac fans, the number one best-selling Macintosh software is Microsoft Office for the Macintosh. It's by far the most popular Macintosh software, and the first software purchase a new Mac user is likely to make. Pogue Press/O'Reilly are once again waiting to embrace the befuddled and overwhelmed--with Office 2001 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual. It tackles each of the primary Office applications with depth, humor, and clarity, and provides relief for the hapless Macuser who'd rather read professionally written printed instructions than hunt through a maze of personality-free help screens. The book is structured to help the beginner as well as the seasoned user. From details on what's new in Word, to important information on the new Palm-syncable calendar in Entourage, to the finer points of Excel, Office 2001 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual is a must-read for any Mac Office 2001 user....
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The European Community and the Developing Countries (Trade and Development (Cambridge, England),). Enzo R. Grilli . Книги.
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