Химия. 9 класс. Раздаточные материалы

Р. П. Суровцева, Л. С. Гузей

  Химия. 9 класс. Раздаточные материалы  Р. П. Суровцева, Л. С. Гузей  Дрофа.   Пособие содержит тематические карточки-задания, соответствующие учебной программе по химии 9 класса, которые предназначены для закрепления и проверки теоретических знаний и отработки практических умений школьников. Оно поможет учителю организовать индивидуальный контроль знаний учащихся, а учащимся — проверить свои знания.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Дрофа. Пособие содержит тематические карточки-задания, соответствующие учебной программе по химии 9 класса, которые предназначены для закрепления и проверки теоретических знаний и отработки практических умений школьников. Оно поможет учителю организовать индивидуальный контроль знаний учащихся, а учащимся — проверить свои знания....

Английский язык для средних профессиональных учебных заведений сельскохозяйственного профиля. Учебное пособие

Е. Н. Комарова, Е. В. Глушенкова

  Английский язык для средних профессиональных учебных заведений сельскохозяйственного профиля. Учебное пособие  Е. Н. Комарова, Е. В. Глушенкова  Высшая школа.   Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для преподавателей дисциплины Высшая школа. Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для преподавателей дисциплины "Английский язык" сельскохозяйственных высших и средних специальных учебных заведений с целью обеспечения их материалом для практических занятий, закрепления теоретического материала, индивидуальной работы со студентами, а также для студентов очного и заочного обучения в целях самостоятельного овладения знаниями и умениями при изучении английского языка....

Bronze Age Economics: The First Political Economies

Timothy Earle

  Bronze Age Economics: The First Political Economies  Timothy Earle  Bronze Age Economics is a collection of Timothy Earle's major essays. Its comparative analysis of prehistoric economies is grounded in archaeological and historical data from three cases: Hawaiian chiefdoms, Andean South America (particularly the Inka), and Bronze Age Denmark. The book looks at trajectories of economic development as they affect, and are affected by, political institutions. In particular, Earle's essays examine the distinction between (1) Bronze Age Economics is a collection of Timothy Earle's major essays. Its comparative analysis of prehistoric economies is grounded in archaeological and historical data from three cases: Hawaiian chiefdoms, Andean South America (particularly the Inka), and Bronze Age Denmark. The book looks at trajectories of economic development as they affect, and are affected by, political institutions. In particular, Earle's essays examine the distinction between (1) "corporate" (that is, kinship-based) control of intensively maintained agricultural resources in Hawaii and Peru and (2) extensive exchange (market) networks in Denmark. The essays then evaluate the significance of that economic distinction for the evolution of political institutions (such as chiefdoms and the state). Earle has organized the readings around each of the three case studies rather than directly around the corporate/exchange dichotomy. As the book represents the trajectory of Earle's professional life over the......

The Coaching Revolution: How Visionary Managers Are Using Coaching to Empower People and Unlock Their Full Porential

David, Ph.D. Logan, John King

  The Coaching Revolution: How Visionary Managers Are Using Coaching to Empower People and Unlock Their Full Porential  David, Ph.D. Logan, John King  In the workplace, the best managers are incorporating the essence of coaching into their leadership style. The Coaching Revolution, now available in paperback, presents the best practices of today?s managers?strategies that can turn good companies into stronger and better ones. With experts David Logan, Ph.D., and John King?s specific coaching elements for managing employees, manager-coaches learn to transform their office environment into a more productive and effective one. For the best results, Logan and King advise managers to follow these three basic principles: ·SEE: Help employees get to the root cause of performance gaps and find ways to realize more of their potential. ·SAY: Outline a plan that clearly statesgoals for improvement and a strategy to achieve it. ·DO: Hold employees accountable to deliver what they In the workplace, the best managers are incorporating the essence of coaching into their leadership style. The Coaching Revolution, now available in paperback, presents the best practices of today?s managers?strategies that can turn good companies into stronger and better ones. With experts David Logan, Ph.D., and John King?s specific coaching elements for managing employees, manager-coaches learn to transform their office environment into a more productive and effective one. For the best results, Logan and King advise managers to follow these three basic principles: ·SEE: Help employees get to the root cause of performance gaps and find ways to realize more of their potential. ·SAY: Outline a plan that clearly statesgoals for improvement and a strategy to achieve it. ·DO: Hold employees accountable to deliver what they "SAY" they will. Coaching has been around for a long, long time. Now managers can use The Coaching Revolution to......

Getting Results for Dummies

Mark H. McCormack

  Getting Results for Dummies  Mark H. McCormack  With each new high-tech gadget that creeps into our lives, the demands on our time and attention only seem to multiply. Staying on top of things was hard enough before cell phones, the Internet and wireless remote devices. Now most of us spend our days in a fever dream of conflicting demands, missed deadlines and lost details. But the situation isn’t hopeless. Written by bestselling author and entrepreneur, Mark McCormack, Getting Results For Dummies helps you get a grip. Want to get more done in less time and with less stress—at home and at work? This book can show you how. With Mark as your guide, you’ll: Set priorities and stay focused Master low-tech organizational tools Get a grip on email and high-tech toys Cut through clutter Say “no” nicely—and mean it! Never again have to apologize for missed deadlines Maximize your most precious resource—time ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With each new high-tech gadget that creeps into our lives, the demands on our time and attention only seem to multiply. Staying on top of things was hard enough before cell phones, the Internet and wireless remote devices. Now most of us spend our days in a fever dream of conflicting demands, missed deadlines and lost details. But the situation isn’t hopeless. Written by bestselling author and entrepreneur, Mark McCormack, Getting Results For Dummies helps you get a grip. Want to get more done in less time and with less stress—at home and at work? This book can show you how. With Mark as your guide, you’ll: Set priorities and stay focused Master low-tech organizational tools Get a grip on email and high-tech toys Cut through clutter Say “no” nicely—and mean it! Never again have to apologize for missed deadlines Maximize your most precious resource—time ......

<<<  The Straw. Eugene O'Neill             Лохless. Повесть о настоящей жизни. Народный ... >>>

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Химия. 9 класс. Раздаточные материалы. Р. П. Суровцева, Л. С. Гузей . Книги.

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