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How to Manage a Successful Software Project: With Microsoft(r) Project 2000, 2nd Edition Sanjiv Purba, Bharat Shah
The best techniques and guidelines to deliver IT projects on schedule and within budget With all the pitfalls and cost overruns that can cause a software project to come in late and over budget, managers must know the best practices in the field and how to implement them. This comprehensive guide provides you with all the tools you'll need to deliver successful IT projects, including proven techniques, guidelines, and checklists. The hands-on tutorial will teach you how to implement these techniques using Microsoft Project 2000. Armed with this book, you'll be able to build software that meets user requirements. Inside, you'll find a survival framework that shows you how to achieve the best possible results with your project. the framework presents all the methods, tools, and approaches for you to consider when implementing projects. You will also be introduced to the Iterative Project Development Methodology (IPDM), which you can use on a broad range of projects, including n-tier......
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What We Know About Cscl: And Implementing It in Higher Education (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, V. 3) Jan-Willem Strijbos, Paul A. Kirschner, Rob L. Martens, ROB MARTENS
This book is the first that presents an overview of the main topics involved in the study and implementation of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) from a learning viewpoint. It is also one of the few - or the only one - that does this from a research and practical instructional design perspective. Too many books begin with the medium and/or the environments used for CSCL, as if you would write a book on building a house by focusing almost primarily on hammers, saws and screwdrivers. The main topics are clustered in four sections that are derived from reverse ordering the CSCL acronym, because CSCL is all about learning through collaboration that is supported by computers. Although CSCL is increasingly advocated in higher education, specificCSCL implementations - i.e. something more than providing technology without a well developed educational rationale - are uncommon in higher education. The topics covered in this book, each including a review and several examples of......
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A Manual of Operation for the Automated Sequence Controlled Calculator (Charles Babbage Institute Reprint) HarvardComputation Laboratory
In the summer of 1944, at a dedication ceremony at Harvard's Cruft Laboratory, one of the world's first automatic digital calculating machines was unveiled to the public. The machine was the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, more commonly known as the Harvard Mark I. The staff of the Harvard Computation Laboratory was unprepared for the interest which news of the machine's dedication touched off, and in response to many inquiries they arranged for the publication of this Manual of Operation . If the Mark I itself was a milestone in digital computing, so was this Manual: it was one of the first publications to address the fundamental question of how to get a computer to solve problems. Scattered throughout the book are listings of operation codes that represent sequences of operations the Mark I would carry out: these are among the first examples anywhere of what are now called computer programs. Both this Manual of Operation and the computer it......
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На обратной стороне звука Валерий Пономарев
Аграф. Волшебная флейта. Исповедь звезды. Книга известного трубача-джазмена Валерия Пономарева рассказывает об этапах блестящей творческой карьеры и вехах жизни. Детство обычного московского школьника, ранняя тяга к джазу и увлечение игрой на трубе, заочное знакомство с самыми блестящими джазовыми музыкантами Запада, выступления в культовом кафе "Молодежное" - вот начало творческой жизни Пономарева. В 70-е годы герой книги уезжает в США и вскоре становится трубачом известнейшего джаз-оркестра "Арт Блэки и Посланцы Джаза" в Нью-Йорке, о работе в котором Пономарев мечтал с юности. Приключения эмигранта изображены в череде живых бытовых сценок. Яркие портретные зарисовки посвящены встречам с лидерами американского джаза. Книга адресована самому широкому кругу читателей....
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Рождение внутреннего человека Джоэл Мари Тойч
Книга записана доктором физики,выдающимся консультантом по психогенетике человека Ч.К.Тойчем со слов его жены, учителя и вдохновителя, Джоэл Тойч. В ней с исключительной лаконичностью и простотой дается исчерпывающий ответ на самый главный вопрос, который задавал, задает и будет задавать себе любой человек, - вопрос о смысле жизни. Авторы видят этот смысл в эволюции сознания... Каждая страница книги пропитана несгибаемой верой в великое предназначение человека, которая наполняет каждого, кто ее читает......
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How to Manage a Successful Software Project: With Microsoft(r) Project 2000, 2nd Edition. Sanjiv Purba, Bharat Shah . Книги.
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