The Promise of Development: Theories of Change in Latin America

Peter Klaren

  The Promise of Development: Theories of Change in Latin America  Peter Klaren  In recent years Latin Americanists have been among the most innovative and productive theorists about the uneven process of development. This collection of substantial selections from some of the most prominent theorists in the field represents a scholarly consolidation and reassessment of the controversies concerning the development of Latin America.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In recent years Latin Americanists have been among the most innovative and productive theorists about the uneven process of development. This collection of substantial selections from some of the most prominent theorists in the field represents a scholarly consolidation and reassessment of the controversies concerning the development of Latin America....

Speculation and Financial Markets (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, 143)

Liam A. Gallagher, Mark P. Taylor

  Speculation and Financial Markets (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, 143)  Liam A. Gallagher, Mark P. Taylor  This authoritative two-volume collection brings together a comprehensive selection of over forty previously published articles which include seminal and recent contributions in the area of speculation and financial markets. The volumes present the key theoretical and applied research in the pricing of assets, market efficiency and behavioral finance. The articles explore speculative behavior in finance and the main financial markets including the stock market, the bond market and the market for foreign exchange and derivatives. Speculation and Financial Markets will be an essential source of reference for researchers, students and practitioners. It will also be an invaluable companion to intermediate and advanced texts on financial markets.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This authoritative two-volume collection brings together a comprehensive selection of over forty previously published articles which include seminal and recent contributions in the area of speculation and financial markets. The volumes present the key theoretical and applied research in the pricing of assets, market efficiency and behavioral finance. The articles explore speculative behavior in finance and the main financial markets including the stock market, the bond market and the market for foreign exchange and derivatives. Speculation and Financial Markets will be an essential source of reference for researchers, students and practitioners. It will also be an invaluable companion to intermediate and advanced texts on financial markets....

Foreign Exchange Black Markets in Latin America

Robert E. Grosse

  Foreign Exchange Black Markets in Latin America  Robert E. Grosse  Foreign exchange black markets in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica and Peru were studied during the period 1990-93. This group of case studies presents a broad view of the phenomenon in Latin American at the beginning of the 1990s. This is not a traditional economic analysis of foreign exchange markets, for many reasons. Most importantly, since black markets are illegal by definition, they are not recorded in offical statistics and the participants are not easily identified. Nevertheless, these markets are often widely used and well known to people living in the Latin American countries, so it is possible to paint a reasonably accurate picture of them.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Foreign exchange black markets in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica and Peru were studied during the period 1990-93. This group of case studies presents a broad view of the phenomenon in Latin American at the beginning of the 1990s. This is not a traditional economic analysis of foreign exchange markets, for many reasons. Most importantly, since black markets are illegal by definition, they are not recorded in offical statistics and the participants are not easily identified. Nevertheless, these markets are often widely used and well known to people living in the Latin American countries, so it is possible to paint a reasonably accurate picture of them....

Patton on Leadership: Seventy Motivational Cards for Success

U s Games System

  Patton on Leadership: Seventy Motivational Cards for Success  U s Games System  One of the most powerful military figures in American history, General George S. Patton was famous for his unique leadership style. These cards were edited and selected from the book Patton on Leadership: Strategic Lessons for Corporate Warfare by Alan Axelrod. Contains 70 cards.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин One of the most powerful military figures in American history, General George S. Patton was famous for his unique leadership style. These cards were edited and selected from the book Patton on Leadership: Strategic Lessons for Corporate Warfare by Alan Axelrod. Contains 70 cards....

Condos, Co-ops, and Townhomes : A Complete Guide to Finding, Buying, Maintaining, and Enjoying Your New Home

Mark Weiss

  Condos, Co-ops, and Townhomes : A Complete Guide to Finding, Buying, Maintaining, and Enjoying Your New Home  Mark Weiss  Affordability. Location. Amenities. Convenience. Low maintenance. Community. These are just some of the reasons why property buyers across all regions and all demographic categories are making the markets sizzle for townhomes, condominiums, and cooperatives. Addressing the unique challenges to successfully buying these kinds of homes, broker and developer Mark B. Weiss brings his insider's depth of experience to mentor potential buyers. Sharing the knowledge and experience gainedin more than 15 years dealing with every type of real estate, Weiss presents comprehensive how-to information and brings it to life with true stories from his files. Weiss explains the pluses and minuses of condos, co-ops, and townhomes and the pros and cons of purchasing new construction versus pre-owned property. He outlines what to consider in detail for every step-from starting to look to financing to eventually selling-and provides sample forms that illustrate the process....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Affordability. Location. Amenities. Convenience. Low maintenance. Community. These are just some of the reasons why property buyers across all regions and all demographic categories are making the markets sizzle for townhomes, condominiums, and cooperatives. Addressing the unique challenges to successfully buying these kinds of homes, broker and developer Mark B. Weiss brings his insider's depth of experience to mentor potential buyers. Sharing the knowledge and experience gainedin more than 15 years dealing with every type of real estate, Weiss presents comprehensive how-to information and brings it to life with true stories from his files. Weiss explains the pluses and minuses of condos, co-ops, and townhomes and the pros and cons of purchasing new construction versus pre-owned property. He outlines what to consider in detail for every step-from starting to look to financing to eventually selling-and provides sample forms that illustrate the process.......

<<<  Ойратская версия "Истории о Молон-тойне".              Малахов+. Выпуск 31. Сорнякам здесь не место.  >>>

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The Promise of Development: Theories of Change in Latin America. Peter Klaren . Книги.

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