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Ойратская версия "Истории о Молон-тойне"
Санкт-Петербург. Памятники культуры Востока. Ойратская версия "Истории о Молон-тойне". "История о Молон-тойне" (санскр. Маудгальяяна) - произведение так называемого народного буддизма, пользовалось большой популярностью среди монгольских народов. Сочинение повествует о посещении праведным Молон-тойном ада в поисках своей грешной матери. В настоящем издании публикуется уникальная ойратская рукопись XVIII в. из собрания Санкт- Петербургского филиала Института востоковедения РАН. Исследовательская часть книги посвящена сравнению содержания всех известных текстов сочинений на эту тему на монгольском, тибетском и китайском языках....
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Labor's War at Home: The Cio in World War II (Labor in Crisis) Nelson Lichtenstein
Labor's War at Home examines a critical period in American political and labour history, beginning with the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939 through the wave of major industrial strikes that followed the war and accompanied the reconversion to a peacetime economy. Professor Lichtenstein is concerned both with the internal organizations and social dynamics of the labor movement (especially the Congress of Industrial Organizations), and with the relationship between the CIO, as well as other bodies of organized labor, and the Roosevelt administration. He argues that tensions within the labor movement and within the ranks of American business profoundly affected government policy during the war and the nature of organized labor's political arrangements worked out during the war established the foundations of social stability and labor politics that came to characterize the postwar world....
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Institutions, Livelihoods and the Environment: Change and Response in Mainland Southeast Asia Almud Weitz, Per Ronnas
This book provides a detailed description of the significant economic and social changes that have occurred within mainland Southeast Asia. It attributes the current growth to the integration of previously isolated rural areas that have become more economically integrated, such as Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Yunnan in China. Also included is a discussion on significant environmental degradation such as deforestation, disturbance of water flow, and depletion of biodiversity resources that result from continued growth....
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Market Dominance David I. Rosenbaum
Economic theorizing suggests that firms can acquire and maintain market dominance in a number of ways. Some economists argue that firms attain dominance only by being relatively more efficient than their rivals and retain leadership only by staying more efficient than their rivals. Others argue that efficiency is not the only source of dominance and that leaders can retain ascendancy even if they are inefficient. This book attempts to sort out the relevant points by exploring market dominance as it has been experienced by firms in ten different industries. The results suggest that both schools make valid points. While firms generally used efficient strategies to reach preeminence, some chose predatory policies to gain market share. While all used assorted efficient strategies to maintain their dominance, many remained dominant long after their efficiencies had evaporated....
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Your Old Wiring David E. Shapiro
*Written by a master electrician this book shows homeowners and do-it-yourselfers how to go behind the walls of their old homes and correct messy, outdated wiring *Packed with over 250 photos and illustrations, 10 common wiring projects (like installing ceiling fans) and before and after photographs *The only house wiring book that shows how to identify and correct old electrical wiring, simply and safely...
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Ойратская версия "Истории о Молон-тойне". . Книги.
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