В глубь времени

Анатолий Сафронов

  В глубь времени  Анатолий Сафронов  Военное издательство.   Роман в стихах Героя Социалистического Труда Анатолия Софронова повествует о судьбах людей, на долю которых выпали годы первых пятилеток, суровые испытания Великой Отечественной войны, грандиозное созидание послевоенных лет.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Военное издательство. Роман в стихах Героя Социалистического Труда Анатолия Софронова повествует о судьбах людей, на долю которых выпали годы первых пятилеток, суровые испытания Великой Отечественной войны, грандиозное созидание послевоенных лет....

Me 'n Dad: A Scrapbook Journal

Smart Kids Publishing

  Me 'n Dad: A Scrapbook Journal  Smart Kids Publishing  With an interactive website and personal art studio access included with purchase, the Me 'n Dad: A Scrapbook Journal provides everything dads and kids need to collaborate on a keepsake project that will be cherished for years to come. The questionnaires, customizable scrapbook pages, and fun video games help build new lines of communication and strengthen the bond between parent and child. Perfect for dads who must be away from their families, the Me 'n Dad: A Scrapbook Journal keeps fathers and kids close, no matter how many miles may separate them. Ages 5 and up.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With an interactive website and personal art studio access included with purchase, the Me 'n Dad: A Scrapbook Journal provides everything dads and kids need to collaborate on a keepsake project that will be cherished for years to come. The questionnaires, customizable scrapbook pages, and fun video games help build new lines of communication and strengthen the bond between parent and child. Perfect for dads who must be away from their families, the Me 'n Dad: A Scrapbook Journal keeps fathers and kids close, no matter how many miles may separate them. Ages 5 and up....

Taken by Storm

Angela Morrison

  Taken by Storm  Angela Morrison  Leesie Hunt has many rules: No kissing. No sex. No dating outside the Mormon faith. When Michael Walden?a deep-sea diver who lost his parents in a violent hurricane?arrives in town, Leesie sees someone who needs her. They fall for one another, even though his dreams are tied to the depths of the ocean and hers to salvation above. Will their intense chemistry be too strong to resist? Leesie and Michael must make the hardest choice of their lives: whether to follow their beliefs or their hearts. Readers will be swept away by this tale of forbidden romance told in online chats, Leesie?s chapbook poems, and Michael?s dive log. It?s as steamy as Twilight and just as clean.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Leesie Hunt has many rules: No kissing. No sex. No dating outside the Mormon faith. When Michael Walden?a deep-sea diver who lost his parents in a violent hurricane?arrives in town, Leesie sees someone who needs her. They fall for one another, even though his dreams are tied to the depths of the ocean and hers to salvation above. Will their intense chemistry be too strong to resist? Leesie and Michael must make the hardest choice of their lives: whether to follow their beliefs or their hearts. Readers will be swept away by this tale of forbidden romance told in online chats, Leesie?s chapbook poems, and Michael?s dive log. It?s as steamy as Twilight and just as clean....

Ф. М. Достоевский. Рассказы

Ф. М. Достоевский

  Ф. М. Достоевский. Рассказы  Ф. М. Достоевский  Карелия.   В книгу вошли рассказы известного русского писателя.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Карелия. В книгу вошли рассказы известного русского писателя....

New Concepts in Digital Reference (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval & Services)

R. David Lankes

  New Concepts in Digital Reference (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval & Services)  R. David Lankes  Let us start with a simple scenario: a man asks a woman Let us start with a simple scenario: a man asks a woman "how high is Mount Everest?" The woman replies "29,029 feet." Nothing could be simpler. Now let us suppose that rather than standing in a room, or sitting on a bus, the man is at his desk and the woman is 300 miles away with the conversation taking place using e-mail. Still simple? Certainly--it happens every day. So why all the bother about digital (virtual, electronic, chat, etc.) reference? If the man is a pilot flying over Mount Everest, the answer matters. If you are a lawyer going to court, the identity of the woman is very important. Also, if you ever want to find the answer again, how that transaction took place matters a lot. Digital reference is a deceptively simple concept on its face: "the incorporation of human expertise into the information system." This lecture seeks to explore the question of how human expertise is incorporated into a variety of information systems, from libraries, to digital libraries, to......

<<<  Земля Москва. Лев Колодный             Occupational Therapy - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, ... >>>

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В глубь времени. Анатолий Сафронов . Книги.

Дзержинск, Северск, Казань, Глазов, Курск, Арзамас, Прокопьевск, Набережные Челны, Черкесск, Елец, Петрозаводск, Ногинск, Березники, Орск, Ростов-на-Дону, Электросталь, Нефтеюганск, Новотроицк, Волжский, Вологда, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Ангарск, Астрахань,
Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Школа рисования| Исторические личности| Военные комедии| Музыка к фильмам, спектаклям| Квесты (Quest)| Средний и малый бизнес| Медицина. Фармакология| Фэнтези| Экранизации классической литературы| Русские писатели для детей| Исторические боевики| Финансовое и банковское право| Путешествия. Туризм| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич| Электронная бизнес-книга| История СССР| Криминальные триллеры| Военные комедии| Современный детектив| Полнометражные зарубежные мультфильмы| Кинематография зарубежных стран| Фантастические триллеры| Телесериалы| Вторая мировая война| Дорожные фильмы (road movies)| Естествознание| Фантастические боевики| Менеджмент| Биржевое дело| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич| Арабский, турецкий, иврит| Спектакли и театральные постановки| Молодежные приключения| Арабский, турецкий, иврит| Бытовая техника| Экранизации классической литературы| Химия| Романтические комедии| Энциклопедические словари| Книжки-вырубки| Медицина. Здравоохранение|
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