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Vault Guide to the Top Southern California Law Firms, 3rd Edition Vera Djordjevich
Vault offers a guide focused entirely on major law firms with large offices in Southern California. Covering more than 55 firms in the major legal markets of Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange County, this Vault Guide is the only insider's guide to law firms in sunny Southern California. Based on interviews and surveys of attorneys at each firm, it provides in-depth coverage of prestige, compensation, perks, corporate culture, and other legal lifestyle issues....
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Андрей Геласимов. Собрание сочинений Андрей Геласимов
ОГИ (Объединенное Гуманитарное Издательство). Год обмана, Рахиль, Жажда, Фокс Малдер похож на свинью, Ты можешь, Жанна, Чужая бабушка. Андрей Геласимов, филолог-германист по образованию, выпускник студии Анатолия Васильева. Один из самых удачливых дебютантов начала нового века, престижные литературные премии и читательскую популярность которому принесли книга "Фокс Малдер похож на свинью", повесть "Жажда", авантюрный роман "Год обмана". Андрей Геласимов стал первым лауреатом "Студенческого Букера-2004" (за роман "Рахиль"). Его произведения переведены на немецкий, французский, испанский, сербский и венгерский языки, он один из самых читаемых русских писателей во Франции. В сборник вошли все произведения, опубликованные на данный момент....
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Legal off Shore Tax Havens: How Take Legal Advantage of the IRS Code and Pay Less in Taxes Jesse Schmitt
Atlantic Publishing Company. An ever increasing number of Americans are convinced that our country is no longer the land of safety or opportunity when it comes to their money and investments. These people recommend transferring your money to offshore tax havens in such countries as Dubai, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Panama. In fact, it has recently been estimated that nearly 60 percent of the world s money is located in offshore accounts. Legal Off Shore Tax Havens will show you how to protect your money and remain legal while doing so. Off shore tax havens are sovereign nations that have laws in place that protect people s financial privacy, assets, and cash. In this new, exhaustively researched book, you will find out how to take advantage of this system. You will learn how the system works, how to develop business opportunities, how to avoid excessive taxation and regulation, how to bank and invest off shore, how to find the tax haven that is right for you, and how to avoid scams. In addition,......
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Imagen Corporativa/ Corporate Image: Estrategia Organizacional De Comunicacion Global/ Organizational Strategy of Global Communication
Moises Limon Pena...
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Adaptive IT Use
Heshan Sun...
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Vault Guide to the Top Southern California Law Firms, 3rd Edition. Vera Djordjevich . Книги.
Великие Луки, Арзамас, Норильск, Березники, Новый Уренгой, Электросталь, Магнитогорск, Новотроицк, Краснодар, Прокопьевск, Подольск, Астрахань, Подольск, Челябинск, Новокуйбышевск, Уфа,
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