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Евгений Долматовский. Собрание сочинений в трех томах. Том 3 Евгений Долматовский
Художественная литература. Москва. Евгений Долматовский. Собрание сочинений в трех томах. В третий том включены широко известные песни, созданные более чем за сорок лет, а также роман в стихах "Добровольцы", поэмы "Одна судьба", "Последний поцелуй", поэмы о Латинской Америке и другие....
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Nelson's Way Jonathan Gosling
Book DescriptionWidely admired as a celebrated and effective leader, Lord Nelson's dynamic approach to leadership and management is translated here with practical and contemporary insights for today's managers. Nelson's Way incorporates the latest research and joins a series of ground-breaking studies applying historical biography to business to create radical new insights into Nelson, his heroic exploits and legendary leadership skills, all set against the backdrop of the high seas, his personal passions, sacrifices and maritime victories....
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Pioneers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research (International Studies in Entrepreneurship) Hans Landstrom
Book Description Around the world there is an increasing interest in issues of small business and entrepreneurship. In a time with a lot of myths and opinions of the role of entrepreneurs and small business it is vital for a book like this to encapsulate the knowledge that can be gained from the most significant research contributions in the field. Such knowledge is often build upon empirical oriented methods providing policy relevant results for small business owners and entrepreneurs. The aim of Pioneers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research is first to provide a historical-doctrinal review of the development of entrepreneurship and small business research and, second, to present some of the key pioneers that have shaped the research field during the past three decades. The book focuses on the first recipients of the FSF-NUTEK International Award for Small Business Research including David Birch, Arnold Cooper, David Storey, Ian MacMillan, Howard......
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From Flanders to Florence : The Impact of Netherlandish Painting, 1400-1500 Paula Nuttall
Book DescriptionThis innovative book presents a fresh view of fifteenth-century Netherlandish art and the significance of its contributions to contemporary Italian art, notably in such areas as oil painting, landscape, and portraiture. Focusing on Florence, a prime center of Renaissance culture, the book explores for the first time the profound impact of Netherlandish works on Italian painters including Leonardo, Perugino, and Ghirlandaio. Paula Nuttall discusses Italian ownership of Netherlandishpaintings in the fifteenth century and the shared artistic concerns of Florentine and Netherlandish painters. She examines in depth the various means by which artistic contact occurred, the growth in demand for Netherlandish art in Florence, and the holdings of the Medici and other collectors. With particular emphasis on the period 1460–1500, when the vogue for Netherlandish painting was at its height, the author shows that the consequences of Italian exposure to Netherlandish......
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Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders John Mortimer
Book Description The Rumpole renaissance continues to build, and now the beloved barrister?s many followers have a special reason to rejoice: a sensational full-length Rumpole novel that at last relates the oft-mentioned but never revealed story of Rumpole?s first case, the Penge Bungalow affair. Looking back half a century into a very different world, Rumpole recalls a man accused of murdering his father and his father?s friend with a pistol taken from a dead German pilot. It was this trial and its outcome that put Rumpole on the map and shaped him into the cantankerous defender of justice that readers know and love. This is a must-read for every Rumpole fan and a compelling invitation to new readers....
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Евгений Долматовский. Собрание сочинений в трех томах. Том 3. Евгений Долматовский . Книги.
Краснодар, Екатеринбург, Барнаул, Волгодонск, Серпухов, Одинцово, Иркутск, Мытищи, Волжский, Набережные Челны, Арзамас, Новокузнецк, Бийск, Рыбинск, Иваново, Арзамас, Барнаул, Старый Оскол,
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