Синтагматика речи. Онтология и эвристика. Общая и английская синтагматика составных номинативных групп

С. Г. Тер-Минасова

  Синтагматика речи. Онтология и эвристика. Общая и английская синтагматика составных номинативных групп  С. Г. Тер-Минасова  Либроком.   В монографии ставится вопрос о важнейшем аспекте механизма речепроизводства (порождение речи) - синтагматике как учении о способах соположения минимальных значащих единиц языка в речи. Рассматриваются все виды синтагм - от производных и сложных слов до предикативных синтагматических единиц. В центре внимания - словосочетание как важнейшая уникальная единица языка и речи, теория и методы изучения словосочетания, его стилеразличительные возможности, роль в разработке методики преподавания иностранных языков, а также в повышении культуры речи. Книга предназначена для филологов, преподавателей иностранных языков, студентов и аспирантов филологических факультетов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Либроком. В монографии ставится вопрос о важнейшем аспекте механизма речепроизводства (порождение речи) - синтагматике как учении о способах соположения минимальных значащих единиц языка в речи. Рассматриваются все виды синтагм - от производных и сложных слов до предикативных синтагматических единиц. В центре внимания - словосочетание как важнейшая уникальная единица языка и речи, теория и методы изучения словосочетания, его стилеразличительные возможности, роль в разработке методики преподавания иностранных языков, а также в повышении культуры речи. Книга предназначена для филологов, преподавателей иностранных языков, студентов и аспирантов филологических факультетов....

DOING BUSINESS AND INVESTING IN TAIWAN (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library)

Ibp Usa

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Gibraltar Offshore & Customs, Trade Regulations and Procedures Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

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Governance of Inter-firm Innovation Projects: A Transaction Cost Perspective

Per Anders Sunde

  Governance of Inter-firm Innovation Projects: A Transaction Cost Perspective  Per Anders Sunde  Continuous technological innovation and valuecreation are often seen as crucial for the long termsurvival of companies. Traditionally, most innovationprojects were conducted within the boundaries of thecorporation. Nowadays, it has become increasinglymore common to involve key partners, even instrategic research and development work. One reasonfor this is the great potential for technologicalinnovations when cooperating more closely with keypartners. However, close cooperation with one or afew partners involves risks. Hence, appropriategovernance of inter-firm innovation projects is crucial. This book examines how inter-firm innovation projectsshould be governed to achieve superior innovativeperformance and value creation. The book provides newand important insights regarding the governance ofinter-firm innovation projects, and should thus be ofhigh relevance for academic scholars as well asbusiness executives.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Continuous technological innovation and valuecreation are often seen as crucial for the long termsurvival of companies. Traditionally, most innovationprojects were conducted within the boundaries of thecorporation. Nowadays, it has become increasinglymore common to involve key partners, even instrategic research and development work. One reasonfor this is the great potential for technologicalinnovations when cooperating more closely with keypartners. However, close cooperation with one or afew partners involves risks. Hence, appropriategovernance of inter-firm innovation projects is crucial. This book examines how inter-firm innovation projectsshould be governed to achieve superior innovativeperformance and value creation. The book provides newand important insights regarding the governance ofinter-firm innovation projects, and should thus be ofhigh relevance for academic scholars as well asbusiness executives....

Tools for High Performance Computing: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Parallel Tools for High Performance Computing, July 2008, HLRS, Stuttgart

  Tools for High Performance Computing: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Parallel Tools for High Performance Computing, July 2008, HLRS, Stuttgart  With the advent of multi-core processors, implementing parallel programming methods in application development is absolutely necessary in order to achieve good performance. Soon, 8-core and possibly 16-core processors will be available, even for desktop machines. To support application developers in the various tasks involved in this process, several different tools need to be at his or her disposal. This workshop will give the users an overview of the existing tools in the area of integrated development environments for clusters, various parallel debuggers, and new-style performance analysis tools, as well as an update on the state of the art of long-term research tools, which have advanced to an industrial level. The proceedings of the 2nd Parallel Tools Workshop guide participants by providing a technical overview to help them decide upon which tool suits the requirements for the development task at hand. Additionally, through the hands-on sessions, the workshop will enable the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With the advent of multi-core processors, implementing parallel programming methods in application development is absolutely necessary in order to achieve good performance. Soon, 8-core and possibly 16-core processors will be available, even for desktop machines. To support application developers in the various tasks involved in this process, several different tools need to be at his or her disposal. This workshop will give the users an overview of the existing tools in the area of integrated development environments for clusters, various parallel debuggers, and new-style performance analysis tools, as well as an update on the state of the art of long-term research tools, which have advanced to an industrial level. The proceedings of the 2nd Parallel Tools Workshop guide participants by providing a technical overview to help them decide upon which tool suits the requirements for the development task at hand. Additionally, through the hands-on sessions, the workshop will enable the......

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Синтагматика речи. Онтология и эвристика. Общая и английская синтагматика составных номинативных групп. С. Г. Тер-Минасова . Книги.

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