Трагедия личности

Эрик Эриксон

  Трагедия личности  Эрик Эриксон  Алгоритм, Эксмо.   Философский бестселлер.   По мнению Эрика Эриксона, современный человек болезненно реагирует на любое Алгоритм, Эксмо. Философский бестселлер. По мнению Эрика Эриксона, современный человек болезненно реагирует на любое "посягательство" на его личное пространство; зацикленность на собственном благополучии и безопасности не дает возможности человеку раскрыть свои творческие способности, не позволяет ему вполне реализоваться как профессионалу. Зачастую человек еще больше усиливает эту свою неспособность, ложно принимая ее за проявление индивидуальности и исключительности. Отсюда возникает конфликт между принятием "себя" и ощущением напрасности, бессмысленности прожитой жизни. В результате жизнь кажется ему напрасной тратой сил и чередой упущенных возможностей, у него возникает чувство отчаяния......

Здравствуй, Новый год! Книжка с наклейками

Виталий Лиходед

  Здравствуй, Новый год! Книжка с наклейками  Виталий Лиходед  Детский мир.   Книжка с наклейками.   Издание представляет собой стихотворение Виталия Лиходеда Детский мир. Книжка с наклейками. Издание представляет собой стихотворение Виталия Лиходеда "Здравствуй, Новый год!" с яркими иллюстрациями и наклейками....

Охотничьи анекдоты

  Охотничьи анекдоты  Вече.   Охотнику в ягдташ.   Анекдотические, забавные и даже поучительные истории об охоте, охотниках и неохотниках, о верных друзьях охотников - охотничьих собаках и их недругах - зверье. В форме рассказов, сказок, баек, афоризмов, советов. Словом, почитайте в дороге - станет веселее на душе. Для широкого круга читателей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Вече. Охотнику в ягдташ. Анекдотические, забавные и даже поучительные истории об охоте, охотниках и неохотниках, о верных друзьях охотников - охотничьих собаках и их недругах - зверье. В форме рассказов, сказок, баек, афоризмов, советов. Словом, почитайте в дороге - станет веселее на душе. Для широкого круга читателей....

Understanding the Global Spa Industry: Spa Management

  Understanding the Global Spa Industry: Spa Management  The spa industry is the fastest growing segment of the hospitality and leisure industry. Revenues generated exceed those from amusement parks, box office receipts, vacation ownership gross sales and ski resort ticket sales.Spa Management: a global perspective is the first book of its kind to methodically look at the whole industry, from its historical beginnings to the size of the market today, typologies, marketing, branding and business models. With contributions from internationally renowned practitioners and academics, this unique and groundbreaking book is packed with case studies, examples and advice for all those working in and studying the international spa industry.* A groundbreaking text investigating the practise of managing spas - the fastest growing area of the hospitality and leisure industry* Written by a team of internationally renowned practitioners and academics, packed with international case studies and examples* The first book to combine the economic, social and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The spa industry is the fastest growing segment of the hospitality and leisure industry. Revenues generated exceed those from amusement parks, box office receipts, vacation ownership gross sales and ski resort ticket sales.Spa Management: a global perspective is the first book of its kind to methodically look at the whole industry, from its historical beginnings to the size of the market today, typologies, marketing, branding and business models. With contributions from internationally renowned practitioners and academics, this unique and groundbreaking book is packed with case studies, examples and advice for all those working in and studying the international spa industry.* A groundbreaking text investigating the practise of managing spas - the fastest growing area of the hospitality and leisure industry* Written by a team of internationally renowned practitioners and academics, packed with international case studies and examples* The first book to combine the economic, social and......

Information and Public Choice: From Media Markets to Policymaking

  Information and Public Choice: From Media Markets to Policymaking  The ability of the media to affect outcomes in economic and political markets has been well documented. News reporting and advertising influence consumer behavior in goods and services markets by revealing (or selectively revealing) information about a product, acting as agenda setters to influence consumer demand, or enhancing competition in markets by alerting consumers to substitutes. In political markets, they can affect behavior by informing voters about a politician's views or actions, enlightening citizens to outcomes of public policy, or taking a stance on political, social, or economic issues. For businesses, households, and most others, the media is the main source of information on public policy choices and current social and economic conditions. As a result, what news the media chooses to gather, analyze, and disseminate and the slant they choose to put on what they report is of consequence. Information and Public Choice addresses the factors that affect the content...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ability of the media to affect outcomes in economic and political markets has been well documented. News reporting and advertising influence consumer behavior in goods and services markets by revealing (or selectively revealing) information about a product, acting as agenda setters to influence consumer demand, or enhancing competition in markets by alerting consumers to substitutes. In political markets, they can affect behavior by informing voters about a politician's views or actions, enlightening citizens to outcomes of public policy, or taking a stance on political, social, or economic issues. For businesses, households, and most others, the media is the main source of information on public policy choices and current social and economic conditions. As a result, what news the media chooses to gather, analyze, and disseminate and the slant they choose to put on what they report is of consequence. Information and Public Choice addresses the factors that affect the content......

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Трагедия личности. Эрик Эриксон . Книги.

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