East European Enterprises in the Process of Transformation to a Market Economy

Mirosaw Szreder, Miroslaw Szreder

  East European Enterprises in the Process of Transformation to a Market Economy  Mirosaw Szreder, Miroslaw Szreder  Since 1989 enormous changes have been experienced in Eastern and Central Europe by people and institutions. This book analyses the transition process from the perspective of enterprises in Bulgaria, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Russia. Various aspects of a firm's activities in transition are discussed by a distinguished group of contributors. The analysed issues involve: social impact of economic restructuring and privatisation (in Russia), transformation of organisational and managerial effectiveness, evolution of human resource management, development of small enterprises and entrepreneurship.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Since 1989 enormous changes have been experienced in Eastern and Central Europe by people and institutions. This book analyses the transition process from the perspective of enterprises in Bulgaria, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Russia. Various aspects of a firm's activities in transition are discussed by a distinguished group of contributors. The analysed issues involve: social impact of economic restructuring and privatisation (in Russia), transformation of organisational and managerial effectiveness, evolution of human resource management, development of small enterprises and entrepreneurship....

Transnational Insolvency: Cooperation Among the NAFTA Countries: International Statement of United States Bankruptcy Law

Jay Westbrook

  Transnational Insolvency: Cooperation Among the NAFTA Countries: International Statement of United States Bankruptcy Law  Jay Westbrook  This cutting-edge volume fully describes the bankruptcy law of the United States, and sets forth a comprehensive body of agreed-upon principles governing multinational insolvency cases in which the assets are located in one or more of the three NAFTA countries; and offers practical approaches to managing such cases based on those principles. In part influenced by ALI?s Transnational Insolvency Project, all three of the NAFTA countries have reconsidered aspects of their bankruptcy laws during the life of the Project. These changes are fully reflected in this timely and up-to-date volume.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This cutting-edge volume fully describes the bankruptcy law of the United States, and sets forth a comprehensive body of agreed-upon principles governing multinational insolvency cases in which the assets are located in one or more of the three NAFTA countries; and offers practical approaches to managing such cases based on those principles. In part influenced by ALI?s Transnational Insolvency Project, all three of the NAFTA countries have reconsidered aspects of their bankruptcy laws during the life of the Project. These changes are fully reflected in this timely and up-to-date volume....

Human-Computer Interaction (2nd Edition)

Alan J. Dix, Janet E. Finlay, Gregory D. Abowd, Russell Beale, Janet E. Finley

  Human-Computer Interaction (2nd Edition)  Alan J. Dix, Janet E. Finlay, Gregory D. Abowd, Russell Beale, Janet E. Finley  Extensively revised and rewritten in light of recent advances, this best-selling book is a comprehensive examination of human-computer interaction. It provides a multi-disciplinary approach to the subject through a synthesis of computer science, cognitive science, psychology and sociology, and stresses a principled approach to interactive systems design that fits a software engineering environment.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Extensively revised and rewritten in light of recent advances, this best-selling book is a comprehensive examination of human-computer interaction. It provides a multi-disciplinary approach to the subject through a synthesis of computer science, cognitive science, psychology and sociology, and stresses a principled approach to interactive systems design that fits a software engineering environment....

Introduction to Excel 2002 (3rd Edition)

David Kuncicky

  Introduction to Excel 2002 (3rd Edition)  David Kuncicky  Part of Esource ?Prentice Hall's Engineering Source, this book provides a flexible introduction to the use of Excel in engineering. Featuring over 25 modules and growing, the ESource series provides a comprehensive resource of essential engineering topics. Covers topics such as formatting data, formulas and functions, data analysis, database management, collaborating, and the World Wide Web. For any Engineer or Computer Scientist interested in a brief introduction to Excel.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Part of Esource ?Prentice Hall's Engineering Source, this book provides a flexible introduction to the use of Excel in engineering. Featuring over 25 modules and growing, the ESource series provides a comprehensive resource of essential engineering topics. Covers topics such as formatting data, formulas and functions, data analysis, database management, collaborating, and the World Wide Web. For any Engineer or Computer Scientist interested in a brief introduction to Excel....

Speech, Hearing and Neural Network Models

S. Nakagawa, K. Shikano, Y. Tohkura

  Speech, Hearing and Neural Network Models  S. Nakagawa, K. Shikano, Y. Tohkura  A wide range of fields of study support speech research. They cover many fields like for instance phonetics, linguistics, psychology, cognitive science, sonics, information engineering (information theory, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence), and it is an extremely difficult job to carry all of these in one body.The first half of this book gives detailed descriptions of engineering applications, that is the speech, hearing and perception mechanisms that form the basis for automatic synthesis and recognition of speech. The second half of this book gives a detailed explanation of speech synthesis and recognition based on a collective physiological approach, that is the artificial neural networks which imitate human neural networks and have once again been bathed in attention lately. The characteristics of this book are that, along with having engineers and technicians as its main targets, it explains engineering models based on speech science.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A wide range of fields of study support speech research. They cover many fields like for instance phonetics, linguistics, psychology, cognitive science, sonics, information engineering (information theory, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence), and it is an extremely difficult job to carry all of these in one body.The first half of this book gives detailed descriptions of engineering applications, that is the speech, hearing and perception mechanisms that form the basis for automatic synthesis and recognition of speech. The second half of this book gives a detailed explanation of speech synthesis and recognition based on a collective physiological approach, that is the artificial neural networks which imitate human neural networks and have once again been bathed in attention lately. The characteristics of this book are that, along with having engineers and technicians as its main targets, it explains engineering models based on speech science....

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East European Enterprises in the Process of Transformation to a Market Economy. Mirosaw Szreder, Miroslaw Szreder . Книги.

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