Большой шухер! ...или В бой идут старики

Валерий Тихомиров, Сергей Гуреев

  Большой шухер! ...или В бой идут старики  Валерий Тихомиров, Сергей Гуреев  Валери СПД.   Оригинальная история с присущей только Тихомирову и Гурееву иронией. В книге переплелись смешное и серьезное, вымысел и правда, настоящее и прошлое. Но самое главное - вы сможете хорошо провести время в хорошей компании с героями новой книги.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Валери СПД. Оригинальная история с присущей только Тихомирову и Гурееву иронией. В книге переплелись смешное и серьезное, вымысел и правда, настоящее и прошлое. Но самое главное - вы сможете хорошо провести время в хорошей компании с героями новой книги....

Смерть Запада

Патрик Дж. Бьюкенен

  Смерть Запада  Патрик Дж. Бьюкенен  АСТ, Terra Fantastica.   Великие противостояния.   Выживет ли Запад? Наступит ли возвещенный Ф.Фукуямой `конец истории` в ее западном варианте? Исчезнет ли феномен, на протяжении столетий формировавший образ человечества? На эти вопросы и пытается ответить в своей книге Патрик Дж.Бьюкенен, советник президентов Никсона и Рейгана, кандидат в президенты от Республиканской партии на выборах 1992 и 1996 годов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Terra Fantastica. Великие противостояния. Выживет ли Запад? Наступит ли возвещенный Ф.Фукуямой `конец истории` в ее западном варианте? Исчезнет ли феномен, на протяжении столетий формировавший образ человечества? На эти вопросы и пытается ответить в своей книге Патрик Дж.Бьюкенен, советник президентов Никсона и Рейгана, кандидат в президенты от Республиканской партии на выборах 1992 и 1996 годов....

Twenty-Five Years Behind Bars: The Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the U.P.C. at the Smithsonian Institution, September 30, 1999 (Wertheim Publications in Industrial Relations)

Alan L. Haberman

  Twenty-Five Years Behind Bars: The Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the U.P.C. at the Smithsonian Institution, September 30, 1999 (Wertheim Publications in Industrial Relations)  Alan L. Haberman  The bar code is now at the core of commerce, transportation, warehousing, manufacturing, and retailing, and its influence has spread to virtually every industry in the industrialized world. When this voluntary product code was first introduced in 1974, it led to the worldwide revolution in supply chain efficiency. To celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of this now universally embraced technology, the Smithsonian Institution sponsored a symposium. Gathered together in this volume, are the thoughts of eight speakers--with hands-on experience--concerning the development, diffusion, adoption, and applications of a truly groundbreaking technology. The volume concludes with papers from a panel discussion among those involved in creating the Universal Product Code, the foundation of the bar code.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The bar code is now at the core of commerce, transportation, warehousing, manufacturing, and retailing, and its influence has spread to virtually every industry in the industrialized world. When this voluntary product code was first introduced in 1974, it led to the worldwide revolution in supply chain efficiency. To celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of this now universally embraced technology, the Smithsonian Institution sponsored a symposium. Gathered together in this volume, are the thoughts of eight speakers--with hands-on experience--concerning the development, diffusion, adoption, and applications of a truly groundbreaking technology. The volume concludes with papers from a panel discussion among those involved in creating the Universal Product Code, the foundation of the bar code....

The Theory of Technological Change and Economic Growth

Stanislaw Gomulka

  The Theory of Technological Change and Economic Growth  Stanislaw Gomulka  What is the relationship between changes in the technology employed in the production process and growth in the economy as a whole? In this wide ranging exposition of the various economic theories of technological change, Stanislaw Gomulka relates them to rates of growth experienced by different economies in both the short and long term. Analysis of countries as diverse as Japan, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom demonstrate that there is an interdependence between technological change and the institutional and cultural characteristics of different countries which can have a profound effect on their rates of growth. All of the major, relevant models are discussed, including those of Kuznets, Phelps, Kaldor, and Hicks, but throughout the emphasis ison the creation of a unified theoretical framework to help explain the impact of technological progress on both a micro and macro scale.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What is the relationship between changes in the technology employed in the production process and growth in the economy as a whole? In this wide ranging exposition of the various economic theories of technological change, Stanislaw Gomulka relates them to rates of growth experienced by different economies in both the short and long term. Analysis of countries as diverse as Japan, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom demonstrate that there is an interdependence between technological change and the institutional and cultural characteristics of different countries which can have a profound effect on their rates of growth. All of the major, relevant models are discussed, including those of Kuznets, Phelps, Kaldor, and Hicks, but throughout the emphasis ison the creation of a unified theoretical framework to help explain the impact of technological progress on both a micro and macro scale....

Industrial Efficiency and Social Economy

Nassau W Senior

  Industrial Efficiency and Social Economy  Nassau W Senior  Senior's Senior's "Political Economy," published in 1836, has hitherto been regarded as the quintessence of his literary productions. Economists have generally mistakenly taken it for granted that with the publication of that work the author's economic contributions prematurely came to an end. These original documents, constituting the author's matured views on the general principles of economics, have been carefully arranged in logical sequence and embodied in the present comprehensive work. The scope of this treatise is confined to Senior's matured, or latest, views on the general principles of economics....

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Большой шухер! ...или В бой идут старики. Валерий Тихомиров, Сергей Гуреев . Книги.

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