Три аспекта женской истерики

Марта Кетро

  Три аспекта женской истерики  Марта Кетро  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Улыбайся всегда, любовь моя, Три аспекта женской истерики.   Все, что вы хотели узнать о женщинах, и то, чего вам знать не хотелось бы! Мир женщин, со всеми их достоинствами, недостатками, страстями, пороками, бесконечной преданностью и необъяснимым вероломством. В книгу вошли роман АСТ, АСТ Москва. Улыбайся всегда, любовь моя, Три аспекта женской истерики. Все, что вы хотели узнать о женщинах, и то, чего вам знать не хотелось бы! Мир женщин, со всеми их достоинствами, недостатками, страстями, пороками, бесконечной преданностью и необъяснимым вероломством. В книгу вошли роман "Улыбайся всегда, любовь моя" и повесть "Три аспекта женской истерики"....

Applied Weed Science: Including the Ecology and Management of Invasive Plants (3rd Edition)

Merrill A. Ross, Carol A. Lembi

  Applied Weed Science: Including the Ecology and Management of Invasive Plants (3rd Edition)  Merrill A. Ross, Carol A. Lembi  This introduction to the principles of weed science prepares readers to analyze real-life weed control problems and to develop integrated, practical approaches to solving them. Comprehensive in coverage and unique in presentation, it blends basic informn plant systems, soil systems, control methods, and management systems, and discusses various plants and herbicides by groups to provide an integrated framework from which to extend information to many different situations. For readers interested in weede.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This introduction to the principles of weed science prepares readers to analyze real-life weed control problems and to develop integrated, practical approaches to solving them. Comprehensive in coverage and unique in presentation, it blends basic informn plant systems, soil systems, control methods, and management systems, and discusses various plants and herbicides by groups to provide an integrated framework from which to extend information to many different situations. For readers interested in weede....

Application Architecture for WebSphere: A Practical Approach to Building WebSphere Applications

Joey Bernal

  Application Architecture for WebSphere: A Practical Approach to Building WebSphere Applications  Joey Bernal  IBM Press.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин IBM Press. -...



Diversity In Our Workplace

  Diversity In Our Workplace  Diversity in our Workplace reflects the mission of your workplace to deliver quality service while creating a diverse workplace environment. While this poetic little book is fun and enjoyable to read, it actually represents the major commitment that organizations have to ensure that respect and fair treatment is shown to ALL employees regardless of their race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. Great for use in conjuction with Diversity Training, New Hire Training, and/or Management Training. Diversity In Our Workplace is one of the 5 books in the Poetic Book Series. The book series is geared towards group and individual treatment programs, government, business and community organizations, and those seeking inspiration, empowerment and education. The books are designed to inspire those who are challenged by depression, frustration and lack of readily available resources. Readers...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Diversity in our Workplace reflects the mission of your workplace to deliver quality service while creating a diverse workplace environment. While this poetic little book is fun and enjoyable to read, it actually represents the major commitment that organizations have to ensure that respect and fair treatment is shown to ALL employees regardless of their race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. Great for use in conjuction with Diversity Training, New Hire Training, and/or Management Training. Diversity In Our Workplace is one of the 5 books in the Poetic Book Series. The book series is geared towards group and individual treatment programs, government, business and community organizations, and those seeking inspiration, empowerment and education. The books are designed to inspire those who are challenged by depression, frustration and lack of readily available resources. Readers......

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Три аспекта женской истерики. Марта Кетро . Книги.

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