The Coming First World Debt Crisis

Ann Pettifor

  The Coming First World Debt Crisis  Ann Pettifor  In this book Ann Pettifor examines the issues of debt affecting the first world or OECD countries. She traces the history and roots of where the current international debt crisis comes from--economic liberalization--and the restructuring of the international financial architecture in the early 1970s. The book goes on to explore the implications of high international indebtedness for governments, corporations, households and individuals. An important and unique contribution is Pettifor's discussion of the justice and morality of debt.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this book Ann Pettifor examines the issues of debt affecting the first world or OECD countries. She traces the history and roots of where the current international debt crisis comes from--economic liberalization--and the restructuring of the international financial architecture in the early 1970s. The book goes on to explore the implications of high international indebtedness for governments, corporations, households and individuals. An important and unique contribution is Pettifor's discussion of the justice and morality of debt....

Legitimacy Processes in Organizations, Volume 22 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations)

  Legitimacy Processes in Organizations, Volume 22 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations)  The purpose of this volume is to produce a collection of articles by leading social psychologists and organizational scholars that focus on legitimacy processes in organizations. Over the last two decades in social psychology within sociology, scholars have developed legitimacy theories that strive to show how legitimacy processes merge into structures. Also, in organizational research, issues of legitimacy processes are of central concern - for example, in neoinstitutional theory. Therefore, it is worthwhile to devote a volume that will address specifically how these legitimacy processes operate in organizations. This collection of papers will accomplish two goals. First, the contributors will have an opportunity to discuss how legitimacy processes contribute to our understanding of how organizations are structured and how they work. In addition, by examining legitimacy processes, the contributors will be able to explore the micro/macro implications of these...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The purpose of this volume is to produce a collection of articles by leading social psychologists and organizational scholars that focus on legitimacy processes in organizations. Over the last two decades in social psychology within sociology, scholars have developed legitimacy theories that strive to show how legitimacy processes merge into structures. Also, in organizational research, issues of legitimacy processes are of central concern - for example, in neoinstitutional theory. Therefore, it is worthwhile to devote a volume that will address specifically how these legitimacy processes operate in organizations. This collection of papers will accomplish two goals. First, the contributors will have an opportunity to discuss how legitimacy processes contribute to our understanding of how organizations are structured and how they work. In addition, by examining legitimacy processes, the contributors will be able to explore the micro/macro implications of these......

The World's Water 2006-2007: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources (World's Water)

Peter Gleick, Heather Cooley, David Katz, Emily Lee

  The World's Water 2006-2007: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources (World's Water)  Peter Gleick, Heather Cooley, David Katz, Emily Lee  Produced biennially, The World's Water provides a timely examination of the key issues surrounding freshwater resources and their use. Each new volume identifies and explains the most significant current trends worldwide, and offers the best data available on a variety of water-related topics. The 2006-2007 volume features overview chapters on: * water and terrorism * business risks of water * water and ecosystems * floods and droughts * desalination * environmental justice and water This new volume contains an updated chronology of global conflicts associated with water, as well as an assessment of recent water conferences, including 4th World Water Forum. It also offers a brief review of issues surrounding the use of bottled water and the possible existence of water on Mars. From perhaps the world's leading authority on water issues, The World's Water is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information and analysis on freshwater resources and the political,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Produced biennially, The World's Water provides a timely examination of the key issues surrounding freshwater resources and their use. Each new volume identifies and explains the most significant current trends worldwide, and offers the best data available on a variety of water-related topics. The 2006-2007 volume features overview chapters on: * water and terrorism * business risks of water * water and ecosystems * floods and droughts * desalination * environmental justice and water This new volume contains an updated chronology of global conflicts associated with water, as well as an assessment of recent water conferences, including 4th World Water Forum. It also offers a brief review of issues surrounding the use of bottled water and the possible existence of water on Mars. From perhaps the world's leading authority on water issues, The World's Water is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information and analysis on freshwater resources and the political,......

The Economic Implications of Aging Societies: The Costs of Living Happily Ever After

Steven A. Nyce, Sylvester J. Schieber

  The Economic Implications of Aging Societies: The Costs of Living Happily Ever After  Steven A. Nyce, Sylvester J. Schieber  The world is getting older and no one knows exactly what life will be like in tomorrow's older societies. But we do know that age dependency ratios--the ratio of retirees to workers--will be much higher than we see today. The combined effects of fewer workers, more retirees and longer retirement periods threaten not only the sustainability of pension systems but also the broader economic prospects of many developed countries. This analysis describes current trends in birth rates, longevity and labor force participation and productivity, the cross-border flow of capital, the globalization of labor markets, the financial viability of social insurance programs, and the ways economic output is shared between working-age and retiree populations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The world is getting older and no one knows exactly what life will be like in tomorrow's older societies. But we do know that age dependency ratios--the ratio of retirees to workers--will be much higher than we see today. The combined effects of fewer workers, more retirees and longer retirement periods threaten not only the sustainability of pension systems but also the broader economic prospects of many developed countries. This analysis describes current trends in birth rates, longevity and labor force participation and productivity, the cross-border flow of capital, the globalization of labor markets, the financial viability of social insurance programs, and the ways economic output is shared between working-age and retiree populations....

Vienna and Chicago, Friends or Foes?: A Tale of Two Schools of Free Market Economics

Mark Skousen

  Vienna and Chicago, Friends or Foes?: A Tale of Two Schools of Free Market Economics  Mark Skousen  In his new book, Vienna and Chicago, Friends or Foes? economist and author Mark Skousen debates the Austrian and Chicago schools of free-market economics, two schools in constant, heated disagreement in their theories of money, business cycle, government policy, and methodology.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In his new book, Vienna and Chicago, Friends or Foes? economist and author Mark Skousen debates the Austrian and Chicago schools of free-market economics, two schools in constant, heated disagreement in their theories of money, business cycle, government policy, and methodology....

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The Coming First World Debt Crisis. Ann Pettifor . Книги.

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