
Чак Паланик

  Невидимки  Чак Паланик  АСТ, Транзиткнига.   Альтернатива.   АСТ, Транзиткнига. Альтернатива. "Невидимки". Роман, который Чак Паланик написал задолго до "Бойцовского клуба". Тогда эту книгу оценили очень немногие. Теперь - наконец-то! - стало ясно: Чак Паланик был хорош всегда. Просто время воспринять его прозу настало не сразу... Эту книгу ее рассказчица пишет собственной кровью. Когда ее читаешь, возникает ощущение, что собственной кровью ее написал Чак Паланик......

Financial Statement Fraud: Prevention and Detection

Zabihollah Rezaee

  Financial Statement Fraud: Prevention and Detection  Zabihollah Rezaee  "Professor Rezaee has done an excellent job with a difficult topic. The book is well-written, thorough, and should be helpful to individuals interested in increasing integrity in financial reporting. Anyone involved in corporate governance, auditing, orregulation should find the book helpful." ?Steve Albrecht, Andersen LLP Alumni Professor and Associate Dean Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University Financial Statement Fraud provides thorough coverage of the nature and extent of financial reporting fraud. It describes the most successful methods for preventing, detecting, and controlling incidents of financial reporting fraud and offers reliable guidance from standard-setting organizations such as the AICPA and the SEC. Real-life case studies of companies guilty of such fraud?and a discussion of the consequences?help illustrate important concepts. For managers, boards of directors, and auditors, this book answers all the......

What's Your Net Worth?: Click Your Way to Wealth

Jennifer Openshaw

  What's Your Net Worth?: Click Your Way to Wealth  Jennifer Openshaw  From the founder of the Women's Financial Network, the only book that will help women use the Internet to better manage their money. Women are using the Internet more than ever--and more than men--to shop, to chat, and to manage their finances. As founder and CEO of the pioneering Women's Financial Network (WFN), Jennifer Openshaw has made it her mission to provide women with all of the advice and access they need to achieve financial security. Much more than a catalog of sites, What's Your Net Worth? is chock-full of tools to help women seize the opportunities that are available on the Internet, from IPO's to investment clubs, business financing, mortgages, retirement planning, and much more. It is packed with female-friendly advice to guide women toward financial prosperity.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the founder of the Women's Financial Network, the only book that will help women use the Internet to better manage their money. Women are using the Internet more than ever--and more than men--to shop, to chat, and to manage their finances. As founder and CEO of the pioneering Women's Financial Network (WFN), Jennifer Openshaw has made it her mission to provide women with all of the advice and access they need to achieve financial security. Much more than a catalog of sites, What's Your Net Worth? is chock-full of tools to help women seize the opportunities that are available on the Internet, from IPO's to investment clubs, business financing, mortgages, retirement planning, and much more. It is packed with female-friendly advice to guide women toward financial prosperity....

Angel First Aid: Rx for Success

Sue Storm

  Angel First Aid: Rx for Success  Sue Storm  Angel First Aid, Rx for Success, is a prescription for personal and professional prosperity. It is a guide to discovering and achieving one?s life purpose through simple techniques, affirmations, and remedies. Also included are case studies, miracle stories, and contributions from already successful individuals.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Angel First Aid, Rx for Success, is a prescription for personal and professional prosperity. It is a guide to discovering and achieving one?s life purpose through simple techniques, affirmations, and remedies. Also included are case studies, miracle stories, and contributions from already successful individuals....

Ancient Roots, New Shoots: Endogenous Development in Practice

Bertus Haverkort, Katrien Van 't Hooft, Wim Hienstra, Katrien Van t Hooft, Wim Hiemstra

  Ancient Roots, New Shoots: Endogenous Development in Practice  Bertus Haverkort, Katrien Van 't Hooft, Wim Hienstra, Katrien Van t Hooft, Wim Hiemstra  The projects represented in this volume explore the notion of endogenous development, or The projects represented in this volume explore the notion of endogenous development, or "development from within." It demonstrates how development can be based on locally available resources, knowledge, values and leadership institutions; how therecan be genuinely local determination of development options; and how the benefits of development within local areas and communities can be fostered. The remarkable experiments described in this collection show the rich benefits that can emerge from innovative projects that build on local resources, expand and spread local knowledge, maximize local control, respond to locally felt needs, and, with a selective use of external resources as well, identify development niches and opportunities. This volume will be of interest to development practitioners, anthropologists and sociologists....

<<<  Параллельные вычисления. В. В. Воеводин, Вл. В. ...             Мясные блюда.  >>>

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Невидимки. Чак Паланик . Книги.

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