Ответная операция

Василий Ардаматский

  Ответная операция  Василий Ардаматский  Вече.   Военные приключения.   Ответная операция, Опасный маршрут.   Произведения, включенные в эту книгу, давно вошли в золотой фонд отечественной военно-приключенческой литературы. Героям Вече. Военные приключения. Ответная операция, Опасный маршрут. Произведения, включенные в эту книгу, давно вошли в золотой фонд отечественной военно-приключенческой литературы. Героям "Ответной операции" - разведчикам и работникам ОГПУ - приходится немало потрудиться, чтобы очистить возрождающийся Берлин от остатков нацистской агентуры. А в "Опасном маршруте" рассказывается о жестком противостоянии сотрудников госбезопасности коварным проискам агентов западных спецслужб, пытающихся помешать мирной жизни страны, разгромившей фашизм....

On the Role of Paradigms in Finance (Alternative Voices in Contemporary Economics)

  On the Role of Paradigms in Finance (Alternative Voices in Contemporary Economics)  Kavous Ardalan  Kavous Ardalan  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kavous Ardalan...

Belarus Telecom Laws and Regulations Handbook (World Law Business Library)

Ibp Usa

  Belarus Telecom Laws and Regulations Handbook (World Law Business Library)  Ibp Usa  Belarus Telecom Laws and Regulations Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Belarus Telecom Laws and Regulations Handbook...

Bulgaria Diplomatic Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Bulgaria Diplomatic Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Bulgaria Diplomatic Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Bulgaria Diplomatic Handbook...

Simulation: Presentation Technique and Cognitive Method (Context Architecture)

  Simulation: Presentation Technique and Cognitive Method (Context Architecture)  Digitalization has transformed the discourse of architecture: that discourse is now defined by a wealth of new terms and concepts that previously either had no meaning, or had different meanings, in the context of architectural theory and design. Its concepts and strategies are increasingly shaped by influences emerging at the intersection with scientific and cultural notions from modern information technology. The new series Context Architecture seeks to take a critical selection of concepts that play a vital role in the current discourse and put them up for discussion. In the context of discussions of the medial, the notion of simulation plays a central role in architecture as illusion and imitation. In dialogue with information technology and computer science, however, that notion has now taken on a new quality in architectural discourse. Today when we speak of simulation we primarily think of Digitalization has transformed the discourse of architecture: that discourse is now defined by a wealth of new terms and concepts that previously either had no meaning, or had different meanings, in the context of architectural theory and design. Its concepts and strategies are increasingly shaped by influences emerging at the intersection with scientific and cultural notions from modern information technology. The new series Context Architecture seeks to take a critical selection of concepts that play a vital role in the current discourse and put them up for discussion. In the context of discussions of the medial, the notion of simulation plays a central role in architecture as illusion and imitation. In dialogue with information technology and computer science, however, that notion has now taken on a new quality in architectural discourse. Today when we speak of simulation we primarily think of "computer simulation," the technical ability to simulate processes. Whereas simulation......

<<<  Международное частное право. Краткий курс. О. О. Шерстнева             Методы синтеза адаптивных систем обеспечения информационной безопасности ... >>>

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Ответная операция. Василий Ардаматский . Книги.

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