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Multinational Enterprises, Innovative Strategies and Systems of Innovation (New Horizons in International Business Series)
Book DescriptionMultinational Enterprises, Innovative Strategies and Systems of Innovation explores the extent to which multinational enterprises (MNEs) are decentralizing the creation of new technological capabilities to various different countries. Thebook contends that technological strategies and innovation activities undertaken by firms are a critical part of the increasing internationalization of economic activity, and that MNEs are the main actors for these changes. It goes on to explain that MNEs must now effectively manage new technological assets in order to cope with extensive changes in the nature of international competition. Experts from a network of thirteen European countries attempt to promote a better understanding of tendencies towards a new international dynamic of technology creation and diffusion. The contributors to the book then explore the factors determining the process of decentralization and the resulting consequences for national systems of innovation.......
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The Hottest Ideas in Word of Mouth Advertising: What Works, What Doesn'T, What's Fake, and Why Godfrey Harris
Book DescriptionWord of mouth advertising is recognized as the oldest, least expensive, and most effective form of market promotion available. While it can be more productive than media advertising, public relations, and product packaging in generating sales, few understand how to launch and sustain a planned word of mouth program. The Hottest Ideas in Word of Mouth Advertising is the author?s seventh and most comprehensive book on the topic, a virtual encyclopedia of what works, what doesn?t, what?s fake, and why. More than 300 new, easy-to-implement, low cost, practical ways to use word of mouth advertising in promoting any product, service, idea, or event....
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Making Presentations Happen: A Simple and Effective Guide to Speaking with Confidence and Power (Making It Happen series) Michael Brown
Book DescriptionFilled with simple yet effective tips, activities, and checklists, this guide offers practical advice to take the stress and nervousness out of business presentations. Explained are a straightforward set of steps to help speakers overcometheir fears to present information clearly and confidently. Included are the best presentation tips; strategies for overcoming nervousness and developing rapport with the most difficult audiences; the most effective methods of persuading and convincing an audience; and advice on using audio-visuals with impact and handling questions, interruptions, and interaction with an audience....
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The Drama of Fallen France: Reading LA Comedie Sans Tickets (Stanley Fish) Kenneth Krauss
Book DescriptionExamines the role of the theatre in Paris during the Nazi occupation....
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Mr. Noah and the Cats (Start-Ups) Vashti Farrer
Book DescriptionBased on the Story of Noah's Ark, this is a quirky and irreverent adaptation of the Story of Mr. and Mrs. Noah, based on folk tales from different religious traditions....
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Multinational Enterprises, Innovative Strategies and Systems of Innovation (New Horizons in International Business Series). . Книги.
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