Doing Teacher Research: From Inquiry to Understanding (Teachersource): From Inquiry to Understanding (Teachersource)

Donald Freeman

  Doing Teacher Research: From Inquiry to Understanding (Teachersource): From Inquiry to Understanding (Teachersource)  Donald Freeman  One volume of the 13-title One volume of the 13-title "TeacherSource" series, this text examines the issue from three perspectives: teachers' voices - authentic accounts of teacher's experiences; frameworks - comprehensive discussions of theoretical issues; and investigations - inquiry-based activities....

Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Connectivity (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)

Hiroshi Nagamochi, Toshihide Ibaraki

  Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Connectivity (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)  Hiroshi Nagamochi, Toshihide Ibaraki  Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Connectivity is the first comprehensive book on this central notion in graph and network theory. The authors introduce various definitions of connectivity and their ramifications, related topics such as flows and cuts, and new concepts and algorithms that allow for quicker and more efficient computing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Connectivity is the first comprehensive book on this central notion in graph and network theory. The authors introduce various definitions of connectivity and their ramifications, related topics such as flows and cuts, and new concepts and algorithms that allow for quicker and more efficient computing....

Как я стала мамой

Мел Гидройс

  Как я стала мамой  Мел Гидройс  София.   София. "Потрясающе!" Daily Mail "Очень смешно!!!" "OK! Hot Stars" "Заслуживает самого широкого распространения - комично, без страха уронить собственное достоинство… профессионально сочетается с умом и легкостью изложения" "City to Cities" "Самые смешные воспоминания о беременности, из всех, что когда-либо были написаны" Сью Перкинс "Острые фразы и смелая откровенность Мел заставят смеяться любую женщину, прошедшую через роды, пеленки и бессонные ночи" "Daily Record"...

Key Population and Vital Statistics 2006: Local and Health Authority Areas

Office for National Statistics, The Office for National Statistics

  Key Population and Vital Statistics 2006: Local and Health Authority Areas  Office for National Statistics, The Office for National Statistics  This annual publication draws together the United Kingdom's key population and vital statistics into a single source. Key Population and Vital Statistics summarizes population, births, deaths, mortality and migration data for the UK. It includes breakdowns by countries, unitary authorities, local government districts, London Boroughs, health authorities and health boards.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This annual publication draws together the United Kingdom's key population and vital statistics into a single source. Key Population and Vital Statistics summarizes population, births, deaths, mortality and migration data for the UK. It includes breakdowns by countries, unitary authorities, local government districts, London Boroughs, health authorities and health boards....

Considering the Consequences: The Developmental Implications of Initiatives on Taxation, Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

J. C. Sharman, Percy S. Mistry

  Considering the Consequences: The Developmental Implications of Initiatives on Taxation, Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism  J. C. Sharman, Percy S. Mistry  What have been the consequences of recent regulatory initiatives on international financial centers in small countries? This study of three small Commonwealth countries—Barbados, Mauritius and Vanuatu—suggests that the costs of implementing these new standards have exceeded any identifiable benefits for the countries concerned. The main factor explaining the adoption of the new standards, in all three countries, is the fear of being blacklisted by international organizations in the event of non-compliance, rather than any identified benefit in terms of increased competitiveness. The authors consider how policy on anti-money laundering should be developed in the future, taking into account the particular concerns of small developing countries. The book will be of interest to all those engaged in setting international standards for financial regulation, and those regulating the finance industry in both large and small countries.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What have been the consequences of recent regulatory initiatives on international financial centers in small countries? This study of three small Commonwealth countries—Barbados, Mauritius and Vanuatu—suggests that the costs of implementing these new standards have exceeded any identifiable benefits for the countries concerned. The main factor explaining the adoption of the new standards, in all three countries, is the fear of being blacklisted by international organizations in the event of non-compliance, rather than any identified benefit in terms of increased competitiveness. The authors consider how policy on anti-money laundering should be developed in the future, taking into account the particular concerns of small developing countries. The book will be of interest to all those engaged in setting international standards for financial regulation, and those regulating the finance industry in both large and small countries....

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Doing Teacher Research: From Inquiry to Understanding (Teachersource): From Inquiry to Understanding (Teachersource). Donald Freeman . Книги.

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