Татуировки, боди-арт, пирсинг

Александра Кавелиус, Саша Вуиллимет

  Татуировки, боди-арт, пирсинг  Александра Кавелиус, Саша Вуиллимет  АСТ, Астрель.   Один из самых молодых направлений последних лет - тату и пирсинг - представлены в этой иллюстрированной книге. А также: боди-арт, советы по работе с гримом, менди, бинди, маникюр и многое другое.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Один из самых молодых направлений последних лет - тату и пирсинг - представлены в этой иллюстрированной книге. А также: боди-арт, советы по работе с гримом, менди, бинди, маникюр и многое другое....

Successful Steps to Modern English / Успешные шаги к овладению современным английским языком

Н. И. Рыжих

  Successful Steps to Modern English / Успешные шаги к овладению современным английским языком  Н. И. Рыжих  БАО-Пресс, Рипол Классик.   Книга БАО-Пресс, Рипол Классик. Книга "Successful Steps to Modern English" - "Успешные шаги к овладению современным английским языком" рассчитана на дошколят и детей младшего школьного возраста. Она составлена в соответствии с требованиями современной школьной программы. Все задания подобраны с учетом способностей и интересов детей. Они носят игровой и развивающий характер и направлены на формирование у ребенка иноязычной компетенции. Издание базируется на результатах современных психопедагогических и методических исследований, в частности "Young Learner Project" (Польша) по профессиональной подготовке методистов, учителей, а также англо-украинского проекта Британского Совета по прогрессивному развитию по теме "Переход от начальной к средней школе". Овладение начальными сведениями по английскому языку позволит ребенку общаться на элементарном уровне по освоенным темам, читать (самостоятельно или с помощью взрослого) детские книжки на английском языке, составлять пересказы по предложенному......

De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes

Leonhard Fuchs

  De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes  Leonhard Fuchs  Book DescriptionAfter nearly five centuries, Leonhart Fuchs? herbal, De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes (Notable commentaries on the history of plants), is still one of the most beautiful books in the history of science. The 512 superb wood-cut illustrations set the standard for fidelity and artistry in the depiction of plants. Until the Renaissance, Western herbals were largely repetitions of the work of the first-century Greek physician Dioscorides. In 1530, Fuchs, also a physician, saw anherbal by Otto Brunfels and immediately realized the value to his profession of accurately illustrating and describing plants. His work not only surpassed Brunfels?, but achieved a lasting influence that still inspires botanists today. This Octavo Edition shows every detail of Fuchs? herbal and includes an index of modern plant names linked to the corresponding woodcut. Commentary by Karen Reeds.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAfter nearly five centuries, Leonhart Fuchs? herbal, De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes (Notable commentaries on the history of plants), is still one of the most beautiful books in the history of science. The 512 superb wood-cut illustrations set the standard for fidelity and artistry in the depiction of plants. Until the Renaissance, Western herbals were largely repetitions of the work of the first-century Greek physician Dioscorides. In 1530, Fuchs, also a physician, saw anherbal by Otto Brunfels and immediately realized the value to his profession of accurately illustrating and describing plants. His work not only surpassed Brunfels?, but achieved a lasting influence that still inspires botanists today. This Octavo Edition shows every detail of Fuchs? herbal and includes an index of modern plant names linked to the corresponding woodcut. Commentary by Karen Reeds....

Knight Life

Peter David

  Knight Life  Peter David  ACE Books.   The legendary debut novel from New York Times bestselling author Peter David has been expanded and updated into a brand new edition. King Arthur, the once and future King, has been called forth by the wizard Merlin to lead a land in turmoil-the United States of America. But with no throne to sit upon, Arthur must run for elective office-starting with the Mayorship of New York City...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ACE Books. The legendary debut novel from New York Times bestselling author Peter David has been expanded and updated into a brand new edition. King Arthur, the once and future King, has been called forth by the wizard Merlin to lead a land in turmoil-the United States of America. But with no throne to sit upon, Arthur must run for elective office-starting with the Mayorship of New York City......

The Wizard of Oz Catalog: L. Frank Baum's Novel, Its Sequels and Their Adaptations for Stage, Television, Movies, Radio, Music Videos, Comic Books, Commercials and More

Fraser A. Sherman

  The Wizard of Oz Catalog: L. Frank Baum's Novel, Its Sequels and Their Adaptations for Stage, Television, Movies, Radio, Music Videos, Comic Books, Commercials and More  Fraser A. Sherman  Book DescriptionL. Frank Baum?s novel, The Wizard of Oz , has spawned 39 official sequels, over 100 unofficial sequels, well nearly 40 films, several TV series, music videos, commercials, computer games, radio shows and more. It has received anumber of different interpretations: an African-American slant, a Turkish low-budget fantasy, Japanese anime, and American pornography, among others. This book provides synopses and basic bibliographical information for the forty Oz books in the original series and a number of related books by the Royal Historians of Oz; synopses and credits for live performances (videos and made-for-television performances are included here) based on the Oz books and on Baum?s non- Oz fantasies; comic book and comic strip adaptations of Oz ; synopses and credits for radio shows and dramatic performances on audiobook or vinyl records; synopses and credits for theatrical films and shorts; documentaries and educational...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionL. Frank Baum?s novel, The Wizard of Oz , has spawned 39 official sequels, over 100 unofficial sequels, well nearly 40 films, several TV series, music videos, commercials, computer games, radio shows and more. It has received anumber of different interpretations: an African-American slant, a Turkish low-budget fantasy, Japanese anime, and American pornography, among others. This book provides synopses and basic bibliographical information for the forty Oz books in the original series and a number of related books by the Royal Historians of Oz; synopses and credits for live performances (videos and made-for-television performances are included here) based on the Oz books and on Baum?s non- Oz fantasies; comic book and comic strip adaptations of Oz ; synopses and credits for radio shows and dramatic performances on audiobook or vinyl records; synopses and credits for theatrical films and shorts; documentaries and educational......

<<<  Прокурор идет ва-банк. Александр Звягинцев             The Wealth of Nations, Books IV-V (Penguin Classics). ... >>>

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Татуировки, боди-арт, пирсинг. Александра Кавелиус, Саша Вуиллимет . Книги.

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