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Hispanics in the Workplace (Sage Focus Editions, Vol. 142) Stephen B. Knouse, Paul Rosenfeld, Amy L. Culbertson
As cultural diversity is increasingly placed on the organization agenda, managers and policymakers need to learn more about the impact of Hispanics in the workplace. Little research exists on this issue, even though Hispanics are the fastest growing minority in the US and comprise a significant portion of the work force. This volume presents original contributions from key researchers on such critical issues as acculturation and bias, mentoring and support systems, employment discrimination, and the special issues faced by Chicana and Puerto Rican women workers....
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Great Jobs for Psychology Majors Julie DeGalan, Stephen Lambert
This series helps students explore career options within their field of study. Every aspect of the job search process is covered, including assessing talents and skills, exploring options, making a smooth transition from college to career, conductingan effective job search, and landing the job. Each book is filled with a variety of careers chosen to complement an individual college major....
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Chinese Entrepreneurship and Asian Business Networks Thomas Menkhoff, Solvay Gerke
The degree to which the extensive business networks of ethnic Chinese in Asia succeed because of ethnic characteristics, or simply because of the sound application of good business practice, is a key question of great current concern to those interested in business, management and economic development in Asia. This book brings together a range of leading experts who present original new research findings, and important new thinking on this vital subject....
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Inventing the Nonprofit Sector and Other Essays on Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Nonprofit Organizations Peter Dobkin Hall
Philanthropy and voluntarism are among the most familiar and least understood of American institutions. The oldest American nonprofit corporation -- Harvard College -- dates from 1636, but most of the million or so nonprofits currently in existence were established after 1960. In "Inventing the Nonprofit Sector" and Other Essays on Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Nonprofit Organizations, cultural historian Peter Dobkin Hall describes and analyzes the development of America's fastest growing institutional sector....
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Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World Bill Bigelow, Bob Peterson
A diverse chorus of voices ring out from the pages of Rethinking Globalization, addressing some of the most complex issues facing our world today. Issues like sweatshops, child labor, hunger, debt and more. Features skillfully written prose, engaging photographs and poetry, and an intriguing collection of resources (role plays) for educators, parents, and anyone interested in delving into the realities of globalization....
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Hispanics in the Workplace (Sage Focus Editions, Vol. 142). Stephen B. Knouse, Paul Rosenfeld, Amy L. Culbertson . Книги.
Камышин, Серпухов, Первоуральск, Новочеркасск, Энгельс, Череповец, Ачинск, Смоленск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Ногинск,
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