Getting it Right in Print: Digital Prepress for Graphic Designers

Mark Gatter

  Getting it Right in Print: Digital Prepress for Graphic Designers  Mark Gatter  With this much-needed new book, designers learn precisely what they must do to prepare their brochures, posters, books, magazines, and other materials for trouble-free, high-quality printing. Addressing the single greatest challenge facing the professional designer today-calibrating images and layouts to match press specifications-the shows how to use common digital-layout and image-management programs to their best advantage. Delays and additional costs previously incurred to fix disappointing proofs can now be eliminated, saving designers both time and money. Supplanting other books on the subject, which focused on predigital practice and are now out of date, Getting It Right in Print explains prepress processes in easily understandable terms that will give designers a firm grounding in the fundamentals of this complex subject. Whether they are learning to adjust trapping to appropriate levels, mix colors successfully, or master techniques to make images (even ones...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With this much-needed new book, designers learn precisely what they must do to prepare their brochures, posters, books, magazines, and other materials for trouble-free, high-quality printing. Addressing the single greatest challenge facing the professional designer today-calibrating images and layouts to match press specifications-the shows how to use common digital-layout and image-management programs to their best advantage. Delays and additional costs previously incurred to fix disappointing proofs can now be eliminated, saving designers both time and money. Supplanting other books on the subject, which focused on predigital practice and are now out of date, Getting It Right in Print explains prepress processes in easily understandable terms that will give designers a firm grounding in the fundamentals of this complex subject. Whether they are learning to adjust trapping to appropriate levels, mix colors successfully, or master techniques to make images (even ones......

Josef Hoffman: Interiors, 1902-1913

  Josef Hoffman: Interiors, 1902-1913  Illustrated with color photographs of Hoffmann's masterpieces?on their own and as parts of interiors?this monograph focuses on significant aspects of Hoffmann's career: his early years as a member of the Secessionist Movement and founder of the Vienna Workshops, his role in the intellectual rebellion that took place in Austria; and his progression toward a Modernist ethic. It takes readers through four dazzling interiors designed by Hoffmann and furnished with his signature pieces, including furniture, wall and floor coverings, textiles, lighting, ceramics, glassware and metalwork. The overall effect of these rooms is to be transported to a world in which form marries function, and simplicity and refinement reign supreme.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Illustrated with color photographs of Hoffmann's masterpieces?on their own and as parts of interiors?this monograph focuses on significant aspects of Hoffmann's career: his early years as a member of the Secessionist Movement and founder of the Vienna Workshops, his role in the intellectual rebellion that took place in Austria; and his progression toward a Modernist ethic. It takes readers through four dazzling interiors designed by Hoffmann and furnished with his signature pieces, including furniture, wall and floor coverings, textiles, lighting, ceramics, glassware and metalwork. The overall effect of these rooms is to be transported to a world in which form marries function, and simplicity and refinement reign supreme....

Megatrends Europe: The Future of a Continent and Its Impact on the World

Adjiedj Bakas

  Megatrends Europe: The Future of a Continent and Its Impact on the World  Adjiedj Bakas  Among these imagined scenarios for the future of Europe is a vision of 2050 in which the European Union has been dismantled; Western Europe has become Islamic and has tied itself economically, politically, and culturally with Northern Africa and Turkey to become Eurabia; and in Middle and Eastern Europe, a New Europe has arisen, where non-Islamic migrants from Western Europe have found salvation. This gripping discussion of Europe's future and its impact on the rest of the world analyzes seven key trends, or Among these imagined scenarios for the future of Europe is a vision of 2050 in which the European Union has been dismantled; Western Europe has become Islamic and has tied itself economically, politically, and culturally with Northern Africa and Turkey to become Eurabia; and in Middle and Eastern Europe, a New Europe has arisen, where non-Islamic migrants from Western Europe have found salvation. This gripping discussion of Europe's future and its impact on the rest of the world analyzes seven key trends, or "megatrends," that will radically reshape European business, culture, people, thinking, beliefs, countries, and cities over the next 50 years. Providing insight into the new social, political, and economic landscape of Europe, this futuristic study explores current challenges in the development and marketing of products and services to provide a glimpse into the future of the New Europe....

380 экзаменационных сочинений

  380 экзаменационных сочинений  Экзамен.   В данный сборник включены сочинения по русской литературе по Экзамен. В данный сборник включены сочинения по русской литературе по "Перечню тем сочинений для подготовки к письменному экзамену по русскому языку и литературе за курс средней (полной) школы". Сборник содержит 380 сочинений по русской литературе на темы, связанные с творчеством писателей и поэтов XVIII-XX вв.: Г.Р.Державина, Д.И.Фонвизина, А.С.Грибоедова, А.С.Пушкина, М.Ю.Лермонтова, Н.В.Гоголя, М.Е.Салтыкова-Щедрина, И.С.Тургенева, И.А.Гончарова, А.Н.Островского, Л.Н.Толстого, А.А.Фета, Ф.И.Тютчева, Ф.М.Достоевского, А.П.Чехова, И.А.Бунина, С.А.Есенина, В.В.Маяковского, поэтов Серебряного века, А.А.Ахматовой, М.И.Цветаевой, О.Э.Мандельштама, Б.Л.Пастернака, А.Т.Твардовского, М.А.Шолохова, А.И.Солженицына и др., а также сочинения на свободные темы по произведениям русской литературы XIX-XX вв. Книга предназначена для выпускников и абитуриентов, учащихся средних школ, гимназий, лицеев....

Логопедия. Речь, ритм, движение

И. С. Лопухина

  Логопедия. Речь, ритм, движение  И. С. Лопухина  Корона-Век.   Ирина Лопухина - автор многочисленных книг по логопедии. Данная книга посвящена популярнейшему в мире направлению в логопедии - комплексному развитию речи, мышления и ритмики ребенка. Упражнения, приведенные в книге, помогут детям на фоне игровых движений скорректировать дефекты речи и, наоборот, основываясь на ритмике стихов, развить подвижность пальцев, координацию движений, эмоциональность, мышление. Основу книги составляют стихи, написанные автором за многие годы занятий с детьми, готовящимися к школе. Упражнения сопровождаются множеством картинок и фотографий. Книга рассчитана на логопедов, воспитателей дошкольных учреждений и родителей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Корона-Век. Ирина Лопухина - автор многочисленных книг по логопедии. Данная книга посвящена популярнейшему в мире направлению в логопедии - комплексному развитию речи, мышления и ритмики ребенка. Упражнения, приведенные в книге, помогут детям на фоне игровых движений скорректировать дефекты речи и, наоборот, основываясь на ритмике стихов, развить подвижность пальцев, координацию движений, эмоциональность, мышление. Основу книги составляют стихи, написанные автором за многие годы занятий с детьми, готовящимися к школе. Упражнения сопровождаются множеством картинок и фотографий. Книга рассчитана на логопедов, воспитателей дошкольных учреждений и родителей....

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Getting it Right in Print: Digital Prepress for Graphic Designers. Mark Gatter . Книги.

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