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Women, Work and Computerization: Charting a Course to the Future Ellen Balka, Richard Smith
This volume contains selected papers from the Seventh International Conference on Women, Work and Computerization (WWC 2000), which provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and users in the field of information technology. The conference was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and was held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in June 2000. Generous support for the publication of the proceedings was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. In this book, the authors discuss how different areas of society are being transformed by computer technology. Authors have placed particular emphasis on women's experiences as computer scientists, and the mechanisms through which approaches to system design and, system design methodologies contribute to the gendered nature of computing. Other areas of emphasis include gender differences in computer use, the use of computers in everyday life, and......
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Street-Smart Ethics: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul Clinton W. McLemore
Success, as it is currently defined, usually depends on winning?beating out the competition?which often places incredible pressures on business professionals. Street-Smart Ethics is divided into three sections: an action-packed primer on ethics, a collection of Proverbs-based guidelines for staying out of trouble, and a self-test that contains true-false questions as well as ethical brainteasers. With engaging writing and a lack of jargon, this book navigates executives, managers, and supervisors through the ethical decisions they must make every day. An indispensable resource for your briefcase!...
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Textiles and Apparel in the Global Economy (3rd Edition) Kitty G. Dickerson
One of the most widely-adopted sources for current and authoritative information for international textile and apparel economics. As the softgoods industry (textiles, apparel, and retailing) approaches the millennium, globalization is dramatically changing the way business is conducted; this valuable book prepares the reader to understand and to deal with those changes. Expands coverage of textile/apparel production and trade in Asia, Western and Eastern Europe, Central and South America, North America, Africa, Australia, and the Caribbean to provide a more complete view of the industry around the world....
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The Knowledge Entrepreneur: How Your Business Can Create, Manage and Profit from Intellectual Capital Colin Coulson-Thomas
This unique book puts a whole new spin on knowledge management. Rather than re-stating the importance of the knowledge economy, or detailing methods of knowledge management or acquisition, it explores how businesses can exploit their knowledge and information, focusing on the entrepreneurial opportunities that intellectual capital provides. Topics covered include: knowledge overload, creating enterprise cultures, monitoring trends, identifying opportunities, and how to build a knowledge-based venture. The book also provides chapter-by-chapter practical checklists for assessing the general potential and particular opportunities that information and knowledge offer. It includes a free CD-ROM which will contains checklists, forms and templates....
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A Manager's Guide to Technology Forecasting and Strategy Analysis Methods Stephen M. Millett, Edward J. Honton
Technology forecasting is one of the most formidable challenges facing many organizations. In A Manager's Guide... Stephen Millett and Edward Honton provide a guide for corporate and technology managers, planners, and analysts looking for a foundation on which to base technological forecasts and decision making. The authors assess 20 forecasting methods, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and suggest applications and uses. This book provides a profile of the technology forecasting and strategy analysis methods available today to guide input to the corporate decision making process....
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Women, Work and Computerization: Charting a Course to the Future. Ellen Balka, Richard Smith . Книги.
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