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Webmaster in a Nutshell, Third Edition Stephen Spainhour, Robert Eckstein
First, there was HTML. Then along came JavaScript. Close on the heels of JavaScript came CSS and before you mastered that, along came XML. Behind every successful web page is an overworked and underappreciated webmaster with a big pile of books about various web technologies spilling out across their desk. That collection of books is a valuable resource for delving into the topics at depth (and at leisure). But when you need an answer fast, the dog-eared book you'll turn to again and again isthe new third edition of Webmaster in a Nutshell . This concise and portable quick reference distills an immense amount of information on several languages and technologies into one compact reference book. This is one book that will pay for itself a thousand times over in time saved and increased productivity. Webmaster in a Nutshell puts a fast-paced introduction, detailed reference section, and quick reference guide to each technology all within easy reach. It's......
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Focus On Mod Programming in Quake III Arena Shawn Holmes
You've seen the cool mods that other developers have created for games like Quake. Now you're ready to try it for yourself. All you need to dive in and start designing is a copy of Quake III, a creative idea, and this book! Master the fundamental skills you'll need as you start with the basics of mod development and Quake III weapons programming. Then move on to code interaction as you begin to alter the user interface. Step into the ranks of true mod developer as you examine the development of a custom mod and cover ideas for future enhancements. Get ready to put your ideas into action!...
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Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology in the Classroom, Third Edition Gary B. Shelly
With World Wide Web integration and interactivity, extraordinary visual drawings and photographs, unprecedented currency, and unique lecture presentation materials, this book will make your introductory computer course for teachers exciting and dynamicanexperience your students will remember as a highlight of their educational careers!...
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Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2 Alain Rappaport, Reid Smith
The 22 applications described in this volume range from support for existing economic infrastructures such as monitoring foreign exchange transactions, assisting in recruiting industrial personnel, or screening news stories, to the creation of tomorrow'sinfrastructure elements such as software validation or planning for tunnel construction....
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Любовь навеки Патриция Райс
АСТ. Прелестная Пенелопа Карлайл не ждала от брака с суровым виконтом Грэмом Тревельяном ни счастья, ни радости. Заменить мать его осиротевшей дочери, честно исполнять супружеский долг и подарить лорду Тревельяну наследника - вот и все, что от нее требовалось. Но под маской безжалостного циника лорда Грэма скрывается пламенная душа настоящего мужчины - и он твердо намерен доказать юной супруге, что брак для женщины может быть не скучной обязанностью, но счастьем страсти, наслаждения и нежности!.....
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На главную
Webmaster in a Nutshell, Third Edition. Stephen Spainhour, Robert Eckstein . Книги.
ВеликийНовгород, Арзамас, Томск, Ульяновск, Балашиха, Южно-Сахалинск, Йошкар-Ола, Таганрог, Набережные Челны, Орск, Смоленск, Березники, Сочи, Ковров, Бийск, Брянск, Якутск, Златоуст, Ярославль,
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