Playing the Market: A Political Strategy for Uniting Europe, 1985-2005 (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)

Nicolas Jabko

  Playing the Market: A Political Strategy for Uniting Europe, 1985-2005 (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)  Nicolas Jabko  In the 1980s and 1990s, Nicolas Jabko suggests, the character of European integration altered radically, from slow growth to what he terms a In the 1980s and 1990s, Nicolas Jabko suggests, the character of European integration altered radically, from slow growth to what he terms a "quiet revolution." In this book he traces the political strategy that underlay the move from the Single Market of 1986 through the official creation of the European Union in 1992 to the coming of the euro in 1999. The official, shared language of the political forces behind this revolution was that of market reforms?yet, as Jabko notes, this was a very strange "market" revolution, one that saw the building of massive new public institutions designed to regulate economic activity, such as the Economic and Monetary Union, and deeper liberalization in economic areas unaffected by external pressure than in truly internationalized sectors of the European economy. What held together this remarkably diverse reform movement? Precisely because "the market" wasn't a single standard, the agenda of market reforms gained the support of a vast and......

Principles of Macroeconomics + DiscoverEcon code card

Robert H Frank, Ben Bernanke

  Principles of Macroeconomics + DiscoverEcon code card  Robert H Frank, Ben Bernanke  In recent years, innovative texts in mathematics, science, foreign languages, and other fields have achieved dramatic pedagogical gains by abandoning the traditional encyclopedic approach in favor of attempting to teach a short list of core principles in depth. Two well-respected writers and researchers, Bob Frank and Ben Bernanke, have shown that the less-is-more approach affords similar gains in introductory economics. Although recent editions of a few other texts have paid lip service to this new approach, Frank/Bernanke is by far the best thought out and best executed principles text in this mold. Avoiding excessive reliance on formal mathematical derivations, it presents concepts intuitively through examples drawn from familiar contexts. The authors introduce a well-articulated short list of core principles and reinforcing them by illustrating and applying each in numerous contexts. Students are periodically asked to apply these principles to answer related questions and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In recent years, innovative texts in mathematics, science, foreign languages, and other fields have achieved dramatic pedagogical gains by abandoning the traditional encyclopedic approach in favor of attempting to teach a short list of core principles in depth. Two well-respected writers and researchers, Bob Frank and Ben Bernanke, have shown that the less-is-more approach affords similar gains in introductory economics. Although recent editions of a few other texts have paid lip service to this new approach, Frank/Bernanke is by far the best thought out and best executed principles text in this mold. Avoiding excessive reliance on formal mathematical derivations, it presents concepts intuitively through examples drawn from familiar contexts. The authors introduce a well-articulated short list of core principles and reinforcing them by illustrating and applying each in numerous contexts. Students are periodically asked to apply these principles to answer related questions and......

China into the Hu-wen Era: Policy Initiatives And Challenges (Series on Contemporary China)

  China into the Hu-wen Era: Policy Initiatives And Challenges (Series on Contemporary China)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Elizabeth Peyton

Elizabeth Peyton

  Elizabeth Peyton  Elizabeth Peyton  American artist Elizabeth Peyton is one of the outstanding painters of her generation, a painter known for her intimate figurative portraits of youthful, romantic people, ranging from friends, to historical figures, to music world celebrities. Her work is intensely personal, but the subject becomes an intimate of both audience and artist. Peyton's ability to draw the viewer in is a result of her own fascination and curiosity about the figures she chooses. They are stylish in a timeless way and are at moments in their lives when they stand for their own ideals of independence, beauty, and artistry. Her manner is to paint small, devotional images in an American artist Elizabeth Peyton is one of the outstanding painters of her generation, a painter known for her intimate figurative portraits of youthful, romantic people, ranging from friends, to historical figures, to music world celebrities. Her work is intensely personal, but the subject becomes an intimate of both audience and artist. Peyton's ability to draw the viewer in is a result of her own fascination and curiosity about the figures she chooses. They are stylish in a timeless way and are at moments in their lives when they stand for their own ideals of independence, beauty, and artistry. Her manner is to paint small, devotional images in an "awkward, self-effacing way with an offhand intensity." Compiled by Peyton herself, the book chronicles ten years of inspiration, her works in many media, and her exhibitions, revealing the evolution of this exceptional artist who has been highly influential, in the words of the New York Times, in bringing "a return to beauty in art, a......

Lost Boys

  Lost Boys  Lost Boys, Slava Mogutin's first monograph, is a compelling collection of his portraits and landscapes taken over the past ten years?since he was exiled from Russia for Lost Boys, Slava Mogutin's first monograph, is a compelling collection of his portraits and landscapes taken over the past ten years?since he was exiled from Russia for "malicious hooliganism with exceptional cynicism and extreme insolence." Although it was his outspoken gay writing that angered the Soviet authorities, Mogutin's photographs caused just as much controversy. Provocative yet iconoclastic, his work transcends the conventions of male nude photography, confronting the viewer/voyeur with a raw style and new sensibility. A cross between porn and fashion, pop culture and marginal kink, Lost Boys is a poetic and sometimes raunchy journey into different obsessions and fetishes of the cosmopolitan urban youth culture. Crimean rasta boys, Russian wrestlers and military cadets, German skinheads, and football hooligans are among the subjects of these incendiary but intimate portraits....

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Playing the Market: A Political Strategy for Uniting Europe, 1985-2005 (Cornell Studies in Political Economy). Nicolas Jabko . Книги.

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