Коран. Полное руководство

Мухаммад Сарвар, Брандон Торопов

  Коран. Полное руководство  Мухаммад Сарвар, Брандон Торопов  АСТ, Астрель.   Шаг за шагом / The Complete Idiot's Guide.   Издание о Коране - священной книге мусульман - знакомит читателя с основными его темами, помогает преодолеть трудности в понимании его сути, разрушает стереотипные взгляды на многие аспекты ислама.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Шаг за шагом / The Complete Idiot's Guide. Издание о Коране - священной книге мусульман - знакомит читателя с основными его темами, помогает преодолеть трудности в понимании его сути, разрушает стереотипные взгляды на многие аспекты ислама....

Salt of the Desert Sun : A History of Salt Production and Trade in the Central Sudan (African Studies)

Paul E. Lovejoy

  Salt of the Desert Sun : A History of Salt Production and Trade in the Central Sudan (African Studies)  Paul E. Lovejoy  Book DescriptionA study of the organisation of the salt industry of the Sokoto Caliphate and Borno.Download DescriptionIn this study of salt production and trade, Professor Lovejoy examines the interaction between ecology, technology and social structureas a means of analysing the organisation of the salt industry of the Sokoto Caliphate and Borno. By concentrating on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Lovejoy is able to establish a base-line from which to interpret earlier changes in the salt trade and thereby assess the impact of politics and economy on the history of the trade. By the end of the nineteenth century, production depended upon a combination of slavery, free migrant peasants, and workers from the haddad artisan caste. A complex marketing network serviced the various salines, although this network was intimately connected with the distribution of other commodities, especially textiles, grain and livestock. An examination of this marketing system reveals...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA study of the organisation of the salt industry of the Sokoto Caliphate and Borno.Download DescriptionIn this study of salt production and trade, Professor Lovejoy examines the interaction between ecology, technology and social structureas a means of analysing the organisation of the salt industry of the Sokoto Caliphate and Borno. By concentrating on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Lovejoy is able to establish a base-line from which to interpret earlier changes in the salt trade and thereby assess the impact of politics and economy on the history of the trade. By the end of the nineteenth century, production depended upon a combination of slavery, free migrant peasants, and workers from the haddad artisan caste. A complex marketing network serviced the various salines, although this network was intimately connected with the distribution of other commodities, especially textiles, grain and livestock. An examination of this marketing system reveals......

Frank Hornby: The Boy Who Made $1,000,000 With A Toy

M. P. Gould

  Frank Hornby: The Boy Who Made $1,000,000 With A Toy  M. P. Gould  Book DescriptionFrank Hornby invented the train set, Meccano, the Dinky Toy and Scalextric. Born in 1866, he started his own toy manufacturing company. He Book DescriptionFrank Hornby invented the train set, Meccano, the Dinky Toy and Scalextric. Born in 1866, he started his own toy manufacturing company. He "started" because he read a book called Self Help by Samuel Smiles, which tells the stories of great men who have invented useful things. Originally published in 1915....

The Dynamic Macroeconomic Effects of Public Capital : Theory and Evidence for OECD Countries (Kieler Studien - Kiel Studies)

Christophe Kamps

  The Dynamic Macroeconomic Effects of Public Capital : Theory and Evidence for OECD Countries (Kieler Studien - Kiel Studies)  Christophe Kamps  Book DescriptionThis book analyzes the dynamic macroeconomic effects of public capital in industrialized countries. The issue of whether public capital is productive has received a great deal of recent attention. Yet, existing empirical analyses have been limited to a small set of countries. This book presents a new database that provides internationally comparable capital stock estimates for 22 OECD countries for the 1960-2001 period. Building on this database, the book estimates the dynamic effects of public capital using a variety of econometric methods. The results suggest that public capital is productive in OECD countries on average. The theoretical analysis based on a dynamic general equilibrium model shows that the effects of public capital depend crucially on the way the government chooses to finance additional spending.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book analyzes the dynamic macroeconomic effects of public capital in industrialized countries. The issue of whether public capital is productive has received a great deal of recent attention. Yet, existing empirical analyses have been limited to a small set of countries. This book presents a new database that provides internationally comparable capital stock estimates for 22 OECD countries for the 1960-2001 period. Building on this database, the book estimates the dynamic effects of public capital using a variety of econometric methods. The results suggest that public capital is productive in OECD countries on average. The theoretical analysis based on a dynamic general equilibrium model shows that the effects of public capital depend crucially on the way the government chooses to finance additional spending....

Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 9/e, (with DDB Needham Data Disk)

Delbert I Hawkins

  Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 9/e, (with DDB Needham Data Disk)  Delbert I Hawkins  Book DescriptionConsumer Behavior, 9/e, by Hawkins, Best, & Coney offers balanced coverage of consumer behavior including the psychological, social, and managerial implications. The new edition features current and exciting examples that are tied into global and technology consumer behavior issues and trends, a solid foundation in marketing strategy, integrated coverage of ethical/social issues and outlines the consumer decision process. This text is known for its ability to link topics back to marketing decision-making and strategic planning which gives students the foundation to understanding consumer behavior which will make them better consumers and better marketers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionConsumer Behavior, 9/e, by Hawkins, Best, & Coney offers balanced coverage of consumer behavior including the psychological, social, and managerial implications. The new edition features current and exciting examples that are tied into global and technology consumer behavior issues and trends, a solid foundation in marketing strategy, integrated coverage of ethical/social issues and outlines the consumer decision process. This text is known for its ability to link topics back to marketing decision-making and strategic planning which gives students the foundation to understanding consumer behavior which will make them better consumers and better marketers....

<<<  Культурология. Конспект лекций. Д. А. Силичев             Adaptivity and Learning: An Interdisciplinary ... >>>

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Коран. Полное руководство. Мухаммад Сарвар, Брандон Торопов . Книги.

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