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Тайные общества Джеймс Вассерман, Уна Бирх
. X-файлы. В данной книге перед вами раскроется таинственный мир. Вы встретитесь с легендарным Калиостро и масонскими ложами, которые разожгли революцию и оказали огромное влияние на социальный строй того времени. Алхимики, маги, иллюминаты и фраикомасоны, объединив свои усилия с политиками, учеными, философами, писателями, навсегда изменили культуру западной цивилизации....
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The European Union and the Accomodation of Basque Difference in Spain Angela K. Bourne
Manchester University Press. Europe in Change. Devolution has been an important tool in Spanish politics for managing nationalist disputes - and for the Basque Country where protracted and sometimes violent nationalist conflicts persist. Addressing these issues, this book explores prospects for an autonomous Basque role in EU politics; institutional arrangements for autonomous community participation in EU decision-making; Basque government alliances with other regions and the EU’s supranational bodies; EU incentives for collaboration among Basque and central state authorities; the impact of EU decisions on politically sensitive Basque competencies; and the incidence of EU issues in nationalist disputes. It presents a new theoretical framework for analyzing the impact of the EU on regional power and will be of interest to students, researchers and general observers of Basque, Spanish and EU politics....
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Выросла на грядке ты...
Карапуз. Рисуем по клеточкам. Задача этой книжки - развивать воображение, тонкую моторику пальцев и рук, тренировать умение ориентироваться в пространстве (и на листе бумаги), считать клеточки, пользоваться карандашом (правильно держать его, осваивать разный нажим, проводить линии, не отрывая грифеля от бумаги). Все это, как вы и сами понимаете, необходимые для письма навыки....
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iHave a Web Show! (iCarly) Laurie McElroy
iCarly it's about friends, family, building a web site and life! Carly and her best friend Sam turn a school assignment into a home-grown web show after their friend , Freddie, accidentally leaks a video of them onto Splash Face, a user-generated web site. Their instant popularity convinces Carly to turn iCarly into a weekly web show where they can say and do what they want--whatever they want! (continued) Fifteen-year-old Miranda Cosgrove is a regular on the covers of teen magazines as well as the star of iCarly. She has previously appeared in DRAKE AND JOSH (on Nick) and SCHOOL OF ROCK (w/ Jack Black) among others. She's slated to appear in the SCHOOL OF ROCK sequel. Additionally she appears on iCarly - Music From and Inspired by the Hit TV Show, which debuted in the #1 spot on Billboard's Children's Music chart upon its release in June. With Nickelodeon's marketing machine backing her up, Miranda is poised to be the next huge teen talent....
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Bad Frogs
They’re wild! They’re irrepressible! And they’re very, very bad! These gleefully naughty frogs are certain to tickle the inner imp in reader and listener alike.Calling all frog fans! Follow Thacher Hurd’s crew of 170 funny, funky BAD frogs as they slurp, burp, skateboard, parachute, and PLAY their way through the bright, action-packed pages of this rollicking book. A hoot to read aloud, this spirited romp will have kids reciting its froggy words and poring over the details in its froggy artwork from morning till midnight. Celebrate life! BAD FROGS FOREVER!...
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Тайные общества. Джеймс Вассерман, Уна Бирх . Книги.
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