Библия торговли

Джеффри Гитомер

  Библия торговли  Джеффри Гитомер  Питер.   Продажи на 100 %.   Питер. Продажи на 100 %. "Библия торговли" Джеффри Гитомера, обучающая искусству продавать, помогла сотням тысяч людей продвинуться в этом нелегком деле. Множество методов и технологий, изложенных здесь, представляют собой идеальное пособие для обучения ремеслу торговли. Книга позволит вам расширить свои знания процесса сбыта, поможет стать профессиональным продавцом, подскажет наиболее верное решение в трудной ситуации и раскроет секреты эффективной работы с клиентами. "Библию торговли" необходимо приобрести каждому, кто занят в сфере торговли....

Тропы песен

Брюс Чатвин

  Тропы песен  Брюс Чатвин  Логос, Европейские издания.   Travel Series.   Ранее прославившийся своим эссеистическим трэвелогом-исследованием Логос, Европейские издания. Travel Series. Ранее прославившийся своим эссеистическим трэвелогом-исследованием "В Патагонии", в "Тропах песен" Брюс Чатвин предпринимает путешествие внутрь еще одной мистерии, но уже на другом конце земли - во внутренней Австралии аборигенов....

ТАСС уполномочен заявить

Юлиан Семенов

  ТАСС уполномочен заявить  Юлиан Семенов  Вече.   Военные приключения.   Издательство Вече. Военные приключения. Издательство "Вече" в рамках популярной серии "Военные приключения" представляет проект по произведениям известного русского писателя Юлиана Семенова. Роман "ТАСС уполномочен заявить" написан на документальной основе. Его отличает лихо закрученный сюжет, замешанный на головоломных операциях наших контрразведчиков и бесславно проигранной партии агентов ЦРУ....

O'Donnell + Tuomey: Selected Works

Sheila O'Donnell, John Tuomey

  O'Donnell + Tuomey: Selected Works  Sheila O'Donnell, John Tuomey  In today's Ireland, it's not only the economy that's booming. Dublin-based architects O'Donnell + Tuomey have brought a wealth of exciting buildings to the Emerald Isle for the past seventeen years. Their striking modernist works show their appreciation for Ireland's rich cultural, historic, and civic identity without falling into the trap of typical pitched roofs, gables, slate, and brick. Instead the firm chooses less conventional but more fitting materials that seem to express something not quite visible about their sites. O'Donnell + Tuomey , the first monograph on the firm, presents fifteen of their institutional and residential projects in an arresting collection of color photography, plans, and drawings. The book includes the controversial Irish Pavilion at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, the Ranelagh Multidenominational School, the Irish Pavilion at the 2004 Venice Biennale, and their recent Glucksman Gallery at the University College Cork, which was one of six...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In today's Ireland, it's not only the economy that's booming. Dublin-based architects O'Donnell + Tuomey have brought a wealth of exciting buildings to the Emerald Isle for the past seventeen years. Their striking modernist works show their appreciation for Ireland's rich cultural, historic, and civic identity without falling into the trap of typical pitched roofs, gables, slate, and brick. Instead the firm chooses less conventional but more fitting materials that seem to express something not quite visible about their sites. O'Donnell + Tuomey , the first monograph on the firm, presents fifteen of their institutional and residential projects in an arresting collection of color photography, plans, and drawings. The book includes the controversial Irish Pavilion at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, the Ranelagh Multidenominational School, the Irish Pavilion at the 2004 Venice Biennale, and their recent Glucksman Gallery at the University College Cork, which was one of six......

A History of Western Art

Laurie Schneider Adams

  A History of Western Art  Laurie Schneider Adams  This beautifully presented text tells the story of western art in its historical and cultural context. A History of Western Art introduces your students to the major periods, artists, and artistic styles as they evolved over time. Your students will gain an in-depth understanding of important historical developments by focusing on fewer works in greater detail. This beautifully presented text tells the story of western art in its historical and cultural context. A History of Western Art introduces your students to the major periods, artists, and artistic styles as they evolved over time. Your students will gain an in-depth understanding of important historical developments by focusing on fewer works in greater detail. "I like the clarity and organization of the historical progressions, the inserts, plates, and maps. " - Joan V. Messenger, Miramar College " A survey is the most difficult kind of textbook to write and I think the author's achievement is very good. The text is accessible to the novice without being condescending. The complexity of successive periods in the history of art is introduced clearly and concisely - the introductory chapters on the formal elements of art are especially useful." - Michael Gur, Dickinson College...

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Библия торговли. Джеффри Гитомер . Книги.

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