Television Secrets for Marketing Success: How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels & Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You Blublocker(R) Sunglasses

Joseph Sugarman, Dick Hafer

  Television Secrets for Marketing Success: How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels & Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You Blublocker(R) Sunglasses  Joseph Sugarman, Dick Hafer  For anyone with a product or service and interested in selling it on television, this book unlocks the secrets of how to conduct a good campaign. It helps you to determine if you have a good product, how to select the best format for selling it and then how to take the steps to get on TV along with actual examples and real experiences told by the author.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For anyone with a product or service and interested in selling it on television, this book unlocks the secrets of how to conduct a good campaign. It helps you to determine if you have a good product, how to select the best format for selling it and then how to take the steps to get on TV along with actual examples and real experiences told by the author....

Living on the Edge of the Gulf: The West Florida and Alabama Coast (Living With the Shore)

David M. Bush, Norma J. Longo, William J. Neal, Deborah F. Pilkey, Luciana S. Esteves

  Living on the Edge of the Gulf: The West Florida and Alabama Coast (Living With the Shore)  David M. Bush, Norma J. Longo, William J. Neal, Deborah F. Pilkey, Luciana S. Esteves  The Gulf coast of Florida and Alabama is a fragile combination of barrier islands, low-lying marshes, and highly erodable mainland shores. In addition to sea-level rise, winter storms, and altered sediment supplies, hurricanes frequently damage or destroy the human developments and infrastructures that line this coast. Indeed, a single storm can cause billions of dollars in losses. Memories of such hurricanes as Camille, Frederic, Opal, and Andrew cause great concern for residents and property owners alike; events of equal magnitude are always just beyond the horizon and the uninformed have much to lose. The authors of Living on the Edge of the Gulf seek to counteract potential loss by providing an illustrated introduction to coastal processes, a history of hazards for the region, and risk-reduction guidance in the form of site evaluations, community mitigation techniques, and storm-resistant construction practices. Risk maps that focus on individual coastal beaches are designed...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Gulf coast of Florida and Alabama is a fragile combination of barrier islands, low-lying marshes, and highly erodable mainland shores. In addition to sea-level rise, winter storms, and altered sediment supplies, hurricanes frequently damage or destroy the human developments and infrastructures that line this coast. Indeed, a single storm can cause billions of dollars in losses. Memories of such hurricanes as Camille, Frederic, Opal, and Andrew cause great concern for residents and property owners alike; events of equal magnitude are always just beyond the horizon and the uninformed have much to lose. The authors of Living on the Edge of the Gulf seek to counteract potential loss by providing an illustrated introduction to coastal processes, a history of hazards for the region, and risk-reduction guidance in the form of site evaluations, community mitigation techniques, and storm-resistant construction practices. Risk maps that focus on individual coastal beaches are designed......

Клиническая нефрология. В двух томах. Том 2

  Клиническая нефрология. В двух томах. Том 2  Медицина.   Клиническая нефрология. В двух томах. Том 2.   Руководство представляет собой фундаментальный труд по клинической нефрологии, в создании которого приняли участие ведущие специалисты различных областей нефрологии. Руководство состоит из двух томов. Во втором томе нашли отражение такие важнейшие нозологические формы заболевания почек, как острый и хронический гломерулонефрит, хронический пиелонефрит, системные нефропатии, а также ряд редких заболеваний, опухоли почек, мочекаменная болезнь. В отдельных главах рассмотрены диспансеризация и реабилитация нефрологических больных, вопросы санаторно-курортного отбора при заболеваниях почек. В книге 53 рисунка, 27 таблиц, список литературы - 915 названий.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Медицина. Клиническая нефрология. В двух томах. Том 2. Руководство представляет собой фундаментальный труд по клинической нефрологии, в создании которого приняли участие ведущие специалисты различных областей нефрологии. Руководство состоит из двух томов. Во втором томе нашли отражение такие важнейшие нозологические формы заболевания почек, как острый и хронический гломерулонефрит, хронический пиелонефрит, системные нефропатии, а также ряд редких заболеваний, опухоли почек, мочекаменная болезнь. В отдельных главах рассмотрены диспансеризация и реабилитация нефрологических больных, вопросы санаторно-курортного отбора при заболеваниях почек. В книге 53 рисунка, 27 таблиц, список литературы - 915 названий....

Фэн шуй: как гармонизировать свою личность

Лем Кем Чун

  Фэн шуй: как гармонизировать свою личность  Лем Кем Чун  АСТ, Астрель.   Из этой книги вы узнаете об основных принципах фэн шуй и о том, как ваши личные качества влияют на вас и окружающий мир. Вы раскроете тайны своего АСТ, Астрель. Из этой книги вы узнаете об основных принципах фэн шуй и о том, как ваши личные качества влияют на вас и окружающий мир. Вы раскроете тайны своего "Я", обратившись к китайскому гороскопу, сможете проверить свою совместимость с близкими людьми. Полученные знания помогут вам справиться с вашими повседневными проблемами....

Big Book of FYI RFCs

Peter Loshin, Pete Loshin

  Big Book of FYI RFCs  Peter Loshin, Pete Loshin  The FYI Big Book is designed to provide Internet users wit h a central repository of information about an topics which relate to the Internet. FYIs topics may range from historical memo on The FYI Big Book is designed to provide Internet users wit h a central repository of information about an topics which relate to the Internet. FYIs topics may range from historical memo on "Why it was done this way" to answers to commonly asked operational questions. The FYIs are intended for a wide audience. Some FYIs will cater to beginners, while others will discus more advanced topic. An FYI may be submitted by anyone who has something to contribute and has the time to do so. In other words, while the standards track RFCs document protocol specifications and the Best Current Practices RFCs document ways to do thins on the Internet that are "blessed" by the IETF, these FYI documents represent a sort of collected wisdom of the Internet....

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Television Secrets for Marketing Success: How to Sell Your Product on Infomercials, Home Shopping Channels & Spot TV Commercials from the Entrepreneur Who Gave You Blublocker(R) Sunglasses. Joseph Sugarman, Dick Hafer . Книги.

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