Тайны ушедшего века. Границы. Споры. Обиды

Н. Зенькович

  Тайны ушедшего века. Границы. Споры. Обиды  Н. Зенькович  Олма-Пресс.   Досье. Книжная полка Николая Зеньковича.   Почему Россия отталкивает Белоруссию, которая хочет к ней присоединиться, и не отпускает Чечню, не желающую оставаться в составе Российской Федерации? Были ли конфликты между белорусами и русскими в прошлом? Сколько раз входила Белоруссия в Россию? Кто препятствует их новому объединению и способствует отторжению Северного Кавказа? Находится ли Россия в состоянии войны с Японией? На эти и другие острые вопросы отвечает известный исследователь тайных страниц современной истории Николай Зенькович. Большинство документов и фактов, приведенных в книге, публикуется впервые.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Олма-Пресс. Досье. Книжная полка Николая Зеньковича. Почему Россия отталкивает Белоруссию, которая хочет к ней присоединиться, и не отпускает Чечню, не желающую оставаться в составе Российской Федерации? Были ли конфликты между белорусами и русскими в прошлом? Сколько раз входила Белоруссия в Россию? Кто препятствует их новому объединению и способствует отторжению Северного Кавказа? Находится ли Россия в состоянии войны с Японией? На эти и другие острые вопросы отвечает известный исследователь тайных страниц современной истории Николай Зенькович. Большинство документов и фактов, приведенных в книге, публикуется впервые....

American Work Values: Their Origin and Development

Paul Bernstein

  American Work Values: Their Origin and Development  Paul Bernstein  State University of New York Press.   Suny Series in the Sociology of Work.   American Work Values: Their Origin and Development examines the broad shifts in American work values from their European origins to the present. It analyzes shifts from work as salvation to work as opportunity and alienation, and concludes with a more recent focus on self-fulfilling employment in a context of industrial downsizing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин State University of New York Press. Suny Series in the Sociology of Work. American Work Values: Their Origin and Development examines the broad shifts in American work values from their European origins to the present. It analyzes shifts from work as salvation to work as opportunity and alienation, and concludes with a more recent focus on self-fulfilling employment in a context of industrial downsizing....

A General Theory of Acquisitivity: On Human Nature, Productivity and Survival

Wayne Jett

  A General Theory of Acquisitivity: On Human Nature, Productivity and Survival  Wayne Jett  "Greed is Good." Is this the best argument to be made on behalf of human aspirations and the free market? Acquisitivity uproots the "greed is good" philosophy, showing it to be both wrong and largely irrelevent in defining human nature and the dynamics of economic progress. The author looks behind Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations to examine the origin and purpose of human conduct in the free market. The result is a purely conceived natural mechanism centered in each individual for efficient allocation of resources to the most productive and innovative person. Society is the indirect beneficiary. Acquistivity brings Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations to the Twenty-First Century where the acquisitive energy of every individual can ride the Internet. The stock markets, business, education and, hopefully, governments will never be the same again....

Liberalism and the Economic Order (Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol 10 No 2)

Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D., Jr. Miller, Jeffrey Paul, Fred Dycus Miller

  Liberalism and the Economic Order (Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol 10 No 2)  Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D., Jr. Miller, Jeffrey Paul, Fred Dycus Miller  With the collapse of Communist totalitarianism, the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union face political instabililty and an uncertain economic future. The people of the region are struggling to emulate the success of the West by moving toward Western-style democracy and markets. The essays in this volume address the liberal transition currently underway. Some of them explore the models offered by political theorists to guide the course of reforms. Some discuss obstacles to changeposed by existing attitudes, institutions, and cultural traditions. Some examine the nature of liberalism itself, and consider whether democratic politics and free-market economics can coexist without undermining one another. Some offer alternatives tospecific Western institutions, arguing that in certain cases it would be unwise for the East to follow the West. Addressing the issues from a variety of perspectives, the contributors to this volume offer valuable insights into the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With the collapse of Communist totalitarianism, the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union face political instabililty and an uncertain economic future. The people of the region are struggling to emulate the success of the West by moving toward Western-style democracy and markets. The essays in this volume address the liberal transition currently underway. Some of them explore the models offered by political theorists to guide the course of reforms. Some discuss obstacles to changeposed by existing attitudes, institutions, and cultural traditions. Some examine the nature of liberalism itself, and consider whether democratic politics and free-market economics can coexist without undermining one another. Some offer alternatives tospecific Western institutions, arguing that in certain cases it would be unwise for the East to follow the West. Addressing the issues from a variety of perspectives, the contributors to this volume offer valuable insights into the......

Papers in Honor of D. Gale Johnson (Economics of Agriculture, Vol 2)

John M. Antle, Daniel A. Sumner

  Papers in Honor of D. Gale Johnson (Economics of Agriculture, Vol 2)  John M. Antle, Daniel A. Sumner  D. Gale Johnson, one of the world's foremost agricultural economists, has over the last five decades changed the conduct of research on agricultural economics and policy. The papers brought together in The Economics of Agriculture reveal the breadth and depth of his influence on the creation of modern agricultural economics. Volume 1 collects for the first time in one source Johnson's most important work. These classic papers explore the consequences of government intervention in United States and world agriculture; the economics of agricultural supply and of rural labor and human capital issues; and the analysis of agricultural productivity in poor countries, including the centrally planned economies of China and Eastern Europe. Models of precise reasoning and powerful empirical research, the papers cover a wide range of topics--from U.S. commodity price policy to the economics of population control and farm policy reform in China. Volume 1 includes a definitive...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин D. Gale Johnson, one of the world's foremost agricultural economists, has over the last five decades changed the conduct of research on agricultural economics and policy. The papers brought together in The Economics of Agriculture reveal the breadth and depth of his influence on the creation of modern agricultural economics. Volume 1 collects for the first time in one source Johnson's most important work. These classic papers explore the consequences of government intervention in United States and world agriculture; the economics of agricultural supply and of rural labor and human capital issues; and the analysis of agricultural productivity in poor countries, including the centrally planned economies of China and Eastern Europe. Models of precise reasoning and powerful empirical research, the papers cover a wide range of topics--from U.S. commodity price policy to the economics of population control and farm policy reform in China. Volume 1 includes a definitive......

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Тайны ушедшего века. Границы. Споры. Обиды. Н. Зенькович . Книги.

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