Colombia Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library)

Ibp Usa

  Colombia Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library)  Ibp Usa  Colombia Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Colombia Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook...

Stability and Democratization: A Spanish Model?: Political, Economic and Social Factors that Influence Stability During a Democratic Transition

Adam Stoll

  Stability and Democratization: A Spanish Model?: Political, Economic and Social Factors that Influence Stability During a Democratic Transition  Adam Stoll  The purpose of this work is to analyze the relevant literature on democratization to determine which factors within a society contribute to an understanding of stability in a transition from authoritarian rule. While paying particular attention to case-specific historical characteristics and focusing on the importance of factor interaction, this work adds to the field of comparative democratization literature on transitional stability by facilitating comprehension through the creation of factor groupings: social, economic and political. The case of Spain is studied in detail because of the possible insight that may be gained by examining a transition from authoritarianism that overcame many destabilizing factors and ended in the apparent success of democratic consolidation. Although after a harmonized analysis of social, economic and political factors a Spanish Model of Democratization proves impossible to derive, many characteristics and processes of that specific transition can help...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The purpose of this work is to analyze the relevant literature on democratization to determine which factors within a society contribute to an understanding of stability in a transition from authoritarian rule. While paying particular attention to case-specific historical characteristics and focusing on the importance of factor interaction, this work adds to the field of comparative democratization literature on transitional stability by facilitating comprehension through the creation of factor groupings: social, economic and political. The case of Spain is studied in detail because of the possible insight that may be gained by examining a transition from authoritarianism that overcame many destabilizing factors and ended in the apparent success of democratic consolidation. Although after a harmonized analysis of social, economic and political factors a Spanish Model of Democratization proves impossible to derive, many characteristics and processes of that specific transition can help......

Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fA?r Klassifikation e.V., Albert-Ludwigs-UniversitA¤t ... Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)

  Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fA?r Klassifikation e.V., Albert-Ludwigs-UniversitA¤t ... Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)  Data analysis and machine learning are research areas at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics and statistics. They cover general methods and techniques that can be applied to a vast set of applications such as web and text mining, marketing, medical science, bioinformatics and business intelligence. This volume contains the revised versions of selected papers in the field of data analysis, machine learning and applications presented during the 31st Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation - GfKl). The conference was held at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany, in March 2007.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Data analysis and machine learning are research areas at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics and statistics. They cover general methods and techniques that can be applied to a vast set of applications such as web and text mining, marketing, medical science, bioinformatics and business intelligence. This volume contains the revised versions of selected papers in the field of data analysis, machine learning and applications presented during the 31st Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation - GfKl). The conference was held at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany, in March 2007....

Slack and Munificence: To what Extent is Slack Conditioned on Munificence? Extending the Behavioral Theory of the Firm

Thomas Sigerstad

  Slack and Munificence: To what Extent is Slack Conditioned on Munificence? Extending the Behavioral Theory of the Firm  Thomas Sigerstad  The accumulation and spending The accumulation and spending" of organizational slack is dependent on environmental munificence. Over five decades have passed since the "behavioral theory of the firm" formally introduced the idea of organizational slack. That theory constrained the accumulation of slack based on munificence in the organization's environment and suggested that in non-munificent environments organizations would shed themselves of slack. This work extends the "behavioral theory of the firm" by showing that munificence is of limited practical significance as a determinant of slack growth and decline. Removing munificence as a constraint increase the utility of the "behavioral theory of the firm". Prior slack strategies are the predominant determinant of current slack strategies and organizational structures based on resource ownership are changing. While this is not a new idea to those reading the relational contract or cooperative strategy literature it does offer a "slack strategy" to the rationale......

Крестьянский вопрос. Хрестоматия либерально-консервативных воззрений зарубежных и российских авторов XVIII-XX вв.

  Крестьянский вопрос. Хрестоматия либерально-консервативных воззрений зарубежных и российских авторов XVIII-XX вв.  ФГОУ ВПО РГАУ - МСХА им. К.А. Тимирязева.   В хрестоматии кратко представлены отрывки из трудов или статей более шестидесяти авторов, которые экономическое развитие страны связывали с сельскохозяйственным производством и необходимостью укрепления экономического, политического и социального статуса крестьянина на земле. Подробно представлены материалы столыпинской земельной реформы, которая ставила целью ликвидацию остатков феодализма в стране после 1861 г., а также ее идеологи, руководители и исполнители. Читатель познакомится с малоизвестными в нашей стране статьями российского ученого-экономиста Б.Д.Бруцкуса, в которых он еще в 1922 г. вскрыл недостатки экономической практики советского государства после 1917 г. и предсказал ее исход. Представлены строки академика А.Н.Яковлева, который видит будущее России на пути исполнения ФГОУ ВПО РГАУ - МСХА им. К.А. Тимирязева. В хрестоматии кратко представлены отрывки из трудов или статей более шестидесяти авторов, которые экономическое развитие страны связывали с сельскохозяйственным производством и необходимостью укрепления экономического, политического и социального статуса крестьянина на земле. Подробно представлены материалы столыпинской земельной реформы, которая ставила целью ликвидацию остатков феодализма в стране после 1861 г., а также ее идеологи, руководители и исполнители. Читатель познакомится с малоизвестными в нашей стране статьями российского ученого-экономиста Б.Д.Бруцкуса, в которых он еще в 1922 г. вскрыл недостатки экономической практики советского государства после 1917 г. и предсказал ее исход. Представлены строки академика А.Н.Яковлева, который видит будущее России на пути исполнения "семи "Д"": депаразитация, демилитаризация, денационализация, деколлективизация, демонополизация, деиндустриализация - экологическая, деанархизация и как общий......

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Colombia Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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